What happens when you get summoned by accident to another world alongside the heroes only to find the unique skill you got is the same name as your favourite MMORPG? and the real summoned Heroes are all Trash trying to ruin the world?
The trip was already half over as the caravan passed through a good number of villages and towns but the further they got from the outskirts the greater the threats became.
But alongside them so did the increased sense of security should you keep to the main roads as regular military patrols were seen every now and again.
Humans being a relatively weak race overall are only truly safe when they are able to defend behind their high walls, occasionally there are individuals who rise above but the typical human and even human adventurer is not safe should they ever wander into the forests or out of the plains.
Even the continent's great kingdoms and empires did not truly have total dominion over the entirety of the lands they laid claim to.
The plains still had numerous monsters roaming freely unchecked, while the forests were teaming with all sorts of dangerous unknowns to those passing by.
And while this world also had other races they had advantages in these other locations that humans did not.
Elves had agility and eyesight to survive the dangerous forests, while dwarves were hardy folk who could contend with the hard-hitting creatures in the mountain ranges, as for demons well from the stories the Marked Wolves could tell, other races were as of yet just the stuff of nightmares of children stories.
There were no demons at least not since the time of the first hero summoning as humanity and the allied races were at the cusp of defeat before the gods granted humanity the ability to nullify their weakness by summoning champions of their race to combat the growing hordes and their commanders the demons.
As for the other fantasy races while there were stories abound there wasn't really much evidence if any if they truly existed.
With the journey now half over the conversations between the Marked Wolves, and Satou was starting to become stale as he had no further questions and the answers he could give were fairly limited since he'd only been in this world now for around 2 months total now, and the things he'd done since coming here didn't talk even a day to talk about while they trundled on.
From the distance, a dreadful animal call sounded causing the caravan horses to all begin calling out in worry themselves.
The Marked wolves and Satou disembarked from their wagon and rushed towards it.
Name: Chimera
"Just what is a Chimera?" <Satou >
"CHIMERA!!" <Roseanne Quinella>
"Are you sure?" <Larr >
"That's what my skill's telling me at least" <Satou >
"Damn just our luck" <Anthony >
"Fight! Will win!" <Kurama >
The feisty kobold dashed out while the rest remained talking quickly taking fire from her wrist-mounted crossbow, while both paws clutched onto twin daggers.
but even as powerful as the purchased weapon was the bolts merely bounced off the monster's hide.
Choosing not to stand back as his companion is killed before his eyes Satou likewise dashed out towards the Chimera, since he was still hiding his powers from the Marked Wolves, he drew his newest sword which he'd purchased from the Niflheim store.
Using all his might behind his blade, but even still this weapon which was the height which Satou could afford at this time also only bounced off flesh leaving but a mere scratch while the beast itself had become annoyed at the pair who'd come to claim it's life while it was simply searching for it's own meal to snack on.
Being a quadruped beast it had a serious disadvantage against the pair however since it could only focus on one of them at a time, but would still whip its snake tail at whoever tried to claim its flanks.
The fight continued to wear on and in the distance, Satou could see as he took his eyes off the beast that the Marked Wolves were finally coming towards them.
But by doing so was a mistake at this singular moment when his eyes were off the beast, it performed it's first magical attack of the fight striking him with a wind blade.
Reeling back in shock as pain took over, switching the sword over to his offhand the fighting continued.
Blood continued to flow down his wounded arm scattering his otherworldly blood upon Terra,
The Wolves took up positions as the two vanguard fighters did their best to provide aid to the pair already engaged while Quinella and Roseanne cast spells and missle fire from a distance.
The battle wore on, and all the while the only signs that they were achieving anything were the scratches that Satou managed to make with his blade, each was shallower than the last since he was fighting with his offhand which to him was un-natural.
"Buy me some time, I need to fix my arm!" <Satou >
Saying so he backed off from the fighting and pulled up his inventory and because utilizing his consumable stores of potions to repair his injuries and return himself to his regular state.
"Gaaah!!!!!" <Anthony >
After having fixed his own wounds and about to return to the fight the beast succeeded at performing a swipe with it's fore paws, it's claws gouging out Anthony's flesh tearing off his arm in the process.
As his body fell to the grass floor having dropped his weapon and now clutching at the bloody stump that was his arm while the rest of it lay a few feet away.
His screams of agony filling the air
Quin and Rose moving forward in an attempt to pull him back from the frontlines,
Satou meanwhile dove back into the fray, using all his agility and strength to deliver as many hard blows as he could.
This continued on for a minute more before a change occurred.
"It's... it's slowing down" <Larr >
"Keep fighting!" <Satou >
The valient warriors carried their hopeless struggle while the fearsome beast before them did infact begin to slow it's movements and all across it's body hundreds if not thousands of tiny cuts had appeared and from those spread a blue coloration.
Not to much later the beast finally collapsed at their feet, before Satou lined up his sword on it's neck as Larr used the fallen Tony's shield to bash the pommel driving him the sword deep into the beast taking it's life.
Heyo hope you like the recent chapter, for those who don't already know the chapter title is a DnD reference to the Creature rating aka the difficulty level of said monster, I left it ambiguous to add in suspense but at the same time I really wasn't sure what else to call this section other than encounter.
as much as I dislike coming up with character names cause my naming sense is garbage I equally find it difficult to come up with section titles so I might be releasing some that don't have a title but just a chapter and section instead.