
mizpah love

Sarah, a rich and cold heiress of the famous Swans industry had lived a lonely life. She was born as an orphan and somehow during her studies in feel in love with a boy, Mike. who too was an orphan. however, a tragedy leads Mike to be dead and leave the world leaving Sarah alone. Noah Walker, a handsome man who had taken his father's almost bankrupt company, Sky interprises to new heights met Sarah during her high school days and took a liking twoards her but was never courageous enough to tell her. After years of hardwork and making his father's company stable, Mike ones again meets Sarah. and comes to know she's no other than the legendary CEO of swans. falling ones again for her he builds a new company Similie for her. however Sarah has long forgotten the meaning for love and does not accept Mike's love. Join Sarah and Noah to there love story to see what the destiny holds for them. . (this is my first book and I hope you like it. )

Iris_swift · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Chapter 6

All the time while driving twoards the hospital, I was praying continuously. but do the gods even help the orphans ? I don't know why but that question came to my mind. But I shook it off to the back of my head. 'Please wait for me Mike'.

in about twenty minutes I reached the hospital and went straight twoards the room number and the floor the stranger had sent to me.

on reaching there, I was once again shocked "James...?" I was not the only one shocked as I saw the surprised expression on his face "I-wow Sarah ?"

Mike and James were friends from college. although they still talked to each other sometimes, I never thought James would be the one to save him....

"Ja-James... how is Mike ? what did the doctors say ?"

"The surgery has been going on for almost an hour. the police gave me his phone due to which I was able to make a call. don't worry I'm sure he will be completely fine" he said to me in a reassuring way.

".....yes" I replied.

After an hour which seemed eternity to me, the doctors came out.

"Are you the patient's family?" he asked me

"yes" I replied.

"I see. well the patient is stable for now but we have a bad news for you. he has gone into a temporary coma. he can wake up either very soon or very late or never which I hope does not happens. since you are his family member please stay strong. you can help him recover by bringing in his favourite things like flowers or music that he likes. don't lose hope soon dear. I hope he will be completely fine" the doctor explained me.

"yes doctor I'll follow your advise" I said.

after some time Mike was wheeled twoards his ward

as I was lost in thoughts, James tapped my shoulders twice and said "I need to leave for America today around twelve. this is my phone number." he said handling me a card which read "Aurora"

"did you... start a company of yourself?" I asked him. he hummed in response and said "it's newly built and I'm going to meet some investors in America. Sarah as soon as Mike wakes up, please call me. and please ask for my help I'll try my best to help you guys out." he said as he patted my shoulders and said once again "I'll be leaving now. stay safe, Sarah"

I looked at James and said "thank you. thank you so much James !" I said as a low whimper left my mouth.

James hugged me tightly and said " Mike loves you and will not leave you. stop crying now and take care of him"

"yes, I will. thank you Mike. be careful and I hope you do well in your buisness" I said with a smile.

soon, James was gone and I too turned around to face Mike.

"baby. please wake up soon. I love you. it's too lonely here all alone." I said and kissed his forehead. I held his hands and did not know when sleep took over me add I slipped into a dreamland

due to my tests in school it has been hard to post regularly.

tell in comments what you think might happen next.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

( ◜‿◝ )♡



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