
mizpah love

Sarah, a rich and cold heiress of the famous Swans industry had lived a lonely life. She was born as an orphan and somehow during her studies in feel in love with a boy, Mike. who too was an orphan. however, a tragedy leads Mike to be dead and leave the world leaving Sarah alone. Noah Walker, a handsome man who had taken his father's almost bankrupt company, Sky interprises to new heights met Sarah during her high school days and took a liking twoards her but was never courageous enough to tell her. After years of hardwork and making his father's company stable, Mike ones again meets Sarah. and comes to know she's no other than the legendary CEO of swans. falling ones again for her he builds a new company Similie for her. however Sarah has long forgotten the meaning for love and does not accept Mike's love. Join Sarah and Noah to there love story to see what the destiny holds for them. . (this is my first book and I hope you like it. )

Iris_swift · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Chapter 5

"Sarah please tell me. please tell me what happened while I was not here" Noah said as he sat hugging her tightly in his embrace.

"Noah." Sarah sobbed as she continued speaking. "Noah it all happened so fa-fast. After college me and Mike started living together..."

*FLASHBACK* (Sarah's pov)

After college, me and Mike had decided to take a step further in our relationship. we had started living together. It was all great. Mike was a great person. As we did not have enough money, were living in a one bedroom flat at rent.

After settling me and Mike had started to search for work.

Mike worked as a simple office worker at day while as a chef in a small restaurant at night. I had started my own company by then. To pay off the rent and the loans for the house and company, Mike had worked a lot. when he would return home all tiered from work, I would ask him to leave the job of the chef but he would reply to me saying "I need to be a perfect boyfriend for my queen sarah." It was all great but ofcourse happiness does not last long for orphans.

one night while me and Mike were having our dinner, Mike recieved a call. the person on the other side said that the mother who used to take care of us was unwell and was admitted in xxx hospital.

We both got worried but since it was already late, Mike had asked me to stay at home. I told him that I also need to see mother but he said "someone needs to stay at home, Sarah. we cannot leave this house empty at night. Stay. I'm sure mom will be fine. let's meet her together tomorrow. I'll be back in no time." I agreed. he was right.

After about two hours, I got a call from him saying that mom was fine and that he would be heading home now. I was happy but somehow I was scared too. I had this feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

even after waiting for more than an hour, I couldn't contain my anxiety and called Mike. After calling, all it said in the monotonous computer voice was "the number you're dialing is currently switched off please, call again later" it was as if my heart had stopped beating for a second but I tried to stay positive 'probably his phone died'

After another thirty minutes, when I was about to call again I recieved a call. I could hear the sound of ambulance sirens at the background of the caller. 'no please God no' I prayed but all I got the reply of the person who was present at scene and had called the ambulance.

"Hello, are you a friend of Mr Mike ?. He was caught up in an accident. since you were his recent callers list I called you. if not you please send someone. hello? hello? "

I was shocked and scared. "yes I'm on my way please stay there until I reach the hospital" I said in my shaky voice.

I looked at the photo of lord Jesus and said 'please, please let me be happy now. I really cannot live without Mike. please save him...'

Was I late on updating ?

I'm sorry •́ ‿ ,•̀

I hope you like the chapter please leave a comment and tell me about how you like the story so far.

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