
mizpah love

Sarah, a rich and cold heiress of the famous Swans industry had lived a lonely life. She was born as an orphan and somehow during her studies in feel in love with a boy, Mike. who too was an orphan. however, a tragedy leads Mike to be dead and leave the world leaving Sarah alone. Noah Walker, a handsome man who had taken his father's almost bankrupt company, Sky interprises to new heights met Sarah during her high school days and took a liking twoards her but was never courageous enough to tell her. After years of hardwork and making his father's company stable, Mike ones again meets Sarah. and comes to know she's no other than the legendary CEO of swans. falling ones again for her he builds a new company Similie for her. however Sarah has long forgotten the meaning for love and does not accept Mike's love. Join Sarah and Noah to there love story to see what the destiny holds for them. . (this is my first book and I hope you like it. )

Iris_swift · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Chapter 12

**Present time**

Noah looked at the sobbing girl in his arms many years had passed since he first met her. Noah always thought his life was too tough. Working for his company all the time. Making deals, attending meetings but now that he thinks about it... these were just physical stress while this girl..she was working hard mentally too. He could never imagine his love to die right infront of him but she....she saw him lose his life.

Noah stared at Sarah and after a while said "Please... please get up I wish to pay respect" he said in a hushed voice.

Sarah slowly with the help of Noah stood and brought him to the place Mike was buried. Mike stared at the wet white lilies and fell on his knees as slow sobs left his mouth. He put his hand over his mouth and spoke "why...why did you leave.... didn't we promise to compare our lives after 10 years ? Didn't you say you would stay by Sarah for an eternity Mike ?" Noah spoke as he now cried. Sarah on seeing him couldn't control her tears as they silently left her eyes.

*after an hour*

Sarah was now driving Noah to his hotel as he needs to leave for another country soon.

Inside the car, they both sat silently as a slow piano music came from the speakers..

"Where are you living now ?" Noah asked

"Country X" Sarah replied without looking at him

"hah I'm leaving for country X tomorrow too... are you leaving today ?" Noah asked as he now stared at the girl

"yes.. my flight is in an hour or so" Sarah replied.

"What are you doing now ? For living ?" Noah asked as he now looked at the interiors of the car. His car was taken to repair by his bodyguards. "Nothing much...I just have a small company" sarah replied

"hmm ? this car speaks something else though" Noah asked

"it was provided by my company" She replied

"here" he gave her his card with phone number in it "call me once you reach the country and if you ever need any help" they had now reached infront of the hotel.

Sarah stared at the card and took it in between her fingers "sure" she simply nodded and looked as Noah left the car.

Noah was about to say something but Sarah had already drove her car away...

Sarah was standing infront of the airport as she looked at the card "so you think I'll call you when you never came out after all this years eh ? Mr Noah..*sigh* I guess I shouldn't have talked to him"

Sarah sighed and walked inside the airport. Her own personal jet was waiting for her there already and she sat inside it comfortably as it flew off to country X.

please please please comment as it makes me want to write more chapters my lovely readers ! Do not forget to vote !

Iris_swiftcreators' thoughts