
mizpah love

Sarah, a rich and cold heiress of the famous Swans industry had lived a lonely life. She was born as an orphan and somehow during her studies in feel in love with a boy, Mike. who too was an orphan. however, a tragedy leads Mike to be dead and leave the world leaving Sarah alone. Noah Walker, a handsome man who had taken his father's almost bankrupt company, Sky interprises to new heights met Sarah during her high school days and took a liking twoards her but was never courageous enough to tell her. After years of hardwork and making his father's company stable, Mike ones again meets Sarah. and comes to know she's no other than the legendary CEO of swans. falling ones again for her he builds a new company Similie for her. however Sarah has long forgotten the meaning for love and does not accept Mike's love. Join Sarah and Noah to there love story to see what the destiny holds for them. . (this is my first book and I hope you like it. )

Iris_swift · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Chapter 11

Noah. Noah Walker. oh how much she hated him for vanishing from her life suddenly.

She came near him and asked in a cold voice "can you move aside" and as he turned around Sarah saw how much he had changed in the past few years. the once young looking boy looked matured he was ofcourse the son of a famous family the walkers. who were still ruling over the buisness in this country. As Sarah saw him she zoned out for a second to the days of her school. the days which were like a dream that had passed away in matters of seconds. "Sarah ?" she heard his voice. Although she hated him for never calling her after there High school ended,she was happy to meet someone from her past who was close to her.

"Sarah is that really you ?" he spoke again. "do I know you ?" Sarah spoke again. She would never accept to remeber him even if they had turned old and grew wrinkles on their face. "yes you do know me. I'm a little sad that you had forgotten me Sarah..it's me Noah your high school friend. does that ring a bell ?" he asked.

ofcourse it did and not just a bell but a whole damn memory she had kept locked at the back of her mind.

"Noah...from high school...Ah! Noah!!"

'ugh why am I even acting like this' Sarah thought

"Yes. It's great to see you here. How have you been ? we haven't talked since our graduation" he spoke 'and I wonder who's fault it is' Sarah thought.

"I've been great. I guess I lost connection with everyone after graduation. by the way, I don't think you can use your car anymore." Sarah said as she eyed the car that was completely ruined

She saw how Noah came out from his daze and looked meekly at her again 'pfft-he might have grown into a handsome guy but he acts like a teenager still' she thought again and they both then entered inside the car.

As they both settled inside the car after a few seconds Noah asked "How have you and Mike been ?" and she froze. yes their best friend did not know about Mike's death.

I didn't know how to tell him so I replied "he's dead" and saw as Noah froze for a second. she saw his expressions change and then saw him frowning. Sarah who has been a CEO for long knew what he was thinking "you're thinking wrong" she said slowly

"what do you mean by I'm thinking wrong??" Noah asked as he started at her "he's really dead. it's actually his death anniversary today. now that you're here why don't we meet him" she said. and made a sharp turn to go back to the burial place...