
mizpah love

Sarah, a rich and cold heiress of the famous Swans industry had lived a lonely life. She was born as an orphan and somehow during her studies in feel in love with a boy, Mike. who too was an orphan. however, a tragedy leads Mike to be dead and leave the world leaving Sarah alone. Noah Walker, a handsome man who had taken his father's almost bankrupt company, Sky interprises to new heights met Sarah during her high school days and took a liking twoards her but was never courageous enough to tell her. After years of hardwork and making his father's company stable, Mike ones again meets Sarah. and comes to know she's no other than the legendary CEO of swans. falling ones again for her he builds a new company Similie for her. however Sarah has long forgotten the meaning for love and does not accept Mike's love. Join Sarah and Noah to there love story to see what the destiny holds for them. . (this is my first book and I hope you like it. )

Iris_swift · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Chapter 10

Sarah loved kids. and why wouldn't she ? she afterall wanted to start her own family with Mike...

Seeing the young girl injured, she took her to a nearby clinic and asked the doctor to treat her. in the meanwhile, she paid for the medecine and called the young girl's mother whose number was written in a small piece of paper which was put in her bag.

After almost an hour of sitting with the girl and watching the fierce storm outside, the girl's mom arrived finally.

"Thank you so much !" said the woman "please tell me how I must pay you for this favour.! How should I thank you mrs" asked the lady who looked younger than Sarah. "there's no need for that. your daughter is very cute. please take care of her now. I felt great spending time with her. As Sarah saw the little girl hugging her mother's neck tightly while her mother carried her back to their house, she couldn't help but feel sad. 'if only that accident did not happen'she thought.

But it was too late years had passed and Mike was never returning back. she turned around and walked inside her car and went off to the place where her lover laid buried.


Sarah had stayed a little longer that usual to accompany Mike and only returned when the rain had started.

But as she returned after saw someone.

someone very familiar to her yet very distant because of there past..