
Mixed Feelingz

By I_Can_Be_A_Pikachu

(This is a mix of my poems)

We wake up and it makes us think and blink

We drive with our phones to break bones

We drink to not think

We ride away to hide from something

We each stepped outside with sand under our feet

I hear the beats coming from the radio in the car

I feel the heat

I see no streets

Waves on the beach keep coming and coming

I eat bees and wheat

I see the sky, it's pretty neat

Tweet my wheat and look upbeat

Even though bees attack my feet

I eat a hotdog in the street

I go up to a door, and say, "trick or treat, smell my feet!"

They give me some coconut meat

And place a can at my feet

Greet this bitch full of beets


I dropped this sheet in the rain


Then I got a treat

This bitch complete

This bitch empty


i_can_be_a_pikachucreators' thoughts