

I don't know what's happening, it's like i am no longer in the world i knew, things have changed but not my will for revenge, i am a mixed breed, half...oh wait i don't know, join me in this journey to find out my breed, get revenge and find out secrets, making friends, enemies and love, maybe.

Blaqrose · 科幻言情
7 Chs


I entered my room, wondering who i would be sharing it with, I hoped they would welcome me and we all could become friends, then again what if they try eat me or suck my blood, I has to accept that this was my life now, I had to become stronger and face my fears, I just had to blend in but how, the healer said to say im a vampire but I definitely don't look half dead and I definitely don't see any fangs in my mouth.

The room was empty, it seems everyone had gone to school, oh sh*t, I was late for class, I was carried away with the alive map and my fears that I forgot about class, I didn't have any clothes to bring so coming here I only brought myself and my parents locket plus I heard I didn't need to bring anything the healer had said everything was already provided by the school, I took the map and ran out the room saying,"Mr.map show me the way to class", I followed the arrows of the map and got to class, I walked stealthily into the class hoping the teacher wouldn't notice and just as I was about to sit on an empty sit I spotted, the teacher said, "Remain standing Rose Eliot", I wondered how she knew I was here, wasn't she facing the board, o yeah vampires have a keen sense of smell, It was probably one of the many knowledge the healer filled me with, "yes teacher" I replied, "I won't tolerate any bad behavior in my class and being late is a bad behavior, not to mention the fact that you are not in your uniform", the teacher said angrily and then I looked around and saw the other students were in uniform, I felt bad, the teacher would think I was being a rebel when in fact I was clueless,"Get out of my class this instant, you insolent girl", I felt like crying but I held the tears back, I could hear the laughter of my classmates, "I am sorry", I said and left in a hurry, I felt embarrassed and stupid, I ran back to my room and started crying while laying on my bed, what a first day, it has been long since I went to school or talked to people my age, all this was new to me and this environment was even making it worse.


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