


Me Baby ?

Lamine: Hmmm?

Me: Am I fat?

Lamine: Not even.

Me: Stop lying.

Lamine: Well it's true that you took breasts, ass and hips after nothing has changed.

Me: Swear?

Lamine: W'Allah

I smile and touch my stomach. Suddenly I feel the babies move!

Me: Lamine touch touch they move!

He touches my big bidou and caresses it. One of them kicks me

Lamine: That's my daughter who will box all the guys who approach her!

Me: Or ptt my son who will box the guys who will approach his sister!

Lamine: Yeah!!!

I get up to go to the bathroom when... I have an excruciating pain in my stomach. CONTRACTION. I hold my stomach and bend over


Lamine comes and holds me.

Lamine: -panicked- Omri what is cetia? Blow and release hoo hoo hoo!

I take a deep breath and exhale wafwaf style

Me: It's good.

Lamine: Go take you back to the hospital

Me: Anything. The doctor said that when every two minutes the work will start.

The mine:...

I don't even let him start his sentence that I hug him tightly, even my fingernails have dug into his skin and I'm screaming like crazy.


Lamine: Fuck you Aliyah.


Lamine: Aliyah are you pissing or dreaming?

I look between my legs and see liquid on the ground and his race my waters breaking.


Lamine all panic he does not know what to do. He carries me and brings me back to the car.

Lamine: -stress- Wait, I'll get the suitcase


He doesn't argue and gets in the car.

Lamine: -holds my hand- Cbon hbiba blows.

Me: -by screwing up his hand: AAAAAAAAAAAAH HOU HOU HOU

He's in pain too, but not as much as me... When I get to the hospital, they take me straight to the delivery room. Lamine followed us zeh to support me. A midwife came.



Lamine: W'Allah you don't take out her little ones when it's not a midwife who comes.


Lamine: Reduce it and smash it while you're at it?


Lamine: GO SHIT.

A midwife comes in a bomb and we begin.

The midwife: Go push with all your might.

I push as she tells me and kill Lamine's hand.

After 3 endless minutes the first spell and my little boy comes out first.

I push, I push to get the little one out, but she makes no effort. After 10 min she left Al Hamdûlilleh


The midwife: Here are your babies are in very good health! What would you like to call them?

Lamie: Anis and Anissa

She passes me my babies and I cry with joy!! Lamine takes my daughter from me, points her fingers up and Shahad and Surah Al Fatiha in her ears, stars in her eyes! He does the same for Anis

Lamine: Thank you Hbibti! Beautiful our children Masha Allah!! I am the happiest man in the world w'Allah!! Nbrik!! Oh I'm far there I'm very far!

Me: -k.o, sweaty- Me too!!

The nursery nurse: They need to rest and so does the mother! You did a very good job!!

Lamine: It's going to rest well Hbiba I'll warn the others!

Me: Hum

The nurses take my babies and leave. Lamine gives me a kiss on the forehead, full of sweat, yuck, and he leaves. I fall asleep straight away.


I wake up, in a rest room and my babies right next to it. Lamine next to me sleeping henoune!! I look at them. I have tears in my eyes!

Lamine: Why are you crying!?

Me: I'm happy!!

Lamine: Look at the beautiful work I did!

Me: Tshiiip ougniii

Lamine: Mddddr!

Me: Pass them to me please!

He passes me Anissa and him Anis!

Me: She looks the same as you!

Lamine: Same, he has his mama's head!

Me: Subhana Allah!!

Lamin: Masha Allah!!

We admire them when there's Anis who wakes up and cries Anissa too!

Me: What time is it?

Lamine: 8 p.m.

Me: Mmmh you give him the bibi and I give him the breast!

Lamine: Yeah.

He does what I tell him and I breastfeed Anissa!

Lamine: You're beautiful!

Me: Stop lying. Besides, I stink, go ahead, don't freak out!

Lamine: Ouaaaaaah

Me: Did you tell the others?

Lamine: Yeah they'll come tomorrow. You're k.o today.

Me: mmmm

After they fall asleep, Lamine puts them back in their truck and I sleep next to Lamine.


I wake up with a bomb.


Me: -k.o- Fuck it!

...: Speak well mbecil

I open my eyes. There's Jahid Mama, Tata and Kheri!!

Me: Im tired!

Mama: I know, cnormal!

Me: Well, come give Mama a kiss!

He comes and kisses me everywhere!!

Me: How are you?

Them: Yes Al Hamdûlilleh!

Me: Where did Lamine go!?

Jahid: He's back, he's back with your suitcase!

Me: Annnw and to eat also said to him!

Jahid: Naaaam

In short, my babies were spoiled with gifts! I can't even imagine the sequel. Then they left and Lamine came.

Lamine: How are you, hbiba?

Me: Al Hamdûlilleh and you?

Lamine: Al Hamdûlilleh!

We talked until the others came.

Djibril: Where are my little nephews?

Me: You came just for them!

Jibril: Yeah!

Me: Go get out!

Djibril: Mddddr I'm laughing my sister!

Me: Yeah yeah!

He comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead! He takes my son from me and Ishmael takes my daughter!

Isma: Lamine all spit!

Lamine: Hey, she took on her father's beautiful face!

Us: Mddddddr

Djibril: Him pouuuu a bggg he took the face of his mother.

Me: It can only be beautiful with my face!

We talked hataaaaa. The little ones woke up and I gave them food. The others are also passing. They all spoiled it wesh!!

-I spend the week-

I'm going home with my babies!! I take them back to their pink and blue bedroom!! I'm going down and going to cook! Lamine comes, gets behind me and holds my hip!

Lamine: Can't you stop eating?!

Me: I eat, so what!? Look I have nothing wesh!

Lamine: Well that's good! In addition, your forms have emerged!

Me: Do you see that?

Lamine: Mddddr yeah!

Me: Tchiip

Lamine: I love you Omri you know?

Me: Everyone loves me!

Lamine: Not the same there!!

Me: How is it then?

Lamine: Me it's more intense! You see when I do this to you several times and I last a long time - I need a kiss on the neck - you shiver with desire! And when I touch you there - touch my scar - it's the same! And then -touch my belly and navel- you give in and jump on me!

Me: You know all my weak points!!

Lamine: I'm your normal husband!

And there's Kheridine, Jahid and Younes coming home!

Them: Salam 'Aleykum!

Us: Waleykûm Salam!

The others come upstairs and Jahid shakes Lamine's hand, gives me a kiss on the forehead and sits on a chair!

Jahid: How are you!?

Us: Al Hamdûlilleh and you?

Jahid: Al Hamdûlilleh I'm fine!!

Lamine: What are you up to?

Jahid: I faiiiiiiim haaan

Us: Mddddddr for that!

Jahid: Yem' give me food!!

Me: Can't you see I'm eating there! Take things to nibble the time!

Jahid: Have a pain au chocolat and capri tropi please!

Me: You need me to open the cupboard and get some juice and chocolate bread tshiiiip get up!

Jahid: Mamaaaaa please!

Lamine: Oh Jahid you have feet you have hands, eyes and a brain so get up.

Jahid: Bouaaaah

He gets up and takes his snack

Me: W'Allah this family no personality!!

Lamine: How?

Me: That you take me back!!

Jahid: Anything!


Them: YEAH

They come and position themselves in front of me.

Them: Yes?

Me: You -Kheridine- you don't even come home kiss Mama and you not even a hug and why are you there?

Jahid: -hiss- Good luck khey

I look at him badly, he cuts himself by taking his taste and doing like "I didn't say anything!"

Me: So?

You: Bah Mama she said that I can come and sleep here!

Me: Ok and why did you go straight up?

Kheri': We went to see the twins!!

Me: Let them sleep.

Kheri': No, they're waking up!

Lamine: Did you wake them up?

You: No, not even!

Me: OK, you can leave!

Them: We love you, we love you!

Me: Everyone loves me!

All of them: Yes yes

Me: Mdddddr Omri will take the little ones please.

Lamine: Naam

There he goes, I finish cooking and I hug Jahid

Me: Jahid come eat!

Jahid: Alright!!

Me: Younes, Kheri' you want?

Them: Yeah

Me: Hayati and you?

Lamine: Yeah!

I hug them and they come to eat. I'm going to feed my babies and I put them in their cousy!

Me: Lamine?

Lamine: Hmmm?

Me: We're having a game of Fifa his date!!?

Lamine: Go!

Jahid&You: Take the win!!

Jahid&You: Prems'

Both of them: Chips

You: Double chips! And bim prems' it's me first

Jahid: Fuck me.

You: Haha!

Lamine: Boy band

Both of them: That's him!

Lamine: It's good stop. Younes first and Jahid after!

Jahid: Tsssss

Me: Breeeeeeeef

We play and at the beginning I won but then I lost.

Me: Boaaaaah

Lamine: Rage not rage not.

Me: - sticks out your tongue -

I leave my place to Younes and will land with my babies. I played with them after they all joined me.

We end the day in joy and good humor!!!


(Small parenthesis)

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