
Will Be Graduated

O Allah, make our children pious and pious children, those who memorize the Qur'an and Sunnah, those who understand religion, blessed their lives in this world and in the hereafter.

"Allahumma barikliy fii awladiy, wa la tadhurruhum, waf waf fiqhum li tho'atik, war zuqniy birrohum

O Allah, give blessings to my servants and my children, do not inflict harm on them, give them taufik to obey You and give them sustenance in the form of their devotion." 

"Allaahummam-la' quluuba aulaadinaa nuuron wa hik-matan wa experthim liqobuuli ni'matin wa ashlih-hum wa ashlih bihimul ummah

O Allah, fill the hearts of our children with light and wisdom, and make them Your servants who are deserving of blessings, and correct themselves and improve this ummah through them too." Azzam ended his prayer.