
Surprise For Likha

"Keenand, I know you really love Likha as your best friend, but her husband doesn't like it when you give things to Likha, so I hope you understand what Azzam is doing, he doesn't hate you, he just doesn't want anyone else to like what he's doing. which is already his, I hope you understand, Keen." Dio patted Keenand's shoulder. Then the two immediately left the place, and they returned to their respective dormitories. Keenand immediately returned to the dormitory. In contrast, Dio returned to the mess where he and Azzam lived. It's just that Azzam doesn't live in a mess anymore. Azzam now lives in a boarding house with Likha.

Arriving at their boarding house, Likha and Azzam immediately unpacked the things they had just bought. Likha was very happy, Azzam bought her a lot of clothes, but she was also a bit sorry because her husband spent too much money on her.