
Qiyana's pregnancy

"One of the signs of pregnancy that is most often experienced by women is that they are physically weaker than usual. When carrying out activities, pregnant women usually feel tired more easily. This usually occurs due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone is very important to support pregnancy and fetal growth , but has the effect of slowing down the body's metabolism.

"In addition, anemia can also make the body tired easily in early pregnancy. Eating foods that are suitable for early pregnancy will be able to overcome this." Qiyana nodded she did feel this way these few days.

"I also have a loss of appetite, Doctor. Is that also a sign that I am already pregnant?" Doctor Tiara nodded her head.

"A sign of the second week of pregnancy is usually a lack of appetite. Even foods that were previously very liked are not appetizing. The nausea that occurs in early pregnancy is the main reason for the decrease in appetite.