
Compact Couple

"Honey, how was your exam?" Likha smiled, and both entered the car.

"Alhamdulillah Azzam, everything is smooth. Now we go straight to the restaurant, I really miss baby El." Azzam nodded and immediately drove his car to his father and mother's restaurant.

Arriving at the restaurant, Likha and Azzam immediately met baby El. Only half a day, Likha had missed her son so much.

"Assalamualaikum dear..." Likha kissed her mother's hand then asked for baby El who is currently in her grandmother's arms.

"Wa'alaikum greetings, Thank God you're home. Baby El's breast milk stock has run out, yesterday why didn't you pump breast milk for your child anyway?" Likha lowered her head and apologized to her mother.

"I'm sorry Likha, Mom... yesterday Likha was busy studying and baby El also didn't want to stop breastfeeding, so we could only pump a little milk, God willing, tonight we will pump more." Mother stroked Likha's head, which was now wrapped in a headscarf.