
first date

(Adonis Jackford)

Midnight when I woke up, I felt my throat was dry so I got up from my bed, ready to leave the room when I noticed how uncomfortable Aphrodite's position was. I stared at her and a minute had passed when I realized what I was doing. I shook my head and sighed deeply. I went in front of her and carried her carefully, deciding to put her on my bed. She could take my friends' room though, but I chose not to. Although she's everybody's friend, she's my guest so she had to take my room, not theirs. Okay, that was a bit stupid, I guess. And because of that, I'll take the sofa for a week.

I put the blanket on top of her and lowered the temperature. I stared at her for the last time and regretted the action I've made just now. I kissed her on her forehead and I felt my heart beating so fast.

"No, no," I whispered to myself. Seriously, what is wrong with me? This is not right! I couldn't imagine myself being in love with her. I mean, yes she has the looks, she's hella smart and she's nice. And I wouldn't lie. She may not be my type but anyone could fall for her if she's like that. She knows how to make someone comfortable and she's so sweet and soft. But..... a close friend of mine already like her and I don't want to hurt him. Why in the first place did I suggest this deal anyway? Ugh, I'm doomed. If I ended up being in love with this woman, I'll get myself into trouble.

I exhaled slowly and went outside the room to drink water. I think I'll drive around, just to clear up my mind and to get fresh air.


I got outside the bathroom and saw Aphrodite sleeping peacefully so I didn't bother to wake her up. I went to the kitchen and prepared our breakfast.

"What time is it?" Finally, the sleeping beauty already woke up. "A-huh. Good morning." I replied in a sarcastic tone. She giggled, "Oops - sorry. Good morning." She muttered while smiling. I fought the urge to smile so I just turned my back on her, "It's 7 o'clock, nerd."

She pushed me hard, "What the f*ck? We're late for school, dumb ass!" I was taken aback for a while. I didn't know she could curse. I tilted my head and arched my brow. "It's not my fault you didn't set an alarm for yourself." I put our breakfast on the table and sat down. I stared at her whilst she's just standing with a blank expression on her face. "Aren't you going to eat?" She was startled by my voice and panicked when she realized that she skipped school this day. She held my shoulders and shook my whole body which made me dizzy. I held her hands to stop her. I quickly got my hands back when I felt an electric feeling that caused my heart to beat fast that I've never felt before. "Seriously, calm down, woman. A day without going to school ain't going to kill you." She rolled her eyes and I just chuckled. I tapped the seat beside me and she sat down and finally ate the foods I cooked.

We're in the middle of eating our breakfast when I thought of something. "Do you wanna go outside?" Her mood lit up, "Sure!" I was bewildered for a second but I smirked afterward. She knew how and when to interact.

She went inside the room, probably took a bath. I went inside Blaze's room and used his bathroom. I finished within half an hour and waited for her outside. As soon as she went out, her smell filled in my nose. I looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing ripped jeans, matching a color white long sleeve polo. I see... She wore contact lenses and styled her hair as ponytailed and black sike shoes. A great fashion taste, a-huh.

I started the car and we filled the day with some good memories.