
Mirror Image

There was nothing that was only Juno’s. From the moment of her birth, everything she had was shared. Her toys, her clothes, her face, her soul. It was never her own. It was also her sister’s. Juno had always dedicated herself for the good of her family. She relinquished any ideals of ownership. What was hers was the family’s. After the death of her father, her family is plunged into ruin. Juno made a vow then and there to do whatever it took restore her family.

brightly · 历史言情
9 Chs

What’s Only Mine

Juno was beginning to give up hope. It had been two months since Cesare had promised to retrieve her ring. She had not seen him since. No letters, no visits, nothing. She felt like a fool, believing pretty words like honor.

She tried to cast the ring from her mind. She swallowed the foolish hope that had blossomed within her gut. Juno had resigned herself to never see it again when she sold it.

It was when the ring was all but gone from her mind that Cesare appeared before her again.

She flung the door to the room open, her service smile plastered on her face. It instantly fell from her face when she saw Cesare sitting on the couch.

"Marquis." She spoke without any emotion behind her voice and all of a sudden she felt the exhaustion from non stop work hit her bones. She really didn't want to have to deal with this man. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

Cesare, who sat pin straight, shifting uncomfortably every time a moan or a cry echoed from the rooms next to them, quickly gulped down the glass of wine she set in front of him. Juno grinned, enjoying the twisted pleasure of seeing a proud soldier so uncomfortable.

She wondered if it ever occurred to him that he could just send her a letter.

But alas, she would take his money. Once again he paid for the entire night. A night where Juno wouldn't have to put on a show.

"So..." she prompted, the man in front of her still as silent a rigid as a statue.

"So?" He parroted, not even waiting for Juno to serve him as she was meant to and filling his glass to the brim.

"Do you have my ring?"

Cesare's face contorted and Juno's mirthful humor was instantly deflated.


Cesare downed his glass of wine once more. Juno watched his Adam's apple bob desperately. He reached for the bottle, but Juno stopped him, instead serving him instead.

"Marquis," she spoke as gently as possible, her sudden shift in tone caused Cesare's eyebrows to raise. "It's alright, you tried your best. Considered your debt repaid."

Cesare's eyes sparkled, as if he just remembered something. His hands clumsily fumbled through his pockets until he finally found his target. The small box jumped from his hand as if it had a mind of it's own and Cesare's face turned a bright scarlet.

"I had a ring made," he mumbled. "As close to the one you described as possible."

Juno's hands trembled as she clutched the box. A swirl of emotions swirled inside her. She didn't want this false ring. It wasn't hers, no matter what it would never be hers. If she reached inside the band she wouldn't feel the words carved into it. This ring that was nothing more than metal and stone. But at the same time she felt a certain tenderness pull at her heart. It was warm and painful and soft all at the same time.

For some reason, Juno wanted to cry.

She set the box down without opening it. She forced a smile back onto her face. "Thank you," her voice sounded foreign, like it was someone else speaking through her mouth. "With this, everything is repaid. I would be lying if I said it was a pleasure. I'm sure you'll be glad to no longer have to come to a dirty place like this."

Cesare pressed his lips into a hard line. He looked angry but Juno couldn't fathom the reason why. He stayed in his seat, despite her signaling that the conversation was over.

Juno stood. She curtsied like she had when she was a noble lady. And she left the room.

It was only when she was back in her room that she realized she had left the ring behind.


Cesare sat in the empty room well after Juno had left. He stared at the abandoned velvet box on the center of the table.

He felt like it was mocking him.

At first he wanted to leave it behind. What should he care if some other woman came and stole the ring?

He repaid his debt. He should feel relieved.

But why did his gut still feel so heavy?

Cesare raked a hand through his hair. Perhaps he was ill. It would make sense.

He swore under his breath and snatched the velvet box back into his pocket.

He fidgeted with the box in his pocket as he pushed through the women that crowded the hallway. They hollered at him, like knights would to mock each other, they grabbed his arms, they offered him another 'ride' if he was left unsatisfied.

Cesare hated the brothel. He wished he didn't have to come to that kind of place just to meet Juno.

.... Wait.

Why would he wish something like that? Their relationship had been severed as it was always meant to be.

Near the entrance, he spotted a wisp of familiar blonde hair.


He grasped her thin arm and she turned to him. Her surprised eyes quickly melted into ones full of affection.

"Marquis," she cried. Her voice sounded slightly different, higher, more girlish and less mature. It reflected her changed of behavior. Was it because they were in front of other people? "I'm so glad to see you!"

It was like she had changed into an entirely different person. Her dress, which had been simple and thin when she met with him, was now bright and extravagant.

How long had he been sitting in that room?

Cesare narrowed his eyes, trying to see behind her bright facade, but he couldn't. Her cheeks tinged pink, as if she was glad he was looking at her.

It was odd. It left a foul taste in Cesare's mouth.

He held the box out to her, without saying a word.

Her eyes lit up. "Oh my! Is that for me? I knew you liked me Marquis!" She snatched the box from his hand, immediately putting the ring on her finger and admiring it.

For some reason, seeing the ring on her finger didn't look right. The girl standing beside Juno exhaled and rolled her eyes. Cesare swallowed the odd feeling in his gut, giving the two ladies a slight bow.