
Is That Even Possible?

Ladybug POV


Straightening back up from his signature bow, Sir Noir's eyes went wide as he pushed me out of the way and blocked another attack from Time-Turner. Shaking the dust from my face, I looked up from the ground to see him blocking off attack after attack. "Listen," he kept pushing back attack after attack, "I get that you're recovering from my rude shove, but could you help me Ladybug?"

I shook myself from my amazement and stood up winging my yo-yo. "Of course little kitty!" I jumped over him, startling Time Turner into stopping his attacks. Looking over, I watched Sir Noir take a short breather while getting into a more sustainable position to defend and attack the Akuma.

Seeing him now, it makes me realize my genuine respect towards him for taking up this job so quickly. He really--UGH!

Before I could finish the thought, I was pushed back by a bright light as my yo-yo swung out of control. "I've got you now tiny bug!" I looked up just in time to see Time Turner shoot from his staff in my direction. Jumping out of the way, I heard Sir Noir trying to distract him, but I knew that it was already too late. Without having time to recover from the first two attacks, Time Turner struck me directly in the chest making me fall back.

Suddenly, I sat up all on my own and saw a light come from my chest and back into the Akuma's staff.


Getting up awkwardly, in a flash I was swinging my yo-yo again without being able to control my actions. "Ladybug! You have to resist!"

"ekil skool yllaer emit doog a tahw yug siht wohs s'tel!" I don't even know what I just said! That's so embarrassing, the worst part is; I can't even say anything to correct myself!

Before I knew it, I was running backward away upon my own accord back through the school.

How am I supposed to catch the Akuma if I can't control my limbs?

I tried harder and harder to stop myself, but was suddenly shut into a dim tight space. "Ecalp tsrif eht ni ereh ni erew uoy yhw uoy gniksa eb I t'ndluohs?" Then, without warning, I hit the door I entered in.

Rubbing my head, I stood up and looked around.

Wait, I can move! I took a good look at where I was and saw that I was detransformed in the same closet I saw Felix in. Flipping out my phone I saw that it was about ten minutes before I met up with Sir Noir. So we don't go back forever...interesting!

Looking down in my bag, I saw Tikki with a worried expression, "Marinette! Why'd you detransform, Time Turner is still out there!"

"I know, I was hit by him and sent back in time by ten minutes. Now that I know how all of this works..." I ran into a nearby bathroom and transformed. "We can use this information to defeat him!"

Running down the hall, I realized that Time-Turner would expect me to run through the same door so I kicked in a nearby window and swung out of it, around the other side of the school.

Swinging around the building, I caught my eye on the gap in the school made by Time-Turner and swung in to see him cornering Sir Noir. Landing behind him I swung my yo-yo and grabbed Sir Noir by the ankle. Yanking as hard as I could, I was able to take him out of danger at the last second, before the Akuma could strike him down sending him in reverse. "Oh, would you look at the time! My kitty and I have somewhere else to be. Until next time!" With that, we both jumped away and hid in the closest IMCA to devise a plan.

"My lady! I thought you were going to be in reverse forever!" Sir Noir took my hand in glee and hugged it close to him making me stumble closer to him. He looked up and laughed, "see! I told you to keep fighting and you'd break free of the Akuma!"

I blushed but then remembered what we were dealing with and said, "a-actually, the Akuma only puts you in reverse back ten minutes then stops."

"Ah, that actually makes sense. It would catch people in an awkward state with the rest of the people around them." He clenched his fist in anger just thinking about what's been happening. "I noticed that the big Clock Tower wasn't telling the right time, maybe that was struck too?"

I looked back at him and courageously spoke, "now that we know how this works, it's time to use our secret weapon!" Looking him in the eyes, we both smiled knowingly as I yelled, "LUCKY CHARM!" Reaching up, when my yo-yo came down, so did some massage oil.

"Looks like we have to recruit somebody."

"How did y—" I realized that I wasn't talking to Chat Noir anymore, that Sir Noir already knows who Master Fu is. "Alright, let's go!"

Jumping through the streets to not be noticed by Time Turner, we landed ourselves at a Massage Clinic. Sneaking inside, we made sure no one saw us enter or even walk around the place. "Come in," a voice called for us to enter before we even got a chance to knock.

Sliding open the door, we were greeted by Master Fu himself sitting criss-cross on the floor with Wayzz next to him. "The Lucky Charm called us here again." Sir Noir stepped up to speak, but Master Fu was already at the box of the miraculous.

"Choose wisely who you need to help you defeat Time-Turner. Make sure they are trustworthy and will help you get the job done." Both of us lingered over the Miraculous until Sir Noir realized something.

"You choose, Ladybug. I don't trust many people in this city." He didn't meet my eyes and I knew that there was still an Akuma out there so I didn't pay any mind to it.

Looking at the various miraculous, I realized that the one I needed, was already being used. "Um, Master Fu? I think the one we need is the Turtle Miraculous."

He looked taken aback for a moment, then I watched his gaze soften as he chuckled. Taking off his bracelet, Wayzz disappeared as he handed it to me, "I trust you to return this miraculous when you're done Ladybug and Sir Noir."

He looked at both of us then turned away, "thank you, Master!" The two us ran out of the clinic and into the streets.

"Who are you giving the Miraculous to? You never said..." Sir Noir looked around to see people running backwards all around us.

"Someone from my class, I hope they weren't shot though!" Swinging out my yo-yo, I caught it onto a street pole and swung away.

Hopping through Paris, I stopped at the house where they lived and opened the door, "excuse our intrusion but—"

"LADYBUG!" Before I could be tackled to the ground, Sir Noir pulled me out of the way. Looking down, I saw Nino on the floor with Alya next to him holding up her phone. "I knew you'd come to help us!" Looking around the room, I spotted another person sitting on the floor behind a wooden table.

"Are you three alright?" At my words, the third person stood up and awkwardly shook their head.

Oh my god, of all the houses he could've hidden in...

"Come on dude! We're gonna be fine now that Ladybug and Sir Noir are here!" Nino ran over to him and pulled him alongside to talk to us.

Looking back at Alya I asked, "could you turn off your phone for a moment?"

"But I need to get this exclusive scoop for the LadyBlog!" She smiled widely at me then saw the seriousness in my eyes and shut down her phone. "I understand, what do you need us to do?"

I looked between the three of them and realized that they've all held miraculous before. Turning back to Sir Noir I whispered in his ear and told him he turned back to me and asked, "Which one?"

"All of them." He had a dum founder expression for a second them I realized what I just told him, "I mean the two!" I tried saving myself from what I said but it just made the whole situation even more confusing.

"Okay? But which ones?"

Breaking out of the secretive whispering session I looked to the three of them standing there and realized I couldn't give Nino the miraculous in front of Alya because she'll know who he is if they ever had to fight together. "Sir Noir, take Alya and Adrien to safer places before Time Turner arrives and meet me at the Eiffel Tower!"

"Wait!" Before I could finish, Alya ran over and hugged Nino, "what about him?"

"You're all going to separate locations, it'll be safer! I'll take Nino somewhere too don't worry." Without explaining any further, I grabbed Nino and ran out the door swinging.

Only going a few blocks down, I swim is both through an old garage and placed him down, "thanks, dude! I didn't think you'd bring me here yourself!" He kept talking while I pulled out my yo-yo and read the message from Sir Noir saying they're both safe.

Taking a deep breath I pulled out the miraculous and said, "Nino Lahiffe. This is the Turtle Miraculous, I ask you now if you will help me by using this miraculous for the greater good and to return it when the Akuma has been caught?" Giving him a determined look, I made sure Nino would understand that no, this was not a joke.

"You mean, you're asking me to help you guys defeat Time Turner?" He has a big smile and grabbed the bracelet and immediately put it on making Wayzz appear in front of him.

After the two of them had a chance to describe what his powers were, Nino yelled, "Wayzz, shell on!" Nino then transformed iron Carapace, we older of the turtle miraculous.

"Let's go cara—" Before I could finish I heard my earring beeping and realized I'd been ignoring them the whole time. "Go to the Eiffel Tower, I'll meet you there!"

Without letting him answer, I swung away to a safer place and detransformed. "Marinette, why didn't you detransform sooner?"

"I couldn't, Tikki! Sir Noir came with me to get the miraculous, he doesn't like me splitting up with him for some reason. So much so, that every time I did need to, I left before he could even answer me!"

I looked over to see Tikki stuffing her face with a macaroon making me giggle.

After she finished, I transformed again and landed myself on the Eiffel Tower tp find Sir Noir and Carapace talking in deep conversation about something. "Uh, guys? You do know there's still an Akuma out there right?" The two of them stopped mid-sentence and looked at me.

"There you are, dude! This guy would not stop nagging on me about how I split up with you!" He pointed annoyed at Sir Noir then looked back at me with a big smile, "so! How are we defeating Time Turner, you guys?"

I stood and thought about it then yelled, "LUCKY CHARM!" Catching a mirror in my hand, I looked at the two of them and smiled.


Sticking out my fist, I smiled at Sir Noir and awaited our fist bump, but it never came. Instead, I dumbfoundedly watched as he kneeled down and softly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. He stood up while I stood wide-eyed not knowing what to say. Jumping away, I was left with Carapace at my side asking me if I was alright.

Chat Noir used to do the same thing, maybe Adrien is trying to lead me off his cheesy scent by acting this way. But that still doesn't explain his manic and depressive episodes outside of the mask. Or it could just be a coincidence that they both did that. I mean, no one told Noir that he couldn't kiss me-- I MEAN MY HAND!

I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened for almost ten minutes until Carapace clapped in front of my face. Shaking out of my paralysis he apologized, "sorry I did that dude! You just haven't been answering me at all so I thought you were broken." He laughed and began to walk towards the edge of the building top.

I twiddling my thumbs trying to remember what he said even if I wasn't listening whole-heartedly, "so uh..." I stuttered in defeat, "w-what exactly did you say just now?"

He turned to me and chuckled, "I asked if I was supposed to give the Miraculous back now or if I could keep it until you're in better condition dude. It seemed like Sir Noir's elegance short-circuited you a bit!"

We laughed together then both jumped down into an alley near the school. He detransformed and thanked me for the opportunity, "I'm around if you ever need me to help you guys out again!" Waving as he ran into the building, I waved back at him and hopped away to a block down to detransform behind a couple of trash cans.

Sighing in relief, I opened my bag for Tikki to fly in and eat a macaroon, "all in a days-- oof!"

Stumbling back, I landed on my butt with my eyes shut tight upon impact. Before I looked up I was already apologizing as I picked my bag up off of the ground, "I'm really sorry for running into you, I wasn't watching where I was going!" I looked to the person's feet to see familiar black dress shoes leading up with dress pants to match. I quickly lifted my eyes to come eye to eye with Felix Agreste once again.

Before I could say anything, he stood up and grabbed my hand, lifting me from the ground and my paralysis. "You're fine Marinette, if I'm being honest with you and myself, I was not watching the sidewalk either." He bowed then began to walk off without another word.

"U-uhm Belix? I-I MEAN FLELIX-- F-FELIX?!" I stood there, tripping over my seatmates' name before he cut me off impatiently.

He put a finger to my lips, silencing me before I could embarrass myself even more and rubbed his temples, "I've always wondered how you made it this far into high school..." He opened his eyes and squared his gaze back into mine while continuing, "I still have no answer for myself."

I stood there not realizing that he had just insulted me to my face with no remorse.

No, I was more focused on the closeness of our faces and how our eyes drew us closer and closer together without consciously thinking. That is until he pulled away and crossed his arms looking into the distance with an annoyed puff, "what is that you were trying to say? Slowly, if you must, Ms. Dupain-Cheng."

I took a breath and collected my thoughts before looking back into his eyes and asking innocently, "I was just wondering why you were all the way over here, a whole two blocks from the school?" I watched as he twitched from the question and turned his face away, this time covering his mouth with his fingers.

"T-the Akuma! I went home to see if my mother was aright!" he kept his eyes away from my curious ones, clearly he was lying.

But he didn't know I knew.

I grinned behind my teeth and sweetly pointed out, "but the Agreste mansion is in the other direction." I gave him a cheeky smile then stepped forward with my new found confidence. Glancing down, I noticed his index and middle finger twitching while his gaze remained anywhere but matching mine.

Felix averted his eyes time and time again, knowing that I had caught him. But suddenly, his eyes flicked to the alley behind me. In an instant, his eyes loomed over mine casting a venomous shadow as I realized what he just realized.

Taking a step back and put my hands up and said, "b-but I guess you had to change course because of the Akuma being in your way r-right? Sounds logical to me, I'm glad you're safe and smart enough to be able to track it and not be pushed back in time!" I babbled on and on but all I could focus on was his piercing gaze. His deep blue-green eyes drowning me in their salty waters, filling my throat without solace. I froze and gulped as he took a step forward.

As his fingers calmed, I realized I was done for, "my Marinette..." He purred as he stepped closer, "surely you didn't just come out from hiding in that alley, did you dear?" I felt helpless yet a little excited for some reason. We backed into the alley as he continued, "where did you come from? As your friend--"

We both stood up straight as a blush crept up our noses, dancing on our cheeks. "O-oh," I looked down at my fingers and realized I was unintentionally twiddling my thumbs. Throwing them behind my back, I continued, "well, as your friend I should tell you the truth."

He soared deeper into my pupils without any sign of stopping. I gulped and steadily spoke, "I ran from alley to alley to make sure I wouldn't be found, but I was still hit. I hope you didn't have to go back in time." He snapped out of it when he caught wind of my lie. Looking at his complexion now, he looked disappointed.

He grabbed my hand before I could say anymore and blatantly spoke, "We should get to class now, I'm sure Mrs. Bustier will be waiting for us to return." I could feel his awkwardness seep through our hands as he tried to pull away and said shyly, "excuse me for my rudeness. I hadn't realized what I was doing."

"It's alright," I grabbed his hand back and continued, "no harm done right?" I could feel my cheeks burning as I tried to keep my cool around him, but when he turned to face me, all I could see was a mirror image of my feelings looking back.

He squeezed my hand back and stuttered, "th-then shall we get going?"

Smiling back and forth I shook my head and walked beside him hand in hand through the school doors, all the way back to the classroom. I felt eyes glued to my face and our hands, but I couldn't care less about how people saw me now. We are friends, on both ends that have been established, so holding hands with my friend shouldn't be a problem.

Looking around, people were either giving me a thumbs up, ignoring us or looking a little glum. Maybe I should've thought this one through...

Across the room, I saw Luka quickly look away and scratch his neck.

Yeah...Not my best move this time...

I looked back at Felix as he collected his papers from his disgruntled space and noticed his cheeks were still tinted pink and realized that reflecting from my phone, he wasn't the only one.