

Chat/Adrien's POV


I'm kissing Ladybug...I'm. Kissing. L A D Y B U G!! W-why all of a sudden is she kissing me?! I thought she only saw me as her partner! But her lips and her body it's just so...comfortable.

When we pulled apart, she laid her head back on my chest as we swayed back and forth the music. I looked down at her and saw her eyes closed with a hint of pink covering her nose and cheeks.

She looks like she's at peace, like my purrincess when she's sleeping. Or during our overlapping patrols when we sit on the edge of the Eiffel Tower and look out across the city of love. How I've wanted this moment to come for so long, it almost feels like...like I don't deserve this right now.

Because you don't you idiot! You basically just cheated on Marinette!

Yeah but...I've been lying to her about my identity, I don't think not telling her about this moment would be so bad.

I'm just digging a deeper hole right now, aren't I?

Yeah but, do I care right now?

I looked down at M'Lady again and smiled softly to myself, already knowing the answer to my question. But as the music picked up, so did her head as she whispered, "What's wrong Chaton?"


She lifted her hand and brushed her fingers across my cheek, "you're crying. Are you okay Kitty?" I looked back at her without knowing what to say. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her off of the dance floor, out of the gym and into an empty classroom. "H-hey Cat! At least tell me why you're dragging me like this!" When we got to the room I let go of her.

I closed the door behind us and motioned for her to sit down with me. She looked at me a little confused but the took a seat in the front bench. I sat in the one across from her. "I'm sorry I dragged you in here, I just wanted to talk if that's okay with you..."

"Of course it's alright...We're partners remember? I've always got your back." She smiled softly at me then fell silent waiting for me to speak.

"W-well..." I stuttered under her gaze, but then finally caught the strength to tell her what happened between Marinette. "There's this girl that I like, but at first when she confessed to me..." I looked up and Ladybug while choking back on my tears, "I was in love with you so I rejected her." I looked away from her in embarrassment and continued, "I went to search for her after the encounter and found her on the Eiffel Tower. I was glad she wasn't akumatized, but she looked so sad and I..." Looking back up at Ladybug, she looked horrified and abruptly stood up.

"I-I have to go now Chat Noir, goodnight!" She ran to the door but I grabbed her wrist before she could open it.

She didn't turn to look at me, but instead yanked her hand free and ran. I stood there for a second without knowing what to do, but then chased her out into the street. I saw her turn into an alleyway and say, spots on. I watched as beautiful reds and pinks colored the air around her. When they cleared, her beautiful gown was replaced with her kickass suit. She gave me one look and said, "don't follow me Chat, I mean it."

"Ladybug, wait!" She flung her yoyo catching it on a chimney and swung away. I stood there in the dark, not knowing what just happened.


Marinette's POV


It's been over a month now since I found out that Adrien was Chat Noir. I've been avoiding being alone with him in school and don't spend patrol nights with him anymore. When there's an akumatized victim though, I try to finish it as quick as possible then go home with no extra chit-chat.

As Marinette, well I've tried my best to always keep my door to the roof locked. I wouldn't ant any annoying stray cats to get in.

I know it's an awful thing for me to do to him, but I just can't face him, at least not yet...Not like this. "Marinette, it's okay to feel weird about all of this, but you should at least talk to him." Tikki sat on the bed next to me and sighed, "he deserves that much."

I scoffed and looked at the floor, "it's not that easy, I don't feel weird about it at all. More upset and angry that he lied to me. He rejected me then used my sadness against me as Chat Noir!" I threw my pillow across the room at my desk letting pictures fly everywhere.

How can he try and play me like that! I've been trying so hard to keep my cool but I--!

Before I could finish the thought, I could hear my mom calling me from down the stairs. "What'd you say, mom!?"

"You have a visitor!" Oh great, just what I needed to lift my spirits, Adrien showing up at my door again. I should tell her I don't feel well like last time.

I opened the door that leads downstairs and leaned over to yell to my mom about how I'm feeling when Alya pops her head through the doorway, "Hey girl! It's been so long so I thought I'd swing by!" She barely made it all the way up before I gave her a humongous bear hug tackling her to the floor. We both laughed as we sat up, "Jeez girl relax! It's only been a couple of hours since our vacay started!"

I stood up and grabbed her hand to pull her up, "sorry, I got excited that's all! No school WOOOO!" I giggled as we both walked to my bed and plopped down together. "So what's up for reals? Usually, you text me before coming over...any news on the LadyBlog, or is it something that rhymes with Lino?" She blushed and threw a pillow at my face.

"Listen here, missy! Just because we've started dating doesn't mean I'm always gonna want to talk about him!" I laughed as I smacked her right back with the pillow.

"Oh, really~? Then why are you here?" I wiggled my eyebrows and we both laughed.

After a few seconds, Alya held the pillow to her chest and sighed looking to the side. "Marinette, be honest with me..." I sat up at the sound of her monotone voice. She didn't turn to look at me but kept her eyes trained on her shoes. "what happened between you and Adrien...I know there's something wrong, and for you to suddenly say the day after you confessed that you don't like him well...It's just unexpected." She looked back up with me with a sad expression.

I stood up and looked over to where my desk peeked out of the corner of the room with pictures spewed everywhere. Turning back to her I sighed and softly said, "it's not a big deal, I just realized that we'll never be together..." She looked up in surprise at me with her mouth slightly open.

I looked to the side as she stood up and held my shoulders saying, "Mari listen to me, you may not believe me now but Nino told me something a while ago that he made me promise not to tell you, but I just...Seeing you like this, I think you should at least know what he said about you over November break when you were in China with your family..." I looked to the side not knowing what to say.

I don't care what he said at this point...He hasn't visited me as Chat at all since the night of the dance. It doesn't matter what he said, all that matters is that he used my feelings against me.

I looked back at her with a severe spark in my eyes and said without mumbling or stuttering, "I don't care what he said back then. He's a liar and a player, he's lucky I still want to be friends." She looked back at me surprised and went to say something, but I already knew, "please, if we are friends, you'll trust me enough not to ask what this is about. I don't want to talk about this, my mind is made up." I looked out my window to see two black triangle shapes flow with the December wind.

This may be my last chance to let Adrien know how I feel about both sides of him...I guess this is what he gets for eavesdropping on me.

"Alright Mari, I won't ask...But please if you're ever feeling alone or actually want to talk about it, call me and I'll be here in a flash." She hugged me as she said this, and I hugged her back.

"Thank you," I doubt you'll ever find out about what happened and I'm sorry for that but right now...Right now I need to lead another cat off my trail. "It's getting dark Alya, you should go home now and sleepover next week so we can talk more before I leave again!" I hugged her again as she agreed with me.

I walked her out to make sure she didn't think anything was off. Waving goodbye to her, I sighed and looked up at my balcony to see Chat swinging up over my railing.

Here goes nothing.