
New School Nervousness

Mira pinned the Miraculous on her jacket and grabbed a small blue purse. She shoved a few items into her backpack and closed it. Duusu could hide in the purse during class. Mira didn't want her roaming the school alone. She swung the purse and backpack over her shoulder and grabbed the small gold locket that sat on her bed. She fastened it around her neck and walked out the door.

Clarisse decided Mira should be driven to school. Mira made sure she was outside so she could get to school early in case she had more questions. Clarisse hired Mira her own driver so she could get around with ease. Her working hours would also be a bit longer now.

Mira's driver, Paul, greeted her as she stepped in the car. She clutched her purse the whole ride to school. The only people at the school she knew were Adrien and Marinette. Even Marinette was almost a stranger to Mira. The two had barely talked.

The car pulled up to Françoise Dupont High School, and Mia grabbed her bags. She walked to the entrance of the school and looked around for Adrien and Marinette. Neither of them were in her sight line.

What did that matter? Mira proceeded towards the school. She had a copy of her schedule with her, but Mira knew what class she had first.

The classroom was pretty full. Mira sat towards the back of the room. She set her bag near the isle and put her purse on the other side of her.

She looked up to see Adrien and Marinette walk into the room. They both gave her a small wave. A girl with long, brown hair sat in the seat across from Mira. The girl's hair was longer than Mira's, whose hair only touched her shoulders. Mira opened her textbook and flipped through the pages. To her surprise, the girl across from her turned to face Mira and greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Lila. You must be the new student," she smiled.

"I am. My name is Mira. It's nice to meet you," Mira was glad she was already getting to know one of her classmates.

Miss Bustier stacked a few papers and got the class's attention, "Alright, everyone. Before we start, I'd like to introduce the new student. This is Mira Belmont."

Mira stood up as everyone turned to face her.

"She has just come from Utica, New York."

Mira sat down and looked back at her textbook. As Miss Bustier taught the lesson, Mira glanced at the other students. She felt alone. Things would get better when Marinette and Adrien introduced her to their friends.

After class was done, Mira packed up her textbooks.

Lila walked up to her and asked, "Do you want to walk to class together?"

"Sure," Mira replied.

She and Mira walked to their next class. A student gave Mira a weird look, but she ignored it. Lila didn't seem to notice. A few other students stared at the two. What was going on? Were they not used to seeing a new student?

Marinette and Adrien noticed Mira and Lila walking together.

"You don't think they'll become good friends, do you?" Adrien worried.