
A Suspicious Hero - Part One

Cat Noir lit one last candle. He had surrounded the top of the building with them. Usually, he and ladybug would run around Paris on the rooftops. Tonight, Cat Noir had a different idea. He wanted the two of them to just be together, and there was no better place than La Grand Paris hotel. Mayor Bourgeois let Cat Noir have the place to himself for the night.

Cat Noir stood back and admired his work. Ladybug was sure to love it. It was just about nine o'clock. She would be here any minute. Cat Noir sat at the grand piano and began to play. It was a simple tune, but still pleasing. Chat Noir couldn't stop smiling as he played. Soon, he became lost in thought.

Ladybug could hear faint music. What had Cat Noir done? She crept to the top of the hotel to see Cat Noir playing the piano.

"Am I late, Kitty?" she asked.

Cat Noir ended his performance and replied, "Not at all, Bugaboo."

"You know, this looks more like a date than what we normally do," Ladybug smiled with suspicion.

"I wonder why?" Cat Noir crosses his arms.

"What do you have planned?" Ladybug wondered.

"Nothing," Cat Noir shrugged.

"Nothing!" Ladybug exclaimed, "What do you mean?"

"Tonight, we're just going to relax."

"We could do that anytime!"

"I just want to look down at the city we've worked so hard to protect." Cat Noir walked to a part of the ledge where there were no candles. Ladybug followed and sat beside him.

"I miss those days," Cat Noir sighed.

"You do? You even miss the times I rejected you?" Ladybug was astonished.

"Yeah, I do. On those days, we accomplished so much together. We found solutions and defeated villains. That was what strengthened our relationship."

"You're right."

"Best of all, I spent every battle fighting with you and winning you over. I just miss that."

"Wow. I never thought of it that way."

The two smiled and looked at each other. Cat Noir wanted to speak, but something distracted him. A figure could be seen in the distance. It was far behind Ladybug.

"What's that?" Cat Noir pointed to the figure. Ladybug turned to see someone running away.

"What? We need to see who it is." Ladybug and Cat Noir followed the person carefully. When the person got father ahead, the two broke into a run.

"What if it's an akumatized victim or Hawk Moth?" Cat Noir worried.

"It could be. We need to get closer."

Suddenly, the person stopped.

Cat Noir and Ladybug ducked out of sight. The person stood still and looked off the edge of the building. Ladybug gasped.

"It's Mayura!" she told Cat Noir.

"You're right! She must have found the Peacock Miraculous," Cat Noir said.

"Maybe it was never lost," Ladybug thought.

"We need to get the Miraculous." Cat Noir stood up and jumped out from hiding. Ladybug hesitated, then did the same.

"Mayura! We're surprised to see you around here!" Cat Noir announced.

"How did you get Miraculous back?" Ladybug questioned.

Mayura turned around to face the two with a confused look. Ladybug and Cat Noir stopped. This person had the a Peacock Miraculous, but they were not Mayura.