
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · 漫画同人
1602 Chs

-67- In order to plan for the future.


With the sound of the automatic door, after a day, Rozen finally returned to his room.

"This day felt quite long."

Rozen lay on the bed, feeling exhausted.

A drowsy sensation overwhelmed Rozen's mind, and sleepiness followed.

At this moment, Rozen didn't want to do anything, not even play games.

There was only one thing Rozen wanted to do.

"Let me have a good sleep."

Rozen closed his eyes, allowing his consciousness to indulge in dreams.

He slept for a whole day and night.

During this time, no one came to visit him.

Everyone else had things to do and no time to spare.

Even Mash, who always stuck to Rozen like a little tail didn't appear and Fou who would usually be sleeping on him when he woke up, did not appear, allowing Rozen to enjoy complete tranquility.

Perhaps Fou went to see the director?

That was the first thing Rozen thought after waking up.

"Looks like Fou truly sees that woman as her companion and junior. It will be interesting to see what happens next."

Rozen's heart was filled with such malicious thoughts.

From now on, besides Rozen and Mash, it seemed that a third person would be seen in a new light by Fou – without a doubt, that person would be Olga Marie.

"Enough with the jokes."

Rozen lifted the blanket and sat up.

Then, he closed his eyes and began to examine his own condition.

"The magic circuits are functioning... normal."

"The recovery of magical energy... normal."

"Continued use of magic... normal."

"Everything seems normal, no anomalies."

Rozen carefully checked his condition again and again.


"Even I don't know what's going to happen next."

Rozen opened his eyes and looked at his right hand.

On that hand, he wore a backless satin glove.

On the backless part of the glove, faint lines appeared.

It was Rozen's Command Spell.

The Command Spell that had been completely used up in Fuyuki City was now starting to recover, and one of the three strokes was gradually regaining its shine, turning into a deep red mark.

"After returning to Chaldea, the magical energy from the Servant summoning system truly started flowing in."

This magical energy formed new Command Spells, increasing Rozen's authority over the Servants.

In three days, all three strokes of the Command Spell would be fully restored, becoming Rozen's important trump card to command his Servants.


"Just having this is not enough, right?"

Rozen recalled the battles in Fuyuki City.

In those battles, Rozen's performance was remarkably outstanding, earning praises from Saber, Archer, and Caster more than once, and they highly valued him.

To be honest, without Rozen, the resolution of Fuyuki City's Singularity, and the survival of everyone, would have been uncertain.

Yet, Rozen was not satisfied with himself.

"Fuyuki City's Singularity was just a remnant of the incineration of humanity. The real factors that led to the extinction of human history are the seven new Singularities."

Under such circumstances, Rozen almost lost his life in several battles in Fuyuki City.

"In that case, how can I handle even higher-level and more dangerous battles in the new Singularities?"

There is no doubt that the seven Singularities causing the incineration of humanity will be more terrifying than Fuyuki City's Singularity.

To increase his chances of success, Rozen must come up with a plan.

In this aspect, Rozen never slackens.

If he lacks physical strength, he will use his brain diligently. That has always been Rozen's philosophy.

And there are ways to increase his chances of success.

The simplest way is to form contracts with new Servants.

"As long as I can increase my combat power, my chances of success will naturally rise."

Just like in Fuyuki City, if it weren't for Caster joining, Rozen really didn't think he could win with Mash alone.

Considering this, if Chaldea could summon new Servants and form contracts with Rozen, it would undoubtedly be the most effective way to increase the chances of success.

Since Chaldea will provide the magical energy, Rozen doesn't need to worry about running out of magical energy even if he forms contracts with multiple Servants. So why not give it a try?

"Unfortunately, even Chaldea can't successfully summon new Servants under the current circumstances."

In the past, Chaldea only succeeded in summoning the Three Knights Servants.

Now, with Chaldea suffering such a huge loss, successfully summoning new Servants would undoubtedly be extremely difficult.

Rozen thought about this and asked Romani.

"Besides Mash, are there any other Servants in Chaldea that I can form contracts with?"

He asked Romani in this manner, not holding much hope.

As expected...

"I'm afraid that wouldn't work."

Romani gave a bitter smile as he provided the answer.

"Prototype Heroic Spirit II is the one who merged with Mash. Prototype Heroic Spirit III already has a contract, and that person is an important technical member within Chaldea. Depending on him... no, her... or...., let's just say it's quite difficult."

Knowing this, Rozen didn't have much hope.

As mentioned before, Rozen knows one of Chaldea's three Heroic Spirits, is acquainted with another, but knows nothing about the last one.

The one Rozen knows is Prototype Heroic Spirit II. Although they have never spoken or even met, Rozen at least knows of their existence within Chaldea.

And the one Rozen is acquainted with is Prototype Heroic Spirit III. Though not very familiar, Rozen only knows about him...no....her...or....well just knows about her situation.

In this case, Rozen naturally knows that forming a contract with that particular Servant is very difficult.

Rozen's true aim is actually Prototype Heroic Spirit I.

That mysterious Servant whom Rozen knows nothing about, not even whether they are present in Chaldea.


"Unfortunately, that's not possible either."

After a moment of silence, Romani gave this answer with a somewhat complex expression.

This made Rozen realize that perhaps Romani is acquainted with this mysterious Servant.

With this revelation, the plan to form a contract with a new Servant and increase their combat strength was completely thwarted.

Since the option of increasing combat strength from external sources was not viable, Rozen can only focus on internal improvements.

Meaning, he needs to enhance his own combat abilities.

To achieve this, Rozen needs to train his magecraft once again.

If he can advance his "Summoning" to the level where he can summon Upper-level familiars, it would undoubtedly be a significant enhancement.

"But achieving this is easier said than done..."

Rozen sighed with a sense of frustration.