
Chapter 12: Surprisingly, this was Anti-Climatic yet the same time Expected...

After Brewing the Potions, the time to kill the dragon was nigh.

Hiroki who had begun his journey to kill the dragon was currently searching for the whereabouts of its location. Using the Ender Pearl and the Blaze Powder to make the Eyes of Ender, he began to throw them like how the game would, letting them locate the Portal to the end as he followed the Eyes to the location.

'I don't know why but I can't help but feel excited that this is my first time beating the Dragon by myself without anyone to help me. I did try this back when I was playing on the creative mode but it feels so lackluster than beating it with the trials and errors you made.'

Hiroki was just bringing simple equipment and carrying only the bare necessities since he plans on setting up a Sub-base near the End Portal once he manages to locate it. He didn't fully equip himself since he doesn't plan on jumping in, just making preparations since he wants to be fully ready when fighting the dragon.

Once he saw that the Eye started to go under instead of going up, he finally reached his destination as he started making a stairway down below to the Stronghold.

It was a long process since Hiroki was building down slowly, creating a proper tunnel which he constructed Stairs while heading down.

He felt that he might end up using the End to either make a mob farm or collect Late Resources inside, it might come in handy in the near future since Future Hiroki might thank Present Hiroki for the good deed. Though Past Hiroki is still an Ass.

Finally reaching the Stronghold once he saw some ruined Stone Bricks, Mossy Stone Bricks and even some having Cracks on the Stone Bricks, Hiroki knew that he found the Stronghold and decided to create a Tunnel leading to the surface. Luckily, it didn't spawn on the water or he would have trouble making an underwater tunnel to the Stronghold.

He can do that but why make it harder? It's best that it spawned on land.

After setting torches such that no mobs would spawn, he started exploring the place while lighting up the area, occasionally running into some chest where he would look for good loot and even come across his first Golden apple which he forgot he could craft one.

'Hmn...Remind myself to craft Golden apples or any food items requiring gold. Forgot I could craft Golden carrots and....Melons?! By the Notch! Why did I forget about that?!'

'I've been playing Minecraft and never once remember that I cannot only find Watermelons here, I could even farm one...'

'No...No. Hiroki. Focus on the objective and not get yourself lost over your addiction to watermelons.'

Pausing himself mid-journey, he recalled how he didn't even think to himself to look for one since he was exploring from time to time in the Overworld and not try to actively to look for at least a watermelon or even the seed of it.

'F*** this! I'm postponing the Dragon Hunt until I get my Melons!' Hiroki didn't hesitate to stop and turn back, right as he was just close to the end portal, walking back to where he came from as he wanted to start looking for watermelons or at least some seeds as fast as possible.

Quickly running back and dropping everything that was useless for him to explore, he decided to set out and started looking for Watermelons.

-Generating World-

Honestly, I don't know what was I gonna do with the story after beating the dragon. I just plan this simply writing Minecraft fanfics because I enjoy the game and never actually tried to play the game more even playing some mods of it.

Though, now that I have an objective like trying to make the MC kill off Danzo, it should be doable to make this longer since after beating the dragon, the story should focus more on the Naruto world rather than the Minecraft since I'm simply writing on the game rather than writing the story. I bet killing Danzo should make my creative juices run and make a long novel of it...

[Just like Hiroki, the Author also sets up a flag by himself, not knowing that Danzo would not live before the Uchiha Massacre would begin.]

[Just like the Author, the fourth Wall breaker won't even know Danzo could even live before the Hinata kidnapping incident would even happen.]

-Loading Terrain-

1 Month.

It took one month just to find a single watermelon seed.

Hiroki can't even start to think as to why or how this took a month just to find a single seed.

Finding Golden apples? How about 5 stacks of it?

Notch(Enchanted Golden) Apples? 20 is currently sitting in his inventory.

Totems of Undying? Like, 10 of it after running to raids and even went to look for a woodland mansion out of sheer desperation to look for a single seed.

He didn't even know if this was considered Lucky or Unlucky anymore since he did find one in the end...but at what cost?

And so, he didn't hesitate to bolt out back home as if he was running with a priceless treasure in his hand, quickly sprinting into his fields and started growing them, even went as far as bonemeal the seed to speed growth its process.

After all that pain, little physical but full of mental pain, he finally had grown his first Watermelon and...

It was so worth it...

'This is totally worth the pain in the past Month...' Hiroki bit through the watermelon after reverting back into his real form, savoring the watermelon he harvested with glee as he turned the rest back into seeds and started making farms to get more watermelon.

Huh? Golden Melons? Normal Watermelons is far better than those Measly Melons that only shined bright. Even its a better food resource than regular Watermelon, I still pick this over those bling-bling melons everyday.

The Watermelon Cult shall rise in this world

'*Cough**Cough* I should focus on fighting the Dragon now that the distraction is finished.'

After the Melon was finished, he restarted his hunt for the dragon, this time fully equipped since he already knows where the Stronghold was.

He didn't waste his journey since he knows the direction, considering he basically placed so many signs that even an idiot would know where to go.

As an Idiot, Hiroki didn't get lost in his journey and quickly found the Stronghold which he didn't expect to find the Portal right close to him at all.

Feeling excited, preparations were done and all sorts of strategies were in his mind, thinking that it would be a legendary battle to fight the strongest Mob in Minecraft.

Breathing in and out, Hiroki was trying to rid of his nervousness while placing each Eye of Ender in the portal, trying be calm yet the blood rush in his head had been giving him a hard time trying to be calm.

'This is it Hiroki. The Final Boss of Minecraft. You never beat this in the game, even though you played harder games than this one.'

'Pray to Herobrine and our Lord and Savior Notch that he may bless us a good victory against our greatest foe yet.'

Hiroki decided to kneel as if praying to the Minecraft Gods themselves to bring a glorious battle he could ever face, Hiroki steel his nerves as he jumps straight through the portal, ready to face the Final Boss...

....and ended it Anti-climactic to the point where Hiroki began to doubt life itself.

Watching as the Dragon began to rain EXP all around while slowly exploding into many pieces, Hiroki seems to have forgotten that he might have overequipped himself to a battle with a dragon that can even be beat just by using beds and arrows...

"Hmn? What's this?' Suddenly...