
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · 游戏衍生
17 Chs

The Church of the Holy Testament

I kicked the knight aside, leaving him to quietly groan in pain as I assessed the damage I had done. Either he is frail, or he has no proper pain thresholds, because I didn't do damage to leave someone slowly entering shock. I crumpled his chestplate in, leaving his chest constricted - but fine -, broke a leg and an arm, and stabbed his healthy hand. Sure, it doubtlessly hurts a lot, but the only thing even affecting anything other than his limbs is mild pressure on his chest and a mild concussion, given the signs. Not serious at all where I'm from, we would hospitalize him to treat his concussion, remove his armour, and fix up his limbs, but otherwise a clean bill of health. Strange... maybe I hurt his ego too much? Or I just don't know how to assess wounds. I didn't care too much, and stood aside as medics - obviously, despite their medieval appearance - rushed forward and started some basic triage on him, poorly splinting his arms, removing his chestplate, shooting me evil looks, and bandaging his head and hand.

One enemy soldier approached me, sword out, saying "Who are you? Void users can't hide, and you are clearly one, or the Void in that armour and in you would kill you... and that training you used to fight... it's not from this land. Are you from the Lost Lands?" I simply looked at him before turning back to watching the medics muck around with the knight, while ones hands very weakly lit up with a light beige colored glow, which seemed to slightly heal the knight. Mana perhaps? The soldier then poked at me - missing me -, before saying "Hello? Can you even hear me under that helmet?" I turned to him again, simply saying "No, I am not from this horrible place. I'm not even from this world, or any you know, and I figure, why hide it? I'v probably pissed off some big super-religion, so I can't really hide anymore. So whatever." He gulped audibly, stepping back, his hands shaking - the soldier, not me -, before saying "Do you need a priest? Do you even know what powers you are using?" I then said "Of course I don't understand these powers, before a couple of your 'moons' ago I didn't even know of mana. I just know I can use them, they're neat, and it doesn't cost me to use them along with my knowledge." the soldier simply stepped back, before running to the cluster of medics.

One of them then approached me after a bit, saying "Who are you, to supposedly not know about Void mana, and if this is true... where are you from?" I sighed, saying "I don't know anything about this world because I'm not from it. I am from a completely different dimension, and lived a normal life as a law enforcement officer in a world where there are no alternate dimensions, no monsters, other than evil men, no mana or magic in any form. It was a world of pure technology. You have doubtlessly developed weak forms of technology to have this equipment, but where we are from... have you ever seen what looks like a mere pipe fire small shards of metal so fast the eye can't hope to track it? No? That's because it's only from where I am from. We have medical, industrial, combat, agriculture, and many more various fields of life that have been enhanced by our technology. In fact, in some ways it would seem magical to you. In fact, mana and magic is such a bizarre idea that it exists only in stories where we are from."

The person then said "I cannot know if you lie or not, so I ask that you follow us to be questioned by the high priest of our land, who is one of the few true mages, who will be able to tell if you lie... or not. I myself do not believe you, but if it is true or not is up to him, seeing as you are a Void user." I simply said "Go ahead. But please, why attack these people in the first place? They are a small settlement, and have no force to even be a problem. Given your apparent power, you could likely pass right by them without a bump. Is this speciesism (A/N: I don't know how to spell it LOL)? Never mind you might not know. Take me to this 'high priest' when your ready, I could use more knowledge of this area, and you can't really harm me permanently."

A two week long - ish - journey later, and I saw large white walls, with a castle rising in the middle with a large, tall, temple-like church to one side of it. I could tell that this place was rather old. I was brought in - still in my armour, as I didn't trust them to not stab me or steal it somehow, and as they couldn't take it off -, gaining lots of stares from pedestrians and local guards - as I latter learned -, before the large procession stopped before a white wall a bit over twice the height of a man, with a single white gate, with white clad guards, with... a super white courtyard. I could also see the church close, so it was obviously the church.

After a short conversation with the guards, I was brought in again by the priest like guys who had been escorting me, going through the courtyard, the church, countless halls, corridors, and rooms, before stopping just inside some form of interior garden. It was beautiful, a large, light colored weeping willow tree in the middle, with white blossoms and pink leafs. It seemed to be lightly swaying in a wind that didn't exist. I saw a man sitting there at its base. I was shoved forward, and the second I stepped on the grass covering the dirt on the inside, he sat up straighter. He then beckoned me forward, still not saying anything. I was starting to get scared, because this guy... from the doorway, he just looked like... a normal person, in priest robes and clothing, but the closer I got, the more it felt that there was a sword, hanging over my head, ready to end me no matter what, whenever it wanted. When I got within a few feet of him, he simply said "Come, sit with me. Not many people are brought to talk to me, and it can get lonely in here." I cautiously stepped forward, sitting down a bit to his right when I got close to him. When I shifted away from him - the weird feeling being incredibly strong at this point - he turned to face me. He then smiled, and somehow took my helmet off, setting it to the side. He then studied my face, before saying "It's been a long time since I'v sensed the void. And yet, one day, it simply appears again, with too much strength to be a learning Void mage, but much too weak to be a newly spawned monster with an affinity for Void mana or Him breaking free.

"And then I remembered the tome me and a few friends from the various species found. Oh we were so naive back then, but it was still fun and games. It's a shame that he gave his weakening life to give you a Heart of Life, but oh well... can't do anything now. You may as well keep it on you until you feel the time is right, it is incredibly strong." I said "Who is this person your talking about?" he then said "You know him simply as 'The Elder'. Its a shame I couldn't bring him back here, I suppose I should have just sent a more fervent message to come here to receive strength, but I suppose that as he focused on Life mana rather than Light, he may have sensed you coming, Void Walker. Now, I suppose your here because you were with him when he gave you that Heart of Life, and you decided to let the priests I was sending to bring him here to bring you here instead. What an interesting coincidence..." I sat there, confused. So the Elder wasn't being invaded? He was there, potentially waiting for me? And this priest dude was friends with him? I then spoke up, saying "So, you and the elder were friends?" he responded, saying "Yes, and I suppose you are very confused, given the strange beliefs of this kingdoms soldiers. There are no gods in this place, only the belief in them. Now, there was doubtlessly a god in your world, due to the lack of magic meaning an observer for your universe is required, but here? None of that. Mana is what caused this universe to form, and its 'big bang' to happen. But then again, you may have figured this out already."

I sat there, thinking. I then said "Is this Void mana evil? he then said "Like the logic you know of guns and other weapons in your world, the tool cannot be evil. The tool is never evil. But rather, it is the people who use the tool for evil that are evil. Tools are merely tools, and do only what their function demands, and only when someone uses them. Even here, where tools can be enchanted, given mana, they still remain just a tool. They do not come to life and chose good over evil, but rather sit there, waiting. If He had chosen to learn and use the Light rather than the Void, it would not matter, but we might believe the Light to be evil, and the Void good. In reality, the Light simply works in obvious ways, while the Void works quietly. They are equally powerful, and equally neutral. Neither is good, nor bad. What matters is who uses them. I would tell everyone here this truth, but they do not care, they are firmly rooted in the belief that the dark is bad, and the light is good. And this is how I know that you are not evil, or even that good. You are merely a normal person, forced in a land and a position that few would understand, and of the few that would, none of them are from your world. All I really ask of you, is if you don't actively try to stop Him from escaping, at least prepare for him. At least don't be evil. Feel free to go home now, I know they can't stop you... I wish I could have at least complimented my old friend on the design of your armour, it is incredibly efficient for mere obsidian, titanium, and diamond..."

I stood up, more questions forming, but a lot of the ones I had answered. I picked up my helmet, putting it away before leaving. Just before I left the grass, the priest turned and said "Can you tell the initiates eavsdropping behind the door to stop? It is rather rude to listen in on a conversation between their elders." and when I peeked through the door, sure enough over nine people were sitting there, listening. I simply flashed a grin, waved, and they practically teleported away they ran so fast. I chuckled as I started wandering, incredibly lost and not really knowing how to get out. I eventually found my way out, and it was much easier to find my way out of the city after that. I knew that there were doubtlessly people following me, but I didn't particularly care. I kept making my path back to my home, using a compass that I was gifted. Strangely, instead of pointing north or south, like it should have - it was even marked like a normal compass - but it rather pointed... home? I shrugged it off as an effect of my 'powers'.

About two and a half to three weeks latter, and I had both found my home and made a partially marked path to the city, just in case I decided to come back. When I walked back in the gate, Linkon and Kyle were just... sitting there. Silent. Kyle then said "So... your back. Why were you gone? And why so long?" I then said "First I was trekking to a settlement I faintly saw in the distance, then there was a battle, its where I got this armour and sword from, then I went and met the 'high priest' of 'The Church of the Holy Testament', then I went home. In other words, not the weirdest thing to happen." silence. So much silence. Kyle then said "Okay.... I guess you didn't die and lose your equipment, and you gained more... I assume since your still alive after meeting the high priest that he liked you... whatever, more importantly, Devin's gone. He packed up food and equipment and just left." I said "Devin? Oh, the 'leader' of your small group when you came here?" "Yeah...

"More importantly, I think he's looking for something to permanently kill you with.

Brain melting :)

much pain

so dark

save me

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts