
Episode 52: The Capital of Aezeokar (2)

******* Rose's POV ********

Rest? I can't really rest from the strange things going on in this kingdom.

Why do I feel like someone else is ruling this kingdom and not my uncle, the king?

I need to get to the bottom of this.

I opened the door of my room and tried to march towards the room my uncle is staying.

I noticed that there are two soldiers guarding my room. They quickly bow to me the moment they see me and block my way.

"My lady. Where are you going at this time of the day? Aren't you suppose to be resting?" one of the soldiers talk to me.

"I need to speak with my uncle. Get out of my way." I said to the soldiers since they are blocking my way.

"That won't be possible, my lady. The king ordered us to make sure to stay in your room so you can rest."

I glare at both of them and they flinch a little bit.

"I see. If you don't get out of way after me counting to three, I'll make sure both of you will be executed or better yet, I promise to hurt you both severely." I said to them after a moment.

Both of them are still blocking my way and I'm starting to lose my patience.

"One." I began counting making both of them panic.

"My lady. I urge you to please calm down. We are just following the king's order."


They quickly ready their spears and shields.

"This is your last chance," I said to them.

They still remain in their battle stance and not showing signs of moving away.

"Fine. Three."

"Guar...!" One of the soldiers tried to call for reinforcements but I quickly grabbed their heads and pulled them inside my room.

I smacked my head to the soldier's head that I'm holding in my right hand making him unconscious. Even with his helmet on, it was quite easy.

The other soldier on the left tried to scream but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand and stare closely at his eyes.

I let go of the unconscious soldier and he is now laying flat on the floor.

I drag the remaining soldier with me towards the door so I can close it.

After making sure that it is only me and him, I grabbed a chair and forcibly sit the soldier.

My hand is still in his mouth and equipped my dagger in my right hand.

"If you start screaming or make any sudden movements when I let go of my hand, I will kill you. Do you understand?" I said to him and he quickly nods his head.

I removed my hand on his mouth and grabbed another chair to sit while interrogating this soldier.

"Now, I'm going to start asking you questions and you better make sure to answer them with honesty. Who ordered you to imprison me in my own room?" I asked the soldier and his eyes are filled with so much fear.

"The king, my lady."

"That is a lie!" I quickly place my dagger on his throat making him panic and he suddenly starts crying.

"I swear in the name of the Goddess that I'm telling you the truth, my lady."

Why would my uncle lock me in my room?

The soldier's eyes are sort of pure when I stare at them which means he is either a good liar or he is telling the truth. Whichever the case, I need to ask my uncle about this.

I put away my dagger and start dragging the soldier in his shoulder. I am dragging him like he weighed nothing.

I'm really angry right now so I just kick the door down of my room and started walking.

There is a woman who is wearing a maid uniform standing beside the broken door.

She saw that I'm dragging a soldier in my hand while there is another one who is unconscious inside the room.

The maid tried to run away but I quickly grab her in her shoulder.

I transferred about twenty emeralds in her inventory. That is enough money to feed her for an entire week or so.

"Open your inventory." I quickly ordered the maid.

She is staring at the black space in front of her so she is probably looking at her inventory like I ordered her to.

The woman's eyes opened wide and then she looks at me.

"Take care of that soldier inside," I said to her while releasing my hand on her shoulder.

I didn't bother to check whether she followed my orders or not and just started walking.

The soldier I'm dragging started to wiggle in my grip and I quickly glare at him. He cowered at gaze and I started walking again.

Lots of people started to notice me but I didn't care.

I'm about to reach my uncle's room when another man is blocking my way.

"What are you doing, cousin?" said the son of the king wearing in his iron armor.

"Move." I just said to him while still slowly walking towards the room of the king.

"No. Tell me what is going..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence when I threw the soldier I'm dragging towards him.

Both of them broke through the iron door of my uncle's room.

The soldiers that are following me behind and the ones guarding the door quickly pointed their weapons at me.

"What is happening here?" I can hear the voice of my uncle inside the room.

My uncle then slowly steps out of his room and saw that quite a lot of soldiers are pointing their weapons at me.

"Put away your weapons." The king ordered and of the soldiers quickly followed.

"What is going here, uncle?" I asked him.

"I'm the one who is supposed to ask that question, Rose."

"You ordered soldiers to lock me in my room," I said to him while pointing my hand behind him towards the soldier who is now standing beside my cousin.

"What? You know what, come inside my room so we can discuss this and could someone please fix my door."

I quickly followed him inside his room while someone just placed a new iron door behind us.

"Leave us." the king ordered the soldier that I just threw.

"No. Stay." I quickly intervened making the soldier confused about whose order he is going to follow.

"My body hurts, cousin." said the son of the king.

"Shut up, Ancelot." I just said to him making him gasped and took a step back.

"What is this extreme animosity of yours, Rose?" said my uncle.

"'Extreme animosity'! Are you kidding me! First, you stole away my ships and my troops! Second, you ignore my call for reinforcements and lastly, you just said you don't know anything about it and lock me in my room!"

I could no longer contain my wrath. I lose so many innocent people and I'm wasting time here screaming at my uncle.

"Look, Rose. You need to calm down alright. I did order to transfer of the entire eastern fleet to the western ocean and call most of your soldiers but that is for the protection of the kingdom." the king started explaining.

"Protection? Protection from what?" I ask him.

"The drowned monsters are too quiet. I believe there are planning something. I know it." my uncle said.

"The Phantoms are too quiet too until they decided to invade and took more than six hundred innocent people," I said to him.

"What is this phantom invasion you keep talking about? I didn't know anything about it." my uncle said while trying to find a chair to sit on.

Before he can sit in his chair, I quickly walk towards him making everyone in the room raise their guards.

I then stand so close to the face of the king of the Aezeokar.

Ancelot tried to approach so he can stop me but I just pointed my dagger to him. He quickly cowered at my weapon.

"I don't know what is going here but all I know is that 'I. Need. My. Ships. And. Troops. Back.'" I said to my uncle.

My uncle sighed and grab his chair to sit.

"You are just like your mother when she was alive. Fierce, stubborn and most importantly, reckless. The qualities of a woman my brother likes. Look. I know you are in a hurry, Rose, but let talk for a moment alright so we can straighten this misunderstanding."

I decided to grab a chair to sit on so we can start talking when suddenly the door of the room burst open and a soldier steps in.

"I apologized for not knocking, your majesty, but there is an emergency." The soldier quickly said.

"What is it?" my uncle asked.

"There are people attacking King Carolus in his room." the soldier answered.

My uncle was shocked by this news and quickly ordered to send soldiers to protect King Carolus but I know that is not necessary. I haven't seen a being yet that can harm that man.

******* Carolus' POV ********

I can hear some commotion outside my room. I also hear the name Rose or something but I decided to ignore it and just lie on my bed to sleep early.

I'm not really tired from the journey but with damn cold weather, it makes me want to laze around and just lie in bed all day.

I was about to close my eyes and sleep when I noticed footsteps inside the room.

That is weird. I'm sure that I locked the door and I'm alone in the room.

The footsteps are barely audible but I can still hear it.

Ten, no, about twenty people are in the room right now but I can't see anyone since it is too dark in the room. Someone just blew the light of the lanterns.

Great. What is going here?

I can hear someone swinging something at me and I quickly grabbed whoever it was. I grabbed the head of the person and twist it. His neck made a cracking sound and I let go of that person.

I leaped out of the bed and rolled on the floor.

I can feel that I'm surrounded.

I threw a bottle of Night Vision VI on the floor and I can now see the room perfectly clear but I still can't see my attackers.

Super great. They are probably using Invisibility potions.

It doesn't matter. If they want to show their potions abilities, I will also show mine.

I grab two bottles in my inventory.

I drop the one in my left hand and bottle breaks. Smoke is starting to fill the room and I can hear people coughing and trashing on the floor.

I opened the other bottle in my right hand and quickly drink it.

The first bottle was a failure from one of my experiments that I decided to keep it in case I can find a use for it in the future. The second one that I drank was milk and this holy water that came from my cows can heal and protect you from any poison and status changes.

All of my attackers' invisibility is starting to wear off for some reason. I can see all of them now.

They are wearing matching clothes and I was shocked to see this. I believe this is what illagers wear in the game.

What are the illagers want with me? I don't remember pissing any of them off as far as I can remember.

The illagers are still poisoned but they still charge at me.

Okay. I didn't want to dirty my room with blood so I decided to fight them with my bare hands.

I started snapping their necks and punching them.

It didn't take long for all of them to die except one.

This guy I'm holding right now is almost dead but he still wants to keep on fighting.

I raise him close to my face and asks: "What do you want from me?".

He started laughing for some reason.

"The ender dragon has a message for you." said the man.

"What message?" I asked.

"You will never get back home. Hahaha."

Rage quickly filled my body. I really want to squeeze this guy head.

I'm so focused on my anger to this guy when I didn't notice a bolt hitting in this guy's head. The guy is dead now.

What? Who shot that bolt?

I quickly turn my gaze towards the door and noticed soldiers holding lanterns just standing not doing anything but my attention is on a single person.

A priest holding a crossbow.

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I hope you all enjoy this.

Nayamoraccreators' thoughts