

Beth is a loner,she doesn't have many friends nor does she want them, she never wanted to be the poplar girl and preferred to stay out of the lime light ,but when the kids from the school with the worst reputation comes to her school then shes going to get lots of attention and all from luke the boy with the worst reputation.

Colleen_Haynes · 奇幻言情
8 Chs


Before my next class i head to the bathroom to calm myself down a bit, im not sure why but my heart feels like it's going to come out of my chest, as i was leaving the classroom all i wanted to do was run back to luke and never leave him, i swear im going insane.                                                         Once i have splashed water on my face and calmed down a bit i look at the time "great , now im late", so i rush out of the bathroom and head to maths, the class is already there when i rush in and everyone laughs but i don't care "you're late!!!" Mr Fisher snaps "sorry sir i was in the bathroom", i stumble through a quick apology before he replies "i don't care, now find your seat or its detention", so i hurry to an empty seat at the back of the class and pull out my books as Mr Fisher starts droning on about today's lesson but im not really listening, i have an uneasy feeling and that's when i look up and from across the room a pair of bright blue eyes are staring at me, im like a deer in headlights, i can't stop staring back and i didn't realize before but im also holding my breath.