
Happiness; what she had always wanted

They quickly pulled away from each other as Peter picked up his phone. His expression was tense when he saw the caller.

"Hello. I'm busy right now, I'll call you later."

"Peter. Who's it?" Myra asked when he hung the call.

"I_uh," He stuttered. He cleared his throat. "It's just one of these nosy people, a business partner I mean."

"Really?" Myra asked in disbelief, watching him place the phone on silent with a grim expression.

He averted her gaze. "Yeah. It's a business partner that wanted to find out if I arrived safely in Marlow." 

"I didn't wanna talk to him because I'm with you and I don't want anyone to intrude on our time together." He said quickly, reaching forward to pull her cheeks.

She nodded.

Recalling that they were about to kiss when the phone rang, a tinge of red rushed up Myra's face.

Facing the TV once more, she pretended to concentrate but her mind kept wandering back to the kiss they could have shared.