
Chapter 43

"Hi, Mom." I said into the phone, standing quite far away from Hames who was on the bed, to avoid disturbance since he was also on the phone with his Mom.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you? How has your day been?" She beamed.

"Really great."

"Lila and Nikita are here with me, and the phone is on loudspeaker so they have questions to ask."

"Lila and Nikita? Together without me?" I cringed and I heard them laugh from the other end of the line.

"It's not such a bad thing. We're not totally enemies." Lila said.

"Oh, we are." Nikita interrupted.

"Silly. Let's ignore that and focus on the main point: how's your honeymoon going? It should be nighttime in Paris, right?"

"Yeah. Today was really great."

"How?" Nikita asked in a rush.

I glanced at Hames, the same time he glanced at me then chuckled.