
Bear Island 2

'Yo. Jorah what's good?' I said while stepping into his solar. Its changed a little over the years as he's taken over from Jeor as he went to join the nights watch. There was a new stuffing of a black bear head hanging from the wall behind him. I turned to see Maege already there sitting seems like she was in a conversation with him.

'I'm alright. Maege and I are going over plans to prepare for the next ironborn attack we received news that they were reaving western coast and would like reach us eventually.'

'Damn right! Those ironborn cunts are always on our necks. We should cut the next crew that shows up and steal their ships. Maybe grow a fleet thanks to it.' said Maege.

'That is not a bad idea. But we don't have enough people living here. Not enough men or women to man ships. Maybe two or three. If we get lucky and capture enough maybe we bring it to Lord Stark's attention that we can start a northern navy again. Its been too long really.' I added my personal input.

We stayed there bouncing off ideas until we reached the conclusion to steal as many ships as we possibly can but slowly maybe two at a time per raid so the iron born don't figure us out quickly. It tool some hours before I finally brought up the topic of leaving and they did not like it one bit.

I eventually promised them I would stay until I was officially ten and six name-days. Which was about five months away. I could use this time to improve my warging abilities by letting my hawks fly and gather info I would need for the south.

I can currently control and communicate with sixteen hawks I have a deep connection to them. Maybe one day I'll take over the three eyed raven's job and make it the three eyed hawk's. Funny enough I got stuck with Dracule Mihawk's nickname here too. Everyone calls me Hawkeye. Atleast I escaped any terrible nickname.

I went back to my room after completing my daily training. It adds a little percent to Mihawk's template everyday I do it.

Mihawk Mormont

Age: 16

Height: 6'5

Template:Mihawk 70.006%

Devil Fruit: Gravity Fruit- Neer Awakened.


Near Super Soldier Body( Able to perform at almost the pinnacle of the human body)

Flight (using devil fruit to control body's gravity to fly)

Immortal Soul

Parallel Processing

Edietic Memory

Observation Haki- mind reading, range 1km passive, 500km to ??? actively, emotion sensing, danger sense.

Armament haki- Armor, Coiling and hardening.

Conqueror's Haki- intimidation (Weak willed with faint when used actively)

Inventory: Yoru, 5000 gold dragons, 100 whiskey winesacks, food, armour, clothes.

Before I laid in my bed I sent two raven flying. One to Dorne and the other to the reach. They have been throwing a lot of tourneys these days. Probably going to head there to participate. Better to see the situation in the kingdom through their eyes instead of receiving news later. Takes a while for news to trickle down North.