

The next day quickly arrived.

Those who had the nerve to sleep like Anthony and Tiara got up early in the morning since the written exam was going to be six hours long.

Anthony made a quick work with his morning routine when he woke up.

Bathed, brushed, ate, dressed, then he stepped out.

The time was still 9:30AM, thirty minutes before the exam time.

Students could be seen holding books and notes as they all went through everything they had learnt.

Well....some were still in the process of learning as they hadn't even completed the entire syllable, but they couldn't be blamed.

Not everyone's brain could handle such learning speed.

Since it was only thirty minutes remain, everyone already gathered in front of the exam hall.

As for Anthony, he arrived twenty minutes before the exam time and just leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

None of them noticed him as everyone was too busy with their own dilemma.