

The eight Demon power house were still standing on air, while watching 'The Blood Empress' trying to see what her response will be to no backup, well there was back up, which was Klaus.

As the demons poured out of the portals all over the Academy domain, 'The Blood Empress' didn't even move a finger, she only blinked and sounds of explosion followed through the entire Academy Domain.

She had killed every single demon that came out of those portals by just controlling the blood in their bodies making them explode like balloons, without even moving at all.

As more demons continued pouring out, they didn't even get to get to breathe in air present in the Academy before they all exploded and died without even knowing.

This is why she is called 'The Blood Empress', killing you without even moving, how terrifying

"Those are all useless tricks to me, why don't you make a move Dremis" she said as she looked at eight of them.