

Anthony continued flying high in the sky with a smile on his face.

It was everyone's dream to fly and feel the brush of wind against their skin.

Although Anthony had the ability to fly, he has never really done it before, the best he did was just float or something similar.

As he flew across the sky like he was running for his life, he stared down upon everything as he looked at how small they all looked from above.

Then he added the wind element to his speed and shot forward with even more speed.

"HAHAHHAAH this how it feels to fly, no wonder all those super heroes like flying"

Anthony laughed like a kid as he moved, he didn't really know the directions to city M, but with the Authority of Information, it was a piece of cake.

If it was others, they would have left two days ago in other to arrive on time as they couldn't fly, so they had to leave on time to get there early.