

The days slowly went past and soon it was time for class 1-A to go on their internships. As the days passed, Izuku became more and more worried over his classmate lida, after hearing he had chosen to have his work-study in Hosu. The very same place his brother had been left for dead. It didn't ease his nerves at his growing hunger for blood. As his class reached their closest train station, Aizawa-sensei stood waiting for them to come into the station so he could speak to them before they all left.

"Everyones' got their hero costumes with them, right?" He called out dully, above the sounds of the nearby trains moving about.

"Yes sensei!"

Aizawa nodded in approval.

"Good. Now, remember you're not legally allowed to wear your hero costumes in public unless you are given permission to do so from a pro-hero.

And please behave and don't lose them. "He finished with a sigh before letting his class go off towards their trains.

"Got ya!"

"t's yes sir, speak properly."

The class quickly gave each other their bubbly goodbyes before they all went their separate ways to their trains. Izuku and Ochako were stood side by side as lida walked past them to the train to Hosu.

"Hey lida, are you alright-" Ochako began before getting cut-off.

"I'm fine, you don't need to concern yourself with me. Worry yourself with your own internships" He quickly replied with a tight slime before quickly walking off, leaving both Ochako and Izuku watching his back walk off worriedly.

Izuku furrowed his brows worriedly, "I'm worried about him, I heard he was interning in Hosu..." He murmured out for only Ochako to hear, who looked towards him at his side.

"You mean where his brother was attacked? You don't think..." She trailed off as Izuku nodded at the unsaid thought.

"I just hope he isn't stupid enough to actually do anything" He replied before sighing, Ochako nodding in agreement next to him.

The pair walked to their separate trains, not before Ochako gave Izuku a quick hug of support ( much to Minetas shock) before they waved each other off as their trains sped in differing directions. As his train left the station, Izuku walked off to a nearby seat on the empty carriage and hugged his costume case close, he wondered what this internship would have in store for them all...

The train journey didn't last long, only half an hour of time for Izukus's mind to ponder on how he was gonna get something to eat without making it suspicious with the change of location. It was gonna take some planning, he honestly should have preplanned this...

As the sounds of the wind hitting the bullet train whizzed past he took note of all the different factors that could affect how this week would go.

He was most likely to need to heal less than normal, considering he wasn't going to be doing hero training every day and getting blown up by Bakugou. While Bakugous' explosions would do much on their own, unless he used his gauntlet on him (like that one time.), the wounds and amount of healing over the course of two weeks would build up considerably. Now he had a whole week away from that form of hero training. Then again, breaking his bones with One for all also took a lot out of him.

Either way, less healing meant the time between meals would extend. However, he wasn't sure what kind of training this week would ensue. He had done a small amount of research into the hero he was going to meet only to come up virtually blank, which was great.

Izuku sighed into his seat as his train approached his stop. As the train pulled into the station he quickly got up and walked out in the direction of the address he had been given. The walk leads him through a dark empty looking industrial estate before he finally came across the building he was looking for.

The outside of the building had a wonky sign on the front which read welcome, and as Izuku crossed the road to where the building stood a gross smell hit his senses. Izuku grimaced at the putrid smell. Wincing at the awful smell Izuku took a deep breath, trying not to gag, before knocking on the door and pushing it open.

"Hello? I'm Izuku Midoriya from Ua High school, I look forward to-" Izuku had to slap his mouth up to his mouth to prevent him from vomiting at the horrible smell.

On the floor in front of him was a gross pile of some nasty smell red liquid, which by the smell of it was probably Ketchup, gross. Next to the pile of ketchup was a string of what looked like sausages, uhh. Anything which was related to vegetables always smelt the worst.

Oh, and there was a most certainly alive person lying in the pile of ketchup.

Izuku quickly clamped his hand over his noise as discreetly as he could as he looked down at the person lying on the floor. He stared at the person in the pile of ketchup in silence, waiting for them to get up with a constant wince on his face from the horrific smell. After what was probably one a few seconds the body he stood over twitched before its head flicked up quickly towards him.

"I'm Alive!" they declared, who Izuku was starting to doubt was the right person he was meant to be meeting.

"I figured out that much.." He murmured out as he slowly took his hand away from his nose while trying not to let his eyes water too much.

As the old man got up out of the pile of ketchup and began mopping up the pile of ketchup and sausages, much to Izukus pleasure, he looked at the man in confusion. "So are you Gran Torino? I was meant to be meeting him here..."

Izuku drifted off as the man grabbed his case from his hands and started mopping the outside of that too, much to his disgust. "Hey! That's my-"

"So what's your name, boy?" The old man interrupted as he continued to clean his hero costume case with the ketchup fermenting water.

"It's izuku Midoryia" He grumbled out in annoyance.

The old man paused and looked back up at the kid, "What's your name?" He repeated with a derpy-looking face, making Izuku sigh in frustration. Great, he was with a loony.

"I said it's Izuku Midoryia," He said much louder that time, trying to make himself sound clear.

The old man just continued with his derpy smile before falling flat on his ass into a bubble of water, making a horrible squelching sound. The action causing Izuku to roll his eyes before pulling out his phone to call All Might and tell him he was with a loony.

just as he began tapping away on his phone, he heard the sounds of his case being flicked open behind him; causing him to quickly turn around to what was happening to his case.

"Hey, what-"

"So this is your hero costume, ay? Not bad, could be better though." The change in the old man's voice was instantly noticeable, gone was the derpy old man and in with a seemingly more serious old man. At least his age hadn't changed, but with Izukus experience of things unexpectantly happening he wasn't going to put that idea away for now.

Izuku was stunned as to what to say, what was he supposed to say?

"Why don't you set off a punch of one for all at me, I want to see how far you have some in terms of power; considering I didn't see you use it once at the sports festival.."

..Ha…..? Was he insane?

The old man looked at him impatiently, "Well?

What are you waiting for?"

"But sir..." Izuku drifted off as the man, now assuming Gran Torino, eyed him. Not taking any of the refusals for an answer.

Izuku grimaced at the thought of possibly breaking anything in their house and possibly killing the old hero in front of him.

"All right." He began wearily as he took off his school blazer before placing it on the side, charging up One for All in his arm. "I hope you're ready!"

Izuku let his punch fly through the air towards the Hero, causing pills of paper and rubbish around the room to go flying. He closed his eyes, scared of hitting the old man. As he did so, he heard the sound of a small jet engine bounce up behind him before he was kicked in the back into the floor; the old hero now standing above him. His arm which had previously broken slightly from the force of the punch slowly beginning to heal again.

"So you were born with a healing quirk, I guess?


Izukus eyes widened at the observation and quickly nodded in agreement at the false statement.

"Ahh, yes it was. But it was so weak I didn't even notice it till I got One for All."

Gran Torino hopped off the boy's back and walked around him. "Weak ay? I suppose One for All has already boosted that up quite a fair amount already in that case. Impressive."

Izuku nodded lightly as the hero walked over to his hero case before kicking it over to him.

"Get changed. While it's good that your original quirk can heal your broken bones in an astounding time now, you won't be any use if you pass out from quirk overuse before you've even defeated your opponent. We have work to do."

Izuku grabbed the case as it slid in front of him with a small smile. He guessed it would be a waste of time if he didn't take this seriously, even if he didn't want to have One for all much longer.

"Yes Sir!"

"It's Gran Torino!"


Back at UA, Detective Tsukauchi had decided to make a quick stop to discuss the secondary case of the USJ attack he had been working on.

"I'm sorry for just turning up unexpectedly, I hope you don't mind." He greeted his old-time friend, All Might in his Toshinori Yagi form.

The number one hero waved him off with a smile as he placed down the two drinks he had gotten for them. "It's alright, its been a while since we spoke properly at the cafe a few months ago."

Tsukauchi nodded with a smile, "Yea it has, how is your successor doing anyway?"

Yagi laughed lightly, "Ahh, he's doing great. Hes' come a long way since the first time I met him" he began with a small smile. "He wasn't very well at the sports festival, but during lessons at school, he's shining above the rest. I couldn't be prouder!"

The detective hummed in agreement, before asking the hero a question in a more relaxed tone.

"How are he and his classmates after the US attack. ?"

Yagi sighed slightly and lowered his cup. "They all seem to have mentally recovered from it, thankfully, including Todoroki who was caught up in the middle of it. Although, you can never be too sure with children..."

Tsukauchi nodded silently, allowing the hero to continue.

"It seems as if none of the students were aware of the Ghoul running rampage in the Ruins zone. I've read all their accounts from the police files and they all mention being with another student..."

Tsukauchi nodded grimly, "I see..." He paused, "On the topic of the USJ attack, I've got something I wanted to talk to you about regarding one of the villains brought into custody; more specifically the one called Nomu."

Yagi lowered his mug onto the table, "You mean that bird-looking guy?"

The detective nodded and furrowed his brows.

"We did some DNA tests on it, hoping to try and get some kind of results. Unfortunately, the results were more than what we were expecting. The Nomus body seemed to be comprised of multiple strands of DNA, mostly coming from a guy who used to take part in an underground fighting ring a year ago before he went missing.

The detective sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair, as the number one hero listened in silence; his eyes wide with shock at the new details.

"We tried to communicate with it, but it's not responding to any of us. Like it was programmed to do so or something. It's as if someone has combined multiple people together to create one monster with the aim of killing you.." Tsukauchi looked up at the number one hero with a small grimace.

All might sat back in horror as his friend explained the situation to him.

"With that and the fact that you said it had multiple quirks... I-i can only think of one person who can do stuff like that..."

Yagi slumped back onto the sofa behind him, filled with fear... "No... It cant be.."

The detective could only nod slightly as he took a long drink from his tea.

"All for One... Technically this is a leak of information but I thought I owed it to you to let you know... I had a feeling he was behind it just I just didn't want to bring up the possibility...

Yagi nodded lowly, petrified at the thought before the detective spoke up again, "But Yagi, it got me thinking... If the ghouls' sudden appearance last year really is connected to the league of villains, even if they themselves don't know, All for one might be trying to obtain the quirk for himself. We all know he's the kind of person to play with people before he uses them..

Yagis' eyes opened dramatically at the unforeseen prospect as the detective continued.

"Yagi, If this is true... And the suspect really is a member of UA... I'm afraid to say, but I don't think the USJ attack will be the last time the league of villains attacks this school."

Yagi quickly placed his mug down on the table before standing up and staring horrifyingly down at his friend. "We've got to tell the people on the Ghoul case instantly..!"

As the days of the internship went by, Gran Torino slowly taught Izuku how to use One for All without breaking his bones through trial and error. The training was not as damaging as Izuku had initially thought but the number of times he had gotten kicked into the floor was certainly starting to annoy him. However, it eventually paid off, as Izuku bounced around using One for All by its self without damaging any part of his body or having to call upon his ghoul quirk.

It had only taken him a short while to realize how One for All was meant to be used. His healing abilities from his ghoul quirk worked all over his body, why wouldn't One for all?

The rush of energy and freedom he felt from the quit was almost enough to make him forgot about his ghoul quirk entirely. If only he could survive on human food..

At least at this rate, if he didn't have to use his Kagune or heal any major bones, he would survive the week without eating. That thought alone was enough to calm Izukus' nerves.

Just as the day was beginning to come to an end, while Izuku was planning on getting ready for bed, Gran Torino came barging through the door.

"Get your costume on, where going to phase two!"He said with a wide grin.

Izuku looked at Gran Torino with surprise, "Hu?

Where are we going?"

Gran Torino only smirked," I don't want you picking up any bad habits from me using one for all, you need to go out there and learn to fight on your own!"

Izuku gulped worriedly and looked at the calendar,


There were only 3 days left of this internship. He would have to be careful about who he took on.

Izuku looked at his backpack which contained his emergency hoodie, 'I'll take that, just in case...'

"Around here there isn't much villain activity, so weYe taking the train to Shibuya city. The population is much denser there so we will have a high chance of finding some villain activity."

Shibuya City, hu..? We've gotta go past Hosu to get here... I wonder how lidas doing...

"You should be more careful, stain, on who you attack. We don't have a medic in our team yet..."

The room was dark and damp as Stain the Hero killer and Shigaraki, leader of the League of Villains faced off in the middle of their bar. Shigaraki grabbed his bleeding shoulder from here stain had previously punctured his body with his tactical serrated Knife.

"If you didn't go around kidnapping me of the streets, you wouldn't have gotten into this situation." The hero killer glared darkly back at Shigaraki, causing him to scratch his neck irritably.

"I just want you to join my League, you would be a powerful asset to us. And with the other minions I plan on having in my league, we will be unstoppable..

Stain slid his knife closer to Shigarakis' neck, " don't want to be in League, your petty dreams disgust me..." he stated clearly, as Shigarakis' hand quickly reached up to grab the killer's knife, slowly disintegrating it.

"I don't need conviction, where I'm going. I'm gonna have all the power, with you, that bloody cannibal, and everyone else! Were going to take down this wretched society.

Stain quickly let go of the knife in shock at

Shigarakis quickly before looking at him cautiously.

"Oh, yea..? And whos this Cannibal, you plan on hiring.?" Stain said, slowly moving his eyes away from the pile of rust on the floor.

Shigaraki started scratching his neck manically while grinning madly under his mask.

"The Bloody Stain! Who wouldn't want a player like him on their team, going around and eating everyone he lays his eyes on!"

Stain scowled, not liking how the media had named that monster so similarly to him.

"You're even more insane than I thought, going after that monster...

Shigaraki face darkened as he scratched his neck faster, his bleeding shoulder going ignored. "I hate him, the Media talk about him almost as much as All Might these days" He stated as flakes of dry skin cells fell onto the floor. "He gets all the attention for killing a few low-life scums while he could do so much more!"

Stain shifted back slightly from the psychotic maniac who stood before him.

" I want the attention he gets! I want everyone to watch me crumble the world!"

Stain shifted uncomfortably at the psycho in front of him.

"That Monster is more than a merciless killer who slaughters everyone he sees, Shigaraki." He stated calmly.

Shigaraki paused and pulled his hand away from his neck as he turned to face the Hero killer.

Stain continued on, "He may go around eating his victims but he doesn't do so without reason" He furrowed his brows, annoyed at the childish man's misunderstandings. "He's calculated, he's smart.

The police have known about him for over a year now and they haven't caught him yet."

Shigaraki face darkened, "I don't care, I want him to join..."

Stain shoved his remaining knives into their pouches. " I don't want to stick around and follow a child with no directions, our goals fundamentally oppose each other. While your motives are weak, I believe you could do something great; so ill let you live. However..." Stain paused, " if your conviction doesn't turn out how I like, ill come back to kill you...

Shigaraki dropped his hands and turned to face Kukogiri. "I'm bored. Kurogiri takes this trash back to where it belongs."

Stain tilted his head, " And make sure you take me back to Hosu City... I have some unfinished business there.

As Izukus' train pulled into Hosu city, the sun had already begun to set. Izuku sighed as he looked over the city with his face in the palm of his hand.

Gran Torino, hearing his sigh, looked over at him.

"What are you huffing about, boy?" Izuku sat up, back away from the window, and slumped down in his seat.

"One of my friends is interning in this city, he was acting kind of off the last time I saw him. I'm just wondering how he's doing"

Gran Torino looked up and past Izuku towards the fading city skyline. "He's interning with a pro hero, I'm sure he will be fine."

Izuku sighed " Yea, I sure hope so-"

"Hey is that a fire over there?" A civilian's voice cut him off suddenly, causing both him and Gran Torino to quickly shoot up from their seats to take a closer look. As Izuku reached the window, he left his jaw drop in fear.

"What the hell..."

Hosu city was burning.

Izuku felt Gran Torino moving beside him, preparing to get off the train and help when something crashed into the edge of the train. The train suddenly tilting sideways and slamming to a stop at the large object which has boarded the train. As the sudden uplift of dust settled, a large Nomu was stood in place.

"Shit..." Gran Torino cursed, immediately recognizing the Nomu as the monster it was and knocking it out with a powerful kick around the head.

Everything was happening so quickly, Izuku had to remind himself not to use his Kagune to balance himself outright. He knew his Kagune would destroy the Nomu but he couldn't give in now...

Not after everything he was risking...

"Midoriya!" Gran Torino's voice shook him from his thoughts, "Stay on the train and take care of these people! You're not allowed to do hero work, so don't run off in your costume!" He yelled after taking down the Nomu before flying out of the train, leaving a panicked Izuku behind.

Izuku stood at the gaping hole in the side of the train and scanned the city which was burning to the ground. Nomus everywhere, fires on every other building. The League of villains was attacking

Hosu City...

Was it because he was there..? Where are they searching for him?

How did they even know he was there...!

His eyes widened, petrified at the new prospect his mind had provided him with, lida was in Hosu City!

Izukus eyes searched desperately for his friend only for his eyes to land on the hero lida was interning with, Pro-hero Manuel, running around like a headless chicken. It was when he was about to jump out of the train cart that he felt a message ping up on his phone. He pulled it up as he grabbed his bag and used One for all to leap out of the train.

It was a message from Todoroki, he had sent his location.

He was in Hosu...

Izuku quickly paused at his pace and pulled up his phone to fully read the message.

His location was centered around a small Alleyway a few blocks away, Izukus eyes widened in fear.

Stains had attacked lida's brother in an alleyway.

No... lida wouldn't...

would he?

Izuku didn't want to risk his friends ever again..! He quickly took off the top layer of his costume, leaving him only in his under thermals for the cold night, before shoving his hoody over his head.

He sprinted over the rooftops and leaped between rooves as quick as he could.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

It had taken Izuku less than two minutes using a mixture of one for all and his incredible speed given from his Ghoul quirk to cross the mile of the city to where Todoroki had released his location, honing in on the scent of blood which only grew stronger the closer he became.

Izuku heard a sickening squelch of blood and a loud gasp as he finally rounded the corner, hood fully covering over his identity. His eyes were greeted by Todoroki trying to protect himself with his ice and Ida unconscious on the floor, bleeding from a wound on his left arm. Opposite them stood Stain the hero killer, licking his sword, as Todoroki collapsed onto the floor.

It had been lidas blood all along...

Izuku almost felt as if the world slowed down as he saw Stain lunging to his two friends' motionlessbodies laying on the floor, serrated knifé swinging up into the air before being brought heavily down. Todorokis half-frozen terrified eyes reflecting the growing outline as they neared his skull.

Izuku moved before he could think, sending his Kagune straight into the path of stains sword.

Knocking it cleanly out the way...

Stain jumped back automatically and glared at the new contender before furrowing his brow and glaring as he recognized who was stood before


" I wasn't expecting to see you here, Cannibal. You know, the league of villains are after you. So why don't you run along..."

Izuku glared silently back...

Todoroki was seriously beginning to doubt his abilities in winning this fight... The hero killer's relentless attacks were slowly beginning to wear his ice out, frostbite slowly beginning to crawl up his arm onto his face making him shiver, slowing his once agile movements.

His half stiff body wasn't fast enough when Stain had broken through his final ice wall, slashing his arm in the process leaving a wide gaping gash in the process. Shouto gasped at the sudden sharp pain he felt in his arm, quickly bringing his other hand over to cover the area.

Todoroki quickly looked up and glared at the Hero killer, and watched him slowly bring his sword up to his mouth with a manic grin as he licked his own blood of the knife causing Shouto to shiver in fear.

His thoughts were shortly cut off when his body suddenly fell stiff, causing him to fall on the floor, just like lida had before he had fallen unconscious.

Shouto felt his stomach churn, eyes full of fear as he laid helpless on the floor as the Hero killer charge towards him with his knife drawn.

He flinched away, trying to shield himself as the blade came down when he heard a loud crash; causing a large cloud of dust. Shout looked up and saw the hero Killer having jumped back at the new figure back facing him. As Shouto looked up at the figure and felt his body paralyzed in fear as he noticed the four black tentacles covered in red pulsating veins. Dark hoodie torn at the bottom of his back to make space for the giant pointed ligaments.

He felt his soul leave his body as he recognized the villain who had been dominating the news for the last few months.

The one villain his father had been ranting over of the last year for being allowed to stay free for so long in Musutafu.

What the Hell was The Bloody Stain doing in Hosu!?