
the battle goes on

looking at the man that controlled the downed monster in front of him, emiya smirks. infuriating his opponent further.

materializing his daggers again, he gets ready for combat, the fastest runner is out and calling for help, so his only task is to hold them off until the teachers arrive.

easy right?


throwing his daggers towards Shigaraki, he materialized a bow and an arrow, shooting the black smoke in the neck.

Shigaraki dashed towards him as the black smoke made a portal to absorb the daggers, and the exit was right behind Shirou. thankfully they were made of his prana and he made them disappear.

jumping up to dodge the charge from the blue-haired man he tried sending blunted swords in his back, unfortunately, the smoke villain didn't allow it, using his portals to get rid of the swords.

opening a portal in front of Shigaraki, he plunged his hand inside as the exit appeared right in front of Shirou.

materializing a sword in front of him, he watches as it disintegrates.

(so a disintegrating quirk, huh?)

keeping the thought in his mind he avoids the hand by projecting a sword below him and using it for a jump.

Shirou charges another arrow with prana, making it unstable, and launched it at the mist villain.

he tried to absorb it again with the boreal but the arrow exploded since the portal was small, it could not absorb the blast and engulfed the man... thing.

"No! that was our exit ticket!" screamed Shigaraki, looking over at his companion.

(okay, one down, one to go)

as Shirou was about to charge at Shigaraki the doors flew open.

"HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!" shouted All might, from the top of the stairs, as he looked over the area locating the biggest threat, which was currently lying on the floor, defeated by Emiya. who was fighting Shigaraki.

the giant, bulky man, dashed to help the students.

Emiya heard a click of the tongue from the blue-haired man, as he looked over at him, he could see the mist villain was knocked out.

he was about to charge another arrow, however, a black, liquid appeared around his opponent and the Mist villain, covering them fully, and once it disappeared they were both gone.

Emiya looked over his surroundings, only to see that all of the villains surrendered at the sight of All might.

with a shrug, he made his bow disappear and started walking up the stairs, he just wanted to go home, he had a mother to convince that he was okay.

"emiya, are you hurt?" asked a voice behind him, he turned around and saw Aizawa.

"im fine" his reply was short, wanting to go home already, but was stopped by the police, wanting answers to some questions.

(damn it...)


"im fine, mom," said an embarrassed Shirou, talking with his mother over the phone.

"yes, im with the police, I'll answer a few questions and be home in two hours max" he reassured his mother and turned the phone off to do just that.

it was 45 minutes later that he was released from the police.

as he was walking home he came across an interesting shop.

(haven't read the manga of this world, wonder what new things they came up with?)

with those thoughts, he went inside only to see something he didn't expect.

(is that... god, what the hell?)

right now Emiya was looking at a bald man who could punch and destroy anything with one punch.

with a shrug, he bought it and went home, he had homework to do, and manga to read.


"Mom... who's that?" asked Shirou, as his mother and father were sitting on the couch next to him.

"oh that's Mirko, the rabbit hero, she's rising in the ranks right now" answered his mother in a chirpy voice, then a sudden glint sparkled in her eyes that made even Shirou, Counterguardian, and an archer servant uneasy, he just knew that he would get teased.

"Why the sudden interest, Hmm?" asked his mother, Shirou looked at his father for backup but he was looking away.

feeling betrayed, he just hung his head, knowing that even if he answered honestly, his mother wouldn't believe him.

"she just uses her quirk well, and fights decently, so I took an interest" answering anyway, he looks up to see his mother smirking.

"now, wait before you graduate, you know, the laws forbid dating a minor, so she might get in trouble".... he just sighed at that, knowing that if his mother got something stuck in her head there wasn't anything you could do to convince her otherwise, so he decided to go up to his room and get homework finished, he was still a student after all.


first time writing In third person, if it's bad to tell me and ill go back to first person.