
Chapter 16 - Rampaging Ele

Author's Note: Alright. People have some things confused. This is MHA, not Marvel. Leo's Danger Sense is the same Danger Sense from MHA. So, please don't compare how my fic's danger sense is wrong because Spiderman's different. Since many of you do not know what the MHA version of Danger Sense is, a quick google search of [Danger Sense MHA] will fill you in nicely. Anyway, enjoy!


It was the afternoon, and Leo had already racked up a generous Hundred. In that period, he met some examinees, asking for a team up. Of course, he instantly refused, but this sent waves of anger from them.

Saying nonsense about how he should help the weak since he aspired to be a Hero and all. His answer to this? A gut punch to the stomach.

He was just supposed to leave those he met, but his danger sense alerted him, and whatever it was, he didn't want no surprises. So, he instantly ended whatever danger they possessed.

And because of that, he was able to figure out his danger sense better. It worked fine; he only misjudged it for working with every harmful thing. He concluded that it only works for living things, end of story.

In his travel, he was able to further fine-tune his hearing and find the best optimal range for sensing; otherwise, he hears everything and gets overwhelmed.

As he was walking through the thicket, he spotted a jackpot. A survivor bot. A dummy bot where you can gain points by exchanging things like food, water, and anything you find that is deemed proper.

Approaching the bot, he saw that it resembled a crash-course dummy, those things used for crash testing. When he was 10 meters away from it, he felt something. Closing his eyes, he felt the vibrations on the ground, like a thumping heart.


And since his sense wasn't doing anything, he figured it was an animal droid, one big enough to produce small tremors with its feet. But rather than dissipating away to signify it going further from him, it became the opposite.



It was approaching quick!

Leo stood near it, not wanting his point factory to be destroyed, ripping some small trees up and surrounding the unmoving bot. A makeshift fort, if you will.

Looking at the bot, he gave it a grin, "You will not die on me!" 'After all, you're my bonus for this exam.'

Unbeknownst to Leo, examiners watched through the survivor bot's lens and determined the points allocated. And Leo's words made them laugh unprofessionally.

Seconds later, the thumping on the ground grew stronger, so much so that he could see plants and trees giving way for something charging at him.

'Do these bots have a guardian or something? Oh, well.'

Wanting to be ready and not surprised, he threw a disc of energy at the plants in front of him, slashing the trees and plantain down, clearing his view.

And instantly, as he did so, a monstrosity of metal came busting out of what flora he had just cleared.

It had two curved tusks, an elongated trunk, and metal armor plates on top of more armor. Its color is a menacing grey, staying true to its animal. Being able to see it, each of its hurried charges upturned the soil below it.

Its eyes show a crimson glowing glint, and instead of silence, you can clearly hear the motor running inside of this thing. This was clearly not for stealth; it was meant to deal damage and announce its presence to demoralize anyone who sees it.

Standing at a whopping 3 meters in height, it weighed at the tonnes. And this armored bot was attempting to crash straight for Leo!

Not wanting to wait for such a thing, he peppered it with blasts, yet it did nothing but chip the surface armor. Playing it safe, he grabbed the bot instead, ditching the makeshift fort. Clear to him that those probably just sticks to the robotic elephant.

Up in the air, he circled the elephant and peppered it with blasts, wanting to see where its weakness was. However, the bot didn't allow him to do whatever Leo wished.

Its back opened, and several pieces of weaponry came, all in the long-range department. Without even giving Leo time to think, the weapons opened fire, making him do evasive maneuvers.

But the guns' speed was too fast; instead of the expected bullet, they were pellets that peppered Leo's body and exploded into gas particles.

Not expecting gas, he naturally inhaled a few, and at that moment, he regretted it. It was burning his airways, "Wh-What the hell!? Thi-s is basically Pepper spray on drugs!"

Not wanting to experience said things further, he sped his flying up and plopped the survivor bot down. Staying anywhere for more than a second would lead him to get showered by pellets of stored gas.

With the survivor bot safe, he immediately landed on the ground and hid behind trees.

Looking around as he stretched his neck, easing his discomfort, he saw a sturdy looking three, thin enough to be held. Jumping with power at its location, his momentum carried him to its trunk.

Arriving there, he pulled hard without care, uprooting the tree from its place. And with a heave and ho, he hurled the palm-looking tree at the elephant.

The elephant changed its direction by seeing a large object coming straight for it. With its tusk now at the forefront, it used it to swipe at the tree.


Upon impact, the tree broke into splinters, but its weight carried over into the elephant's body, staggering it. Its body rocked, and it halted its firing at Leo.

Seeing this, Leo took the chance and empowered himself even further, unleashing armored gauntlets from his hands, not wanting to underestimate the foe before him.

Jumping into the air with his muscular legs, cracking the ground beneath him. Reaching a proper height, he propelled himself down with his quirk like a meteor.

The elephant, spotting another incoming projectile at high speeds, aimed all its weapons at it, including its trunk, which spewed thick gas.

'Better hold my breath then!' Barrelling straight through the gaseous cloud, he soon reached the elephant's metal body and impacted it.



Multiple armor plates bent and crunched under Leo's meteoric impact. His attack did, however, tip the mechanical beast over to its side, crashing. Kneeling on bent and crooked armor, he began punching at it, trying to pry the beast's shell open.

In his trying, he was surrounded with lung-burning gas again, forcing his breath to hold.

'Bust open!' Holding his breath with an already slightly spiced-up windpipe was not easy.

Summoning a ball of energy on his gauntleted palms, he punched with it, creating an explosive effect that he did not expect.


His attack managed to punch through the already-damaged armor. Capitalizing on the hole it

Smirking, he began unleashing whatever blasts of energy he could, frying whatever circuitry and wiring he touched. But stupidly, in his euphoria, he struck the containers filled with gas. Making him rip himself out of there in no time flat.

Escaping from the belly of the beast like some alien's spawn child, he sighed in relief when he looked back, seeing the inside ooze gas from everywhere.

'That wouldn't have been pleasant.' Imagining himself taking huffs of gas that would make him feel hell in his lungs sent his hair crawling. His initial first breath of the gas was still felt, but it subsided substantially, at least.

Looking at the downed bot, he couldn't help but feel proud. The material on that was no joke; it wasn't some simple iron sheets of metal, and since he wasn't an expert on this sort of stuff, all he could comment on was how resistant the metal was to the force of impact.


The beep. The sound that he was unconsciously waiting to hear. His 100 became a whopping 140! "Ha! That better be! That was a mini-boss considering no animals mess with elephants in the wild."

"Anyway, better get the survivor bot again; need those points," walking back to 'his' survivor and the tree he left it at, he couldn't help but approve of how well he's doing so far.

Jumping to the tree and bringing the survivor down, Leo couldn't help but laugh at the survivor's state. Dirtied and left hanging, "Glad you aren't a real person. But, at least you're safe now."


A beep. A sound he wasn't expecting yet; instinctively checking his bracelet, it became 150. His mouth stretched wide and high, connecting the dots, "Well... would you look at that!? 10 points for saving this guy!"

Leaving it at that, Leo brought the crash dummy-like bot onto his broad shoulders again. Before making his way across the island, he returned to the elephant, checking for parts he could use.

Giving it a once over, he instantly knew what he was taking. The entirety of the elephant droid was totaled. However, two things didn't break or bend, the tusks.

"No one will say no to a weapon," then he proceeded to scrap the surrounding materials away and finally ripped a tusk out from its mechanical head.

"Hhyup!" Hefting it up to his other shoulder, he felt its immediate weight. It was heavy but would come in handy. "Imagine me just chucking this thing at a big fellow? It'd be an instant win," looking at the downed wreckage, he liked that idea.

After his fight with the rampaging bot, the afternoon sun was just setting, which made him choose to start settling down.

Flying away from the downed machine, in case examinees came to investigate all the noise, he chose the largest tree he saw and landed on its thick branch.

The tree was thick; it looked like a sequoia tree, and with its wide circumference, Leo went and carved a large portion on its top area. Allowing him to sit and lay back without worrying about falling over.

He hanged the survivor bot on the branch and the metal tusk using a rope provided to them from the start. With his above-ground camp set up, he ate a ration of M.R.E. and took sips of water, saving it.

"Best get comfy," he placed his bag on top of him, shielding him from the wind. But he didn't need much; the tree's surrounding leafy branches hindered any stray current coming to him.

Soon enough, the sun has set, enshrouding the island in darkness. From his vantage point, he spots orange lights — campfires.

A close 50 meters from him was actually a campfire as well, unsuspecting that they were getting watched by Leo from afar. Enhancing his hearing, he was able to hear their chatter.

Yes, their chatter. A team was close by.

He got tidbits from their convo; the crackling of their campfire and rustling winds did not help whatsoever. From their conversation, they were only recounting their struggles.

From the many distinct voices, it sounded like a team of four. The team racked up a combined point of 167, allowing everyone to continue another day.

"Four people sharing 167, barely making the 30-point cut of the day." Shaking his head, he pondered if he should eliminate them since they seemed weak. Having fewer competitors would lessen the competition for bots.

Flexing his muscles and seeing that they didn't ache, he decided to follow up on his idea. Placing his backpack down, "Thining the crowd it is," he flew towards the unsuspecting group.

Scouting them just above, he noticed that two had mutant quirks resembling that of a pink cyclops and fiery embers from wooden logs.

"The fiery guy must have fire abilities; as for the one-eyed person, unknown. The rest seem to be emitter types." Rubbing his chin with his fingers,, "Then it's best to knock them out simultaneously if the variables are too high. But since they only scored 167, then their combat ability shouldn't be too high."

In a breath, he shot a blast of energy at the campfire, erupting it with hot ashes and splinters around the crowded four.


Confused and blinded by the dirty explosion, the group entered a frenzy, looking around with squinting eyes and shouting. "Wh-WHO'S THERE!" "SHOW YOURSELF!"

Wanting to end this without a hassle, he snapped a thick branch and proceeded to dive-bomb the campfire's last spot. His abrupt landing cracked the floor, sending them on their butts.

With them down, he proceeded to whack them repeatedly with the branch. However, he stopped and flew up once again, sensing danger nearby.

But surprise, surprise, the branch he was holding morphed into a sharp and pointed barbed branch and tried stabbing him. The barbs extended to his hand, but they did nothing. They might have bloodied his hand if he didn't have an active quirk. But alas, it was active.

"Wood manipulation?" Leo said, amused; he was in a forest, yet he didn't feel overwhelming danger from these fellows. Not wanting to tire and attract further attention, he threw the barbed branch at the teen with their hand raised, seemingly manipulating it.

'Strong type of quirk in this environment, but it doesn't seem trained, or maybe because I caught them surprised?'


The barbs struck the kid, gashing his arm, slightly bleeding. Leo then observed the teen's other members; they were groaning but not unconscious.

As a farewell gift, he struck them each with an energy blast. "Hope this makes them quit." At that, he rose to the sky like an angel that did nothing wrong.

Just like that, a campfire got snuffed out in the middle of the night.

Up in the sky, a thought dominated his mind when seeing all the campfires below him. To snuff all these campfires out, further lessening the crowded exam.

"Seems it'll be a sleepless night," cracking his neck and knuckles, he flew to the nearest blaze.




