
Chapter 39

TITLE: Mission complete

"'Give him back?' that's a strange choice of words"



Todoroki shouted as he stomped the ground, creating ice heading straight for the villain while explaining that they're just giving these villains a chance but the villain jumped and successfully avoiding the attack before saying how that's not the way to look and their values had been chosen for them.

"Fuck, it's not only Menhera; they also took Bakugo and Hana"

Shouji informed them, seeing this Todoroki wondered what his quirk as he said

"So did you come here to give us some sermon? You must be underestimating us"

"I was originally an entertainer; nabbing those two was an improvisation…"

Before he continued cursing Moonfish then turning to go but, Midoriya shouted at him asking to give them back. Shouji tells him to calm down while Todoroki moves ahead creating a mountain of ice at him but he manages to escape

"My apologies, all I do is deceive and run away, but that's what am good at. Why should I bother with fighting some heroes in training?" He then paused before continuing "first strike team! The target has been successfully captured. I'm sorry to cut your fun short but this concludes the mission! As planned we have 5 minutes to meet at the rendezvous point"

Hearing this, the students wore a distress expression before Todoroki shouted as they chased after him.

But as the chase went on the students noticed how impossible it was for them to catch up, they cursed but Izuku didn't give up as he began giving orders

"Uraraka, hurry and make us float! And then Asui, once we're floating use your tongue and throw us with all your strength, throw us as hard as you can. While in the air, Shouji you'll use your arms to direct the trajectory you'll pull us along. We'll be fine as long as we remain in Uraraka's field of vision, so estimate the distance to him and then let us off when the time is right."

The students hearing this soon understand the concept behind his words but Tokoyami wanted to join, Izuku refused saying black shadow might act up, Todoroki hearing this asked Midoriya to stay due to his state but Midoriya said resolutely

"Right now, I don't know what pain is, I can still move, hurry!"

Uraraka tried refusing but after being pressured by the others she moved to action using zero gravity on them thus causing them to float before Asui used her tongue throw them into the air with all the strength she could muster.

While the villain continues his journey but he soon notices a shout and as he turns he notices the heroes heading at him


And soon they landed at the rendezvous point though it was more like the villain was sent crashing to the ground by the students, right in front of the other villains.

Without wasting a second, Dabi instructed the magician to dodge which he did immediately as Dabi released a blast of fire; the fire pushed the two away throwing Izuku off of Shouji's back.

Twice appears behind Todoroki and states that he and Izuku's name were on Shigaraki's kill list but Todoroki ignores this as he creates ice, pushing him away while Toga attacks Midoriya, a perverted smile on her face upon seeing his battered state

While this was happening, the magician gets out of the hole created by the crash complaining about how they attacked him in midair.

"Menhera" "of course"

The man checks his pocket but notices an irregularity, immediately Shouji speaks up

"Both of you run! Your actions now just made it clear, I don't know what your quirk is but these things you were flaunting at us earlier, in your right pocket those are Hana, Bakugo and Sora, here they are right?"

Shouji asks as he shows the magician three beads. Immediately Izuku shouts his name.

"Good job six-armed man, you were able to get one of them in that short amount of time"

Seeing this, the man praises Shouji while Todoroki rushes at the villain. Dabi insults him but the man tells him to hold on but before he could continue a warp gate appeared behind them.

Seeing the gate, the villains began heading in, then the magician said as he removed his cap

"Ahh that was… they just looked so happy chasing after me, I wanted to give them a present. It's a bad habit… you see, a fundamental of magic is that you flaunt things only when you have others hidden"

As he shows his tongue in which they were two beads and the beads in Shouji's hand, one released Hana while the rest turned to ice shards, he then explains how he prepared dummies after the ice attack as he steps into the portal but before he could completely vanish, a light ray shot of the bush destroying the man masks thus causing him the beads to fall out of his mouth. This was done by Aoyama.

In that split second, Todoroki and Shouji lunge at them. Shouji was able to catch one but just when Todoroki was about to get the other, Dabi caught it

"How sad… Todoroki"

At that moment, Dabi said a few words before releasing the bead revealing Sora's face, Hana rushed at him as she shouted:


Seeing her, Sora wore a reassuring smile as he mouthed out

'Find my phone'

Before he was taken by the villain as the gate disappeared.


Hana screamed at the top of her voice as she kneeled to the ground.


15 minutes later,

An ambulance arrived, of the 40 students present, 14 were unconscious, 12 injured, 15 uninjured and 1 missing.

Of the six professional heroes, one had suffered a head injury and was seriously injured while the rest were okay.

On the other hand, on the villain's side, three were apprehended; one Nomu was found death while the other had vanished without a trace.

And so the forest training camp had come to an end with the worst possible outcome.

The following day, the teachers had a meeting to discuss the events that had taken place during the camp.

As the meeting continued, the teachers discussed the matter, all might blaming himself for the events while Mic declared the presence of a traitor among the teachers. Nezu hearing this spoke of how they had to ensure the safety of the students and how he had pure faith in the teachers present there, he was about to discuss his plan on ensuring their safety when all might left due to a call from Tsukachi, in which he was informed of them supposedly finding the villain's hideout, to this all might said

"If I find those guys, this is what I'm going to tell them; I CAME HERE FOR PAYBACK"

This chapter is a little trash and more like canon though Bakugo is replaced by Sora. I didn't plan on changing much as it was more interesting than this also I saved ragdoll so I don't really feel bad

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts