
Unexpected Developments

(Unknown POV)

Location: Unknown

A dark room in a place that seems almost unreal by all standards, where not a single sign of life or light for miles. Yet, even in this abyss of a room, there seemed to be someone or something within it.

"It seems I may have to see her sooner than I anticipated." said an almost alluring yet motherly voice.

"But, I thought you said she would need to get a bit stronger before you would contact her again." said a childish and young voice filled with curiosity.

"That was before the system notified me of her current state, she needs someone to answer her questions. Especially since it seems she has no clue as to what happened before she was placed in that world." the motherly voice said with signs of barely hidden discontent.

Suddenly a screen appeared in the dark room and showed a small ash-blonde girl, covered in various types of cuts, sitting in a ruined apartment that looked like a battle occurred in it not long ago. Yet, even with that screen slightly illuminating the room all that could be seen, other than the screen itself, were two large blood-red eyes that seemed to almost glow with the new source of light in the room.

"I'll see you soon my dear child"


(Himiko POV)

Location: The Abandoned Apartment

After finally calming down from my earlier excitement due to my 'exercising' I started to feel pain all over my body. When I looked down at my arms and body I realized the pain was from various-sized cuts all over my body making me look like I had barely survived some type of desperate battle with someone. I even somehow left a cut going down my right eyelid, although it isn't deep enough to injure my eye it would definitely leave a scar there later on.

I let out a sigh because it seemed that my bit of 'exercise' caused my body to release a lot of adrenaline to the point I didn't even realize that I had been hurting myself from both my gauntlets and the debris that I created in the apartment. I quickly used the blood that had been coming out of my wounds, and was in various places on the apartment floor, to seal up my self-inflicted wounds.

"The bigger and deeper ones are definitely going to leave scars, but meh it's not like having a couple of scars is something I'm not used to." I said to myself after I managed to seal up the wounds.

Oh, right, I probably should clarify although I say I'm sealing the wounds with Blood Manipulation it's more like I'm putting a cast on a limb with broken bones. The blood will help the healing process go through faster and without difficulties, meaning I won't have to worry about any of my cuts getting infected. However, the wounds still need to naturally heal.

That's why there will still be scars present since I'm not actually sealing the cuts, even if I say that's what I'm doing, I'm just giving them a better condition to heal in.

After I finished attending to my wounds I looked at the apartment to analyze the full extent of the damage I managed to do in my excited state. And let me tell you, if my theory on emitter quirks earlier isn't true then I call absolute bullshit.

Cause not only were the marks that I left this time deeper than when I wasn't having any extreme emotions, but they also looked like they reached farther than they should have. Seriously it's not like I was chasing him around in that dream-like state, yet there are claw marks spread out everywhere in this room of the apartment.

And when I say everywhere I do mean everywhere, no part of the ceiling, walls, or corners were left untouched. With my current child body, I shouldn't have been able to reach that far, it's almost like a tornado of blades came through the room without me noticing it.

But, now that I think about it, it's exactly like when I sliced through the doorway with my claws before when I originally planned to just strike the door. The higher parts of the doorway should've been outside of my reach too, and yet I still managed to reach them and cut through them. What if my emotions don't only make my constructs stronger?

What if depending on the construct I could make it longer, or have more control over it? If so, then maybe that's what happened, since I was so focused on the claws for my attacks I might've made them longer and sharper to strike similar to a whip.

That would also explain how I managed to cut myself so much without even knowing it, it was like I was using a whip for the first time without guidance or caution, and kept repeatedly striking myself on accident. And since I wasn't paying attention to the state of my claws, instead on causing damage/pain, I didn't even know before that I had made them whip-like.

This is amazing, if I could manage to train this type of attack without needing to be extremely emotional, I could have a good long-range attack other than what Lightning Body will allow me to do later on. Now that I think about it with this development, for the time being, Blood Manipulation will be one of my most effective quirks.

This will make it one of the quirks that I'll be using the most for the next couple of months, so most likely I won't need to use a rank-up card on it any time soon since I'll constantly be training it. This leaves only two other quirks that I can use the one I got from my last quest, but I think I know which one I should use it on.

And, it's not Transform, cause like I had planned earlier I'll be using that almost as much as I will Blood Manipulation since I'll eventually run out of supplies, and when I do I'll need to a way to get more. The best way to do that will have to be while disguised as someone else since I don't want to be seen for at least six months.

Which leaves only one quirk left that I can use the card on since it'll be the least used for a while. Lightning Body, realistically I won't be able to use it as often since it makes a part of me as bright as a flash of lightning, even if it would be good for getting around I can't use it so freely.

Especially since I don't want to be found for the time being, but maybe if I could later on figure out a way to use it without being lit up like a Christmas tree then I use it more often. For now, though it'll be the main quirk that gets rank-up cards used on until something changes.

I opened up the system and went to the Quirks tab to finally spend my rank-up card.


Transform (D Rank)

Blood Manipulation (C Rank)

Healthy Body (D Rank)*

Inventory (S Rank)*

Lightning Body (C Rank)

It seems the user has a Rank-Up Card, which quirk would the user like to use it on?]

I selected Lightning Body to use the card on and hoped that me using this card wouldn't somehow be painful like how the adaptation thing with the system was.

[NOTICE the quirk Lightning Body has reached B Rank, the user will now be able to turn two parts of their body into pure electricity at a time.]

Right when that notice appeared I felt something change in me, but it wasn't a painful change like the last one. Instead, this change made me feel powerful and more in control of my body.

It feels like if I wanted to I could almost perfectly do a gymnastic routine or something. Maybe this is an added effect of Lightning Body that the system didn't specify beforehand. I think I may even be able to use my whip-based claw attack more effectively now.

I think the system made more than just my body capable of adapting to my quirks before, it's possible that it also made my quirks more compatible with each other just like how Healthy Body made my production of blood cells increase by more than ten times so I could get more blood to use with Blood Manipulation.

Which reminds me I should probably put away my gauntlets for now, because it seems that while I was 'exercising' more than just a few hours passed and now the sun is beginning to set. I made my gauntlets turn back into the orb of blood that it was before I made them and stored the blood back into Inventory.

Eventually, plenty of these slots will be filled with blood, and I don't just mean my own, after all, I'm curious what I'll taste when I finally get to drink some blood. Since Toga was so obsessed with drinking it I wondered, did it have a delicious flavor to her, did her quirk make blood almost like a drug for her, or was it necessary for her to drink it replacing the biological need for water in the human body with a need for blood due to her quirk.

I'm really curious as to what the answer will be. And soon I'll get to find out what the answer is, cause once night falls I'll get to go on my first hunt for some blood. Hopefully, I don't accidentally kill them, wouldn't want to leave a trail like that for some hero to follow.

But right when I was getting increasingly excited to go and hunt down some poor sap for their blood and money, I suddenly got a panel shown in front of me that confused me a little.


Surviving in the Shadows

Your plan has been put in motion, but will you be able to go unnoticed until the time is right?

Objective: Keep yourself from being truly seen by anyone for the next three months, if anyone does see you kill them, if you get your picture taken destroy it.

Reward: 1 Gacha Ticket, and getting to meet with a happy ?????

Failure: Your plan will fail and they will know you weren't really kidnapped, and disappointing ?????]

It went without saying that I was going to make sure no one knew where I was even if it didn't give me this quest, I'll still gladly take that gacha ticket though when I complete it. But that wasn't what confused me, rather it was the identity of the person it was talking about that I would make happy when I succeeded and disappointed when I failed.

Because nobody should know about my current situation and the only person that I could even remotely think would be disappointed in my failure would be a certain hero killer. But there are a couple of issues with that, first off it doesn't seem like something that he would react much to, second I don't think he'll become a hero killer for another couple years, and finally how the hell would he even know who I am?

Nevertheless, I'll still complete this quest, hell maybe I'll even get some answers from this mystery person. Or maybe it'll just be me going slowly crazy(er) and I'll end up getting a second personality or something.

But hey, that's something for future me to worry about, present me is going to prepare for my first hunt in this world.