
Not actual chapter ( clarifying something’s)

Momo and tasuya have Been dating since before the 10 months were up. To be specific since the 4th month. They met in the alleyway and Tasuya thought Momo was cute and Momo thought Tatsuya was handsome. That was during the 3rd month, they talked more for a month and they started dating the 4th month. They've been dating for about 6 months and had sex during the day they got the letter( a week later than the test).

I apologize if any one got confused and I'll be sure to never let those kinds of mistakes happen. I Thank the person who said commented if they had sex after a week of dating. If you didn't I would have not known it would be confusing. Again I promise to not make those mistakes again and if I do please call me out on it. I'll strive to push out chapters with better content and more clear content.

Also, for those who are worried that Tatsuya won't be stronger than Izuku when he's able to use 100%, don't worry. He's not close to his limits, even right now Izuku could control 35 % of ofa and still not match up to Tatsuya. He has the ability to use gravity and ofa can't defy gravity so just stay tuned until he gets another power up.

*ill post two chapter tomorrow but sadly I'm only able to do just one today. Thank you for reading this and I hope you'll stay and read how Tatsuya grows to be super op. if you have anything you're still not sure about feel free to comment and state your what your thinking.

And thank you for always reading my chapters, having people read and support this make my day.
