
14: Declaration of War


"The U.A. Sports Festival is fast approaching!" said Aizawa.

"...OH YEAH! SOMETHING SCHOOL-LIKE!" shouted almost all the students.

"It's taking place in two weeks."

"But, Sensei! Isn't that something the Villains might try to infiltrate? Will it be all right?" asked Iida.

"No, since we're going ahead with the festival, means that the school is confident. U.A.'s Sports Festival is one of Japan's biggest events! It isn't something that can be halted by the likes of Villains." he replied

He continues, "The Police Presence is larger than normal, and there will be Heroes patrolling around the school. So you shouldn't think about that. What you should think about, is what a Huge Chance the Sports Festival presents for you all."

"Yes! The country's Top Heroes are going to be watching us." answered Momo.

Aizawa adds, "Yes, that's because they're going to be scouting for you. If you get noticed by a Pro, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. If you aim to be a Hero, this is an event that you can't overlook."


{Akira POV}

"Guys, let's crush the Sports Festival!!!" shouted Uraraka with great vigor.

"We're rooting for you, Uraraka-san." I say with a smile.

I then turn to my seatmates and say, "Hey, come on. Let's go to the cafeteria."


We arrive in the cafeteria and look for a large table.

"You really like Ramen, huh, Takumi-san" said Tokoyami.

"Who wouldn't? It's food for manly men!" exclaimed Kirishima.

"Tch. Why did you drag me here, Shitty Hair" told Bakugo.

"I just like it. Coincidentally, it was my father's favorite food too..." replied Akira.

"It's not even that good... Tch." said Bakugo as he took a bite from his Extra Spicy Curry.

Akira then replied, "That's okay. That's your opinion... Even though it's a wrong one."


The school day ends...

Back in Takumi Family Household...

"Aki? Are you excited for the U.A. Sports Festival? I and Kane-chan can't wait to see you on the stage!" asked Minami.

Akira replied, "Yep. I'm thrilled! I'm hoping that a certain Pro Hero scouts for me..."

"Ara~ Why?"

"Well, it's because I think that he can help me with developing a new move... But enough about me... How was your day, mom?" asked Akira.

She clasps her hands and replies, "Well, the Café is going to have another branch!"

"Oh. Where is it?"

"It's still undecided, but it will be in either Esuha City or Hosu City!" she replied with enthusiasm.

"I see..." replied Akira.


After having dinner, Akira went into his room...

{Akira POV}

Ho... I need to do some training again...

What I want to do is to be able to affect things without the need to say a word. For example, I can enlarge things with just a thought.

In my opinion, this is very essential. Hypothetically, if I were to be in a situation where I can't speak, then it is very useful.

Maybe I could develop it to a stage where I can trick my opponents who know how my quirk works.

Think about it. If in a fight, I say "Freeze" but what really happens is I blast off. It would be a neat trick, right?

Anyways, I'm going to start my training tomorrow. I need to at least be able to do this technique before the Sports Festival starts.


A day passes, and it is now a weekend. I go out to our backyard with my staff in hand. I shrink it and hold it on my palm.

I say in my mind, 'Freeze!', but nothing happens.





This went on for a few minutes until I decided to change my method.

I send in a little blank energy into the tiny metal stick. I then say, in my mind,

'Freeze!' It still doesn't freeze but it becomes a bit colder.

Phew... It worked! Well, not really, but there is some progress.


{General POV}

A week later...

In their backyard, we see Akira sitting on the ground, holding a tiny frozen metal stick.

"It finally froze!"

'Now, I just need to practice this some more, until I can affect things larger than this with my mind.' thought the boy as he clenched the stick.


In Class 1-A...

"So, Kirishima-san, have you made any new moves?" asked Akira.

"Yeah! I named it Red Gauntlet!" replied the red-haired boy.

"What about you, Takubro?"

"I may or may not have developed a technique..." said Akira with a grin.

They heard Uraraka say, after she opened the door of the room, "U-uhm... Guys?"

"Wha-what are they doing here? They're crowding the exit!" exclaimed Mina.

"They're scoping out the competition, idiots. They wanna see the class that survived a Villain Attack." said Bakugo as he walked towards the group of students blocking the door.

"It's pointless to try, so just fuck off ya damn extras." he said to them.

"Hey! Don't go calling people you don't know, an "extra" right off the bat!" said Iida.

But then, one of the students said, "True, I came to see what you guys we're made of, but I didn't think that Class 1-A was this arrogant. Are all kids in the Heroics this way?"

"Huhhhhhhhhh!!????" exclaimed Bakugo angrily.

"There's a lot of kids who wind up in General Education or other Departments because they failed the Heroics one. Also, did you know that students can be transferred to Heroics Department, based on the results of the Sports Festival? And vice versa..."

"Scouting the competition? If nothing else, a Gen Ed student like me is thinking, Hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from under those Heroics Kids while they're on their high horses?... Consider this a Declaration of War."

As Bakugo was about to reply someone touched the back of his throat,

"Mute." and turned to face the Gen Ed Student.

"Hello. I'm Takumi Akira. I just want to say..." Akira says with a smile,

But it turns into a frown, "That I didn't know Gen Ed Students were such judgemental people. So, just because of what this guy said, you're going to generalize, and say that all of Class 1-A and Heroics Department are arrogant?" Then the Gen Ed Student flinches.

He sighs, "But I digress as that doesn't matter. We'll accept your Declaration of War. See you on the battlefield, Aizawa Junior." he adds with a grin.

"Pfft. Now that I look at him... He does look like Aizawa!" said, somebody in the class.

"Let's go, everyone." said Akira with a snap.

"YOU FUCKING NERD! WHY'D YOU DO THAT, HUH!!??" shouted Bakugo.

But Akira just ignores him, proceeds to go out of the door, and everyone else makes way for Class 1-A.



What did you think of the chapter?

Akira was originally going to be meaner... But I felt like that would be very Out Of Character for him...