" Here you go mam two chocolate, one vanilla and one strawberry ice cream "
Said the cashier as she gave these set of ice cream to Inko. Izuku was greedily looking at the ice creams with some drowl on his mouth as Inko felt like she's torturing her son by making him wait a little longer.
" Thanks "
" Your welcome mam call us if you need anything else~ "
" Ice cream! Ice cream! "
" Okay okay just wait Izuku-kun "
" Mine's chocolate! "
" Yeah yeah I know haha "
Inko walked towards there sit with the tray of ice cream on her hand after putting it on there table. Catnap and Dogday were sitting in opposite directions still making that sign of uncomfortable tension between them but once Izuku was there there attention were emmidiently drawn to him as if there instict's beg them to do so.
Izuku sat next to Catnap after he grab two large cups of chocolate ice cream to give to catnap.
Catnap look at his ice cream for a bit before turning to Izuku who seemed to be enjoying his. It didn't took time for Izuku to notice Catnaps gaze as he said to him.
" Catnap what are you waiting for your ice creams going to melt? "
" I'm going to eat it later. Though I notice a bit smudge on your face "
" Hmm smudge? "
Izuku ask as he touch his cheeck's noticing a chocolate smudge on his fingers. Izuku felt emberassed as Inko notice's it and was about to clean Izuku using a handkerchief until Catnap extended his tail and moves it towards the provided handkerchief on the tray.
He grabs it and use his tail to clean Izuku's cheeck's.
" Wait! Ha-haha stop it tickle's! Haha "
" Um Catnap you don't have to do it let me I'll- "
" Please let me do it Izuku's mom. I want to make sure your son's clean "
Catnap said barely looking at Inko as Catnap move a bit closer to Izuku making sure that the smudges are gone and to tickle him even more so he can see Izuku's smile that made him feel content.
Inko and Dogday were both unease by Catnap's behavior. As after Izuku finally got himself clean Catnap said.
" There done "
" Um thanks Catnap but I can do it myself I'm not a child "
" But aren't you? "
" No I'm not I'm a big boy now a grown up! "
" I see well I guess next time I'll let you be if you ask "
Catnap replied as he retracted his tail. Izuku was oblivious to Catnap's weird actions but none the less continue'd eating his ice cream. Dogday was more unease on how Catnap change. It was unusual for him to actually care for a child as Catnap wasn't good with children especially back in the facility.
He was observing Catnap like a hawk just incase if Catnap does something brutal. Inko on the other hand felt an intense atmosphere between Catnap and Dogday just like what happened to the hospital.
She doesn't know the reason but she guess that it's probably because there a cat and a dog so she doesn't mind. She went on her ice cream as she delight on the taste of strawberry the same as Izuku as these two mother and son duo's obliviousness shown no bounds.
Catnap and Dogday didn't even touch there ice cream as there more focus starring each other seeing if one of them tick's.
" Hmm? Catnap Dogday you've been starring at each other for hours. Is there a problem? "
" Oh nothing just some.... Game we are playing right Dogday? "
" Well game or no game you should at least eat your ice cream. There delicious so your two are missing out! "
" Well.... if you insist "
Catnap look at his chocolate ice cream as he grabs the spoon and took a bite. The ice cream's alright don't know why Izuku and Inko seem to overreact but he doesn't care as long as Izuku's happy his happy. Catnap's attention finally diverted as Dogday still wouldn't change his gaze but seeing Izuku pouting by the fact he doesn't eat his decided to do the same but his gaze just won't escape Catnap.
It was a pretty weird atmosphere on the midoria's table as people who are near felt a thick uncomfortable vibe around them. Of course this doesn't disturb them much just feeling of weirdness coming from these four.
A few hours past as Izuku and Inko finish there's while catnap and dogday only finish half of it.
" Here izuku how about you want mine "
" Are you sure catnap? It's suppose to be yours "
" I'm full and I want you to eat this ice cream. you said that chocolate is your favorite right "
" Well no but thanks Catnap! Your the best! "
Catnap hearing Izuku's compliment made him felt a great sense of fulfilment inside. He wanted to feed izuku his ice cream but he knows it might be a bit overkill and he could tell that it might make him uncomfortable.
But still the thought of feeding Izuku his ice scream made him felt like he is obligated to do so. It didn't took a while for them to finish up as Inko and Izuku left there table followed by Catnap and Dogday.
They left the ice cream shop as Izuku felt more satisfied. Home was only a few blocks away and he couldn't beait to play and watch alongside his new friends.
But once they left the ice cream shop and walk to the crowded sidewalk someone was watching there move from the shadows.
The people from the sidewalk waited as Izuku, Inko, Catnap and Dogday waited for the streetlights to turn green. As the crowd drawn near Izuku who was holding Catnap, Dogday and his action was looking at the crossroad and often other people out of boredom until felt something was holding him chest.
He was about to check what it was until the crowd move causing him to see an arm suddenly appearing out from his shadow before being submerge.
It was so fast and quick that the crowd couldn't even notice's it and before Inko noticed he was gone.
" Okay let's izuku-kun. Hm? Izuku? "
Inko noticed that izuku was gone from the crowd. Panick started to sweal in Inko as she look around trying to find izuku but no response.
" Izuku! IZUKU!! "
She was just right next to him she didn't know how her son just dissapeared. Inko felt the pressure in her as she has faced the fact that she has lost her son.