
Chapter 42: A familiar face

Chaos unfolds around Izuku, Tsuyui and Usagi as they fought their way towards the central plaza. They were so close in reaching the entrance as their only problem now is to sneak around Aizawa's fight.

The trio thought that Aizawa could handle the villain's all in his own until they stop. Tsuyui and Izuku eyes shake as they couldn't believe the scene that was happening.

Infront of them was Aizawa's blood stained body on the floor. His arms looking numb and twisted as his one left leg crushed by an extreme force. Aizawa tries to stand up but was grabbed from his hair by a large cloaked figure.

The trio couldn't figure out the figures true face as it was obscured by all the cloth of the cloak. The only thing they could see are glimpses of it's lower waist, which looks like it was covered completely by dark blue fur.

Thankfully they aren't too close of the central plaza as they immidiately went into hiding. They all took a small peak to the scene infront of them as Aizawa heavily damage body made them anxious.

The fact that one of the most capable heroes they have ever met got severely injured by a strange cloaked figure made the two afraid of facing the main villain's. The trio went back into hiding as Izuku and Tsuyui look at each other and agreed that they shouldn't fight the

main villain's head on so they resorted into the one thing they could help.

Calling for reinforcement's. Izuku urge's Usagi to come with them as she agreed, not speaking a word as they fear that the villain's might hear them. They sneak around the central plaza as they try to not make as much noise as they can.

As Usagi followed the two she couldn't help but to thought about the mysterious cloaked villain. The villain felt.... Familiar to her, she couldn't know why but she sense a strange familiarity whenever she saw the villain at first glance.

For now she decided shut her mouth as it isn't the time to question her familiarity to the villain. with each soft tone down step Tsuyui would often observe the central plaza and even the entrance. Noticing that her classmates have been keeping the mist villain busy while Tenya runs off to the entrance exit.

She couldn't help but to be relieved that one of them manage to escape as her hope for their survival has increased until she heared one of the villain said to himself.

" Kurogiri. are you sure letting that kid free is a good idea? "

" Hmm... Sigh fine I guess that npc is good enough to lure in Allmight although I don't think the pawn's won't take this lightly. "

Tomura look at the remaining villain's around him as he noticed that they started to retreat.

The villain's aren't stupid, they know that the kid was about to call for reinforcement's as they know that they aren't strong enough against more capable heroe's joining the fray.

Tomura couldn't help but to scratch his neck as Tsuyui could see more blister's form. Tomura then look at Kurogiri who was dodging the assault of the students as he said to himself.

" Hmm.... Well considering that the Symbol of peace will arrive I might as well set an example. "

With just a simple turn of his head, Tomura then looks at Tsuyui straight in the eyes. Tsuyui freak's out as he saw Tomura's crazed yet unfazed eye, as if telling her that he already noticed them arrive at the start.

Tsuyui tries to warn Izuku and Usagi but she noticed a black portal formed infront of her, as a slim skinny hand emurge from it's darkness about to reach her face.

She should have been dead instantly by this but luckily for her. Usagi is right behind her.

" Woosh! "

" CRACK!! "


With a quick reflex Usagi kicks Tomura's arm with her left leg bending behind her back. Tomura couldn't help but to scream in pain as he could feel his bone break, he pulls out his broken hand away from Kurogiri's portal and looks at Tsuyui with rage in his eyes.

Izuku couldn't react fast to what's happening as he could feel danger creeped his skin. He turns to Tsuyui as he could see fear from her eyes as she shouted.


With the trio finally figure out that they are already spotted Tomura couldn't hold his anger and frustration as he looks to the cloaked villain and said.

" Kill them "

And without saying a word the villain Immidiately arrives infront of them in quick speed. Catching Izuku and Tsuyui off guard as they were about to be attacked.

" CRASH!!! "

Usagi out of fear intercepted the villain's attack with a kick. It pushed the cloaked villain but the gap that shows her flesh between her mechanic metal legs bleed out.

Blood sprayed from her legs like a soda can as she felt pain. She attempt shrug it off before grabbing both Izuku and Tsuyui, sprinting towards the entrance with increadible burst of speed.

That didn't stop the cloak villain of chasing her as it manage to catch up to her almost instantly. Usagi dodge as the villain creates a large crater to the ground before attacking again.

Tomura couldn't exactly follow the two's movements as they are simply to fast for him to see, but one thing is obvious. He was getting frustrated.

Craters keep popping everywhere yet Tomura couldn't see the dead bodies of Usagi, Izuku and Tsuyui. He wanted them dead to spread regret in fear in Allmight once he see their corpse's. He was scratching his neck eagerly as he yelled.

" Come on Nomu! Those are just children a.k.a simple npc's!! They should be easy kill so why couldn't you end them already!! "

The cloaked villain called Nomu didn't respond as he was too focus on Usagi. Usagi doesn't want to fight back as she still carries Izuku and Tsuyui. With Usagi being handicap she has no choice but to simply dodge in the way.

She saw that Kurogiri is being occupied by three student so she decided to take this advantage and run to the entrance.

He was about to pass Kurogiri until he noticed a black portal appearing right infront of her. She was in mid air so she doesn't have any flat surfaces to dodge. She was quickly pull into the black portal and was met by the Nomu.

The Nomu punch her abdomen causing her to crash into a wall, The pain quickly reach her back yet wasn't enough to broke her spine. She was quick enough to take Izuku and Tsuyui's damage as she falls to the huge wall crater.

Tsuyui and Izuku couldn't react in time as Usagi was to fast for them to react. They were about to help Usagi incase if she couldn't handle it but Usagi quickly kicks the Nomu's attack.

Blood sprayed again to her left leg as she almost struggle to stand when she land's to the ground. The Nomu was ruthless however as he kept attacking Usagi. Keeping her to a corner while not letting her escape.

Usagi kept blocking, as she was the only one that could see the Nomu's fast attack. She could feel her legs wanting to give up though to the pain but she persisted.

She isn't going to give Nomu the chance to strike. Tsuyui and Izuku watch as Usagi protect's them by the ongoing assault. However the two aren't just going to let Usagi do all the hard work.

They are heroe's in training after all. Izuku tried to think on how are they going to escape until he looks at his dimension bag and thought of an idea. He moves to Tsuyui as he whisper's his plan. Tsuyui was a bit complicated but nonetheless she looks at Izuku and said.

" Are you sure? Your hero equipment would- "

" It's fine. We don't have any options so this is the safest bet "

Tsuyui looked at Usagi protecting them as she sighed and said.

" Then let's do it Izuku-kun "

With determined eyes the two turns to the villain as Izuku lend's Tsuyui his Dimension bag as he said.

" Usagi duck! "

" !? "

Usagi was caught off guard by Izuku's word but she felt danger coming from her nerves as she was about to block. The Nomu was about to hit Usagi's strong legs until he notice a bag coming out from Usagi's back.

The Nomu stopped his attack for a bit and was to retreat but unfortunately for him. Usagi noticed the bag behind her. Her instinct's immidiately tell's her that it's safe to attack as she sprints to the villain to kick his stomach.

The villain block but this short delay allowed the box shaped bag time to capture the Nomu. His body goes inside almost instantly as a long tongue then quickly close the lid.

" Thud! "

" Usagi we need to leave now! "

Hearing Izuku's urgent voice made her to quickly grab Izuku and Tsuyui as she sprints towards the exit. Kurogiri who manages to tire out the students notice Usagi rushing towards the entrance, he was about to create another portal until a tape suddenly trues to wrap around his eyes.

" Woosh.... "

" Damn. "

" Nice try young hero, but unfortunately for you that doesn't work in me- "

" Woosh! "

Usagi quickly went pass Kurogiri almost instantly. Surprised he tries to create a portal as fast as possible but Usagi was way to quick for the mist villain. The U.S.J's slightly closed entrance suddenly burst open, allowing the trio to escape as Usagi jump's through the sky with blinding speed.

She manage to land into a place that is increadibly far from the U.S.J before she stumble's to the ground.

" Thud "

" Huff huff.... Agh! "

" U-Usagi-chan are you okay!? "

" No. My legs are in pain right now "

" S-sorry I should have taken out my first aid's from the bag "

" It's okay I'm just glad we're safe from- Fuck! "

Usagi couldn't hold her pain as she sat down to the ground. A huge amount of blood keeps bleeding out through the gab's of her mechanic legs, making it looked like a gory fountain.

Izuku and Tsuyui couldn't hold their shock once Usagi's blood kept spreading through the ground. Usagi struggling to hold her consciousness as her upper body fall's the ground.

Her cloth body immidiately unwrap's itself from her. Covering and moving around her until her height and figure change to that of her plushie form.

Izuku quickly grab's Usagi. Worried that she was going to die. Her legs in plushie form looked tear down as if it was cut by scissors and hasn't been recovered in years.

Usagi still kept her consciousness as she look at Izuku and said.

" Don't worry I'm uh.... Fine, I just need some rest.... "

" Usagi "

As Izuku tries his best to comfort Usagi Tsuyui notice something from the sky, it was fast but she could see it crash into the U.S.J almost instantly. Both Izuku and Tsuyui heared the sounds and siren's of the police and ambulance as they drive towards the U.S.J.

Making the two relieved that reinforcement's had arrive.


( Back at the U.S.J )

Tomura was livid of what just happened. The mark's and blisters of his neck didn't stop as there's even some hint of blood bleeding down from his neck.

The Nomu was finally approhanded by students, children, teenagers, or npc's in his view. The Nomu should have killed the trio yet Tomura failed to estimate each of their capabilities.

He was frustrated that he didn't get what he want as he turn to Kurogiri to end the rest of the students he was fighting until the ceiling of the U.S.J broke.

All of the villain's look up to the figure falling down as a wave of dust covered everyone. Villain's and young heroe's in training couldn't able to see who was the figure who suddenly crash down to the U.S.J until a voice that everyone recognize made them realize who it was.

" Never fear. Because I am here! "

" Woosh! "

The smoke clears as they finally see Allmight. The UA-student's students couldn't help but to be relaxed and excited by his pressence while villain's cower in fear by just the sight of his figure.

Allmight has arrive. And there is no escaping from him.

While the lesser villain's cower him their was one who seems to be happy by his pressence, making a wide crazed smile of murderous intent.

Allmight notice the Tomura standing at the central plaza as he looks at him and ask.

" Are you the villain who attacked my students? "

" My looks like the number one hero really took the initiative to talk to me? Heh you know if I was just a little kid I would been increadibly excited to meet you for the first time "

" Speak. "

Allmight ask while he walk towards him, Getting ready to approhand the ringleader. Tomura stare at Allmight as he couldn't hold his excitement as he was about to ask Kurogiri to teleport his one hand towards Izuku's dimension bag.

But fortunately for him. He doesn't need to.

" Woosh! "

" !? "

" SLAM!!! "

Allmight blocked something that has an increadibly strong force that made him move a few inches from the ground. The strong yet fast attack made Allmight felt a slight tinge of pain, pain that something he hasn't experience in a long time in his hero career.

He tries to attack back but the strong and fast attack's made it impossible for him to counterattack. His body slowly feeling increadibly amount of pain as he struggles to keep his guard up.

Finally with a quick punch by the stomach Allmight bleed's out blood from his mouth.

" Splat! "

The cloak villain felt the blood dripping from his fur covered hand's. He thought he had killed Allmight but Allmight immidiately grab's his hand to pull the villain closer to his fist.

" SLAM! "

The villain's cloak burst out from it's body due to Allmight's strong force yet it didn't faze the villain. The villain in response punch Allmight as he was pushed a few feet away.

Allmight manage to tank the Nomu's attack but the pain was to much for him to handle. This was the most damage he has ever receive as he turn to the Nomu who was strong enough to do this much injury.

With the cloak destroyed everyone could see the figure infront of them as the Nomu stood up. The destroyed remain's of Izuku's dimension bag fell from his dark blue fur body, he was wide and extremely muscular with thousands of small holes that look like eye sockets all placed on its head and shoulders, with a large smiling mouth where people could see it's sharp razor teeth.

People couldn't help but to be haunted by this simple image alone as the Nomu tower's over Allmight's height as if he was a child.

This villain no creature, doesn't look human at all. In fact it look like it was made and experimented on some twisted lab.


Huggy wuggy Nomu here we go!!