( Downpour zone )
One couldn't understand the amount of frustration Catnap has been feeling lately. After he was teleported to this suburban alleyway with strong heavy rainstorms, villain's started to ambush him in every corner.
Of course Catnap would have dealt with them with his red smoke, but because of the heavy rainstorm that diluted his red smoke that could have finish them all in just a second he was stuck on just using his tail.
It was an annoying hindrance for Catnap but nonetheless the villain's were nothing but normal people with some weird looking superpower's. Catnap thought while he ignored the hanging bloodied corpse on his tail, the blood stained corpse's of villains were scattered everywhere around him as Catnap stare at the three villains infront of him.
The villain's obviously terrified that most of their group are already killed by Catnap's claws. Shock, fear and disbelief are plastered in their faces while they face the gigantic blood covered cat abomination infront of them. It's dark pupiless eyes seemed like it has no soul.
" Y-you bastard.... I-I'LL KILL YO- "
" SPLAT!!! "
Catnap didn't really care about what the villain said as he just pierce his left eye with his tail. Pain quickly got him as he was about to scream but Catnap quickly move his tail deeper in his insides, going down through his organs until he reach through his butthole. Making him into a human cabab.
The two villain's had enough seeing bloodshed as they drop their weapons and run. Too bad though, they should have ran when they have the chance.
" THRUST!! "
" SLASH!! "
" SiIgHh..... hOow AnOoyInGg.... "
Catnap said with a bitcrust vocaloid voice before throwing the corpse's off from his tail. Killing the villain's felt like killing the workers from playtime co for Catnap, but with extra steps. Sure they do bring a bit of challenge for him since they are people with superpowers of all kind and he couldn't use his red smoke in the rain, but compare it to his years of developing his killing instinct in small crowded areas and years of developing his tail extension ability with Izuku, it felt like he was playing with a couple of toddlers in his own yard.
Though Catnap has to admit he does felt good after killing those villains. It's been years since he actually killed a human being. Catnap thought while he triverse through the small alleyway of the suburbs, he would often took a peak up above the alleyway to get a better view on where he was going before moving on to the direction he mapped in his head.
Sure they were some occasional villain ambush here and their but it wasn't something he couldn't reacted in time before killing them. He triverse through the alleyway. Even going so far as to sneak around some villains that he passed.
Catnap can tell that he was getting closer to the exit of this Suburban like zone through his constant look out. He was about to move out of the alley in order to enter another one since it was much faster shortcut him until he notice something from afar, a teenager with a weird looking costume was running away from a group of villain's as they were about to catch up to him.
Soon when he stop close to an alleyway a shadow emurge as a large figure swoops in and attack the villain's. Overwhelming them with it's massive size.
" WHAT THE!? "
" FUCK!! "
" SLASH!!! "
Catnap watch as he saw that the villain's got defeated by a large shadowy figure. They tried to fight back but because of the figures large size they are couldn't help but to just be a bunch of unconscious meat.
The weird mutant looking teenager who shivered by the appearance of the shadowy figure then look up to it before he raise a thumbs up. Another figure came out from the shadows of the alleyway, allowing Catnap to guess who's behind the shadowy figure.
Once Tokoyami came out from the alleyway the teenager raise his thumb towards him for a job well done. Dark shadow couldn't help but to mimick the weird looking teenager whole he said for the both of them.
" Heh so what are we ambushing next!? "
" None, we already cleared this area for possible villain's so let's get out of here before any villains regroup "
" Ah come on Fumi don't be a bummer, Besides it's been a while since I kick some asses so how about we stick around and fight some villains eh? "
" Dark shadow for the love a go- you know what no. Listen were in a dire situation right now so we don't have time to play around. It's either that you stay inside me and wait until I need you or I'll stop feeding you any snacks. "
" WHAT F-Fumi you got to be joking heh.... right? Please tell me your joking. "
" I'm serious.... "
Tokoyami's cold stern tone was enough for Dark shadow to reluctantly went inside Tokoyami's stomach. Tokoyami then turns his head towards the shy weird looking teenager near of him as he said.
" Koda look let's just get out of here. I don't want to waste anymore time s- !? "
Tokoyami then notices Catnap far behind Koda. It's unearving terrifying image was something Tokoyami couldn't help but to feel scared to. Koda was confused by Tokoyami's sudden halt until he followed his gaze and notice Catnap watching them.
Catnap's monster form isn't what scared them them the most but the trace's of blood around Catnap's paw's and body. It shock them the most as it looked like Catnap just committed a heinous murder.
Catnap already know what they are shock off didn't look at them again as he was about to enter the alleyway for the short cut until Koda quickly said.
" W-Wait!! Y-your Izuku's quirk.... R-right? "
" ..... AaNd WhaAt dOo yOUu wAnT.... "
Hearing Catnap's monster form voice made Koda squak out of fear but he still manage to gather enough courage to talk.
" E-ehem are you planning to escape this place? "
" NoOo I'Mm gOinGg tOo dIsnEey lAnD~ wHaAt doO yoU tHinK. "
" Um well if so how about you j-join us? We surely need extra help if we wanted to leave this zone "
Koda's nervous words didn't reach out to Catnap. He didn't really care of teaming up with teenagers he barely met, but considering that their Izuku's classmates, he knows just how sad Izuku is going to be sad if he found out that his classmates died.
So he has no choice but to relunctantly agree. Taking up their offer as he walks towards them and said.
" FiINeE.... "
Koda tries to be positive on Catnap joining them but his large height and unearving atmosphere once he arrived near them felt like he shouldn't celebrate in this team up. Catnap just look down at the two teenagers before leaving. Surprising the two.
" H-Hey!! Where are you going? "
" EexXiT. TThEre'S aA sHoOrtcUuT iIn tHaAt aLEwAAy "
Catnap said before leaving, causing Koda and Tokoyami to follow Catnap. As they continue their dark path's the alleyway were condemn into silence. Making Koda unabling his fear to the unkown.
( Mountain zone )
Momo, Jiro and Kaminari are fighting off the advancing villain's, There barrage of attacks reduce by Momo's shields. Momo kinda acted out as a tank and a support as she kept creating several rod's, metal shields and even durable fabric to protect the group while the two attack in sync.
With Jiro's quirk allowing her to attack using sounds while Kaminari attack through his electricity. These two are pretty much an offensive duo.
As Momo struggled to keep up running while conserving her stocked energy for her to use her quirk they were then bombarded by several long range attacks. Both Kaminari and Jiro seek refuge inside Momo's newly created metal shield as the sound of thunderous strike left by.
Villain's seeing opportunity to strike while the villain's in long range keep the students at bay. Jiro notice this move when she took a peak outside of Momo's metal shield before going back after surviving an attack.
Their situation is not in their favor as Momo tries to create a net to bind the up coming villain's until they heard rough noice's behind the metal shield.
" Slash!! "
" What!? "
" Lift! "
Dogday lifted the villain off from his chest and begi. swinging him around to push off a few villain's. He toss the villain aside before checking on the metal shield and ask with an old recorded
" Are you kid's okay? "
This simple sentence send shiver's to them as Momo took a peak at Dogday's image. She instantly recognize this voice though how human yet robotic it may sound.
Momo couldn't answer Dogday's question as he notice a villain getting close to Dogday.
" Dogday watch out!? "
" Hmm? "
" Splat! "
Dogday got his stomach almost ripped apart, but only almost. Other than that it obvious doesn't contain much damage as he lift the villain to use his as a meat shield against long range attacks.
Dogday didn't feel much pain tonight as he turn to the trio, eyes obviously felt obviously weird today as Dogday didn't think twice of lifted Momo's created work.
The trio notice the sudden change of motion as Jiro and Kaminari look outside of their makeshift tent.
" W-What are you doing!? "
" Escaping of course, we'll deal the villain's later right now we have to get as much information and facts as possible "
Dogday said as he turn to the villain's before running. Moving these three students as they should participate.