Aki's sweat was slowly falling from his face as he couldn't hold his gun right. They thought that they have all the information they need to deal with the broccoli bean but they didn't thought of one missing piece. A trump card of an inigma that they aren't prepared to face which is Dogday.
Aki looked at Touri who was securing his neck. A traumatic reflexes after what happened to him a few hours ago.
' Damn it Arashi's out and Touri's useless. Can't believe the documents didn't include this one '
Infact he was furious that whoever was handling the documents didn't include a specimen that could regenerate. There chances of capturing there target became low but this doesn't discouraged Aki.
He put his gun aside and stare at Dogday. With an opponent who has a regenerative quirk Aki has no choice but to get his target dead.
He hid his hands by putting it behind his back completely out of sight from Dogday as he make sure to keep an eye at Catnap hidden behind the red smoke.
Silence and tension was appearant from the red covered smoke of an alley as without even a second for Dogday to blink Aki pulled out a large gatling gun from his back.
" Click! "
Dogday couldn't react the barrage of bullets hitting him as he tried to fold his arms but the speed of the bullet's pushed him from his position. His flesh were being obliterated with every second through to the sheer overwhelming force of power as every piece of him were scattered around the alley.
Only a small amount of bullets pass Dogday but that wasn't a problem for Catnap to dodge. Once two more bullets miss him Catnap readied his tail as he fling it towards Aki's helmet with quick speed. As the purple tail was about reach Aki's helmet a bullet shot Catnap's tail causing Catnap to scream and retreat back to the red smoke. Dogday kept his ground even if his face was ruined he still stayed ferm to the ground. It didn't take long until the gatling gun ran out of bullets as Aki whip out a small grenade from his back and pull the trigger.
Dogday panick once he saw the grenade as Aki through it towards the red smoke.
Aki didn't thought he would use his hidden arsenal's but he has no choice but to use them in this tight situation. Though his quirk called pocket can only allowed him to store only limited amount of small trinkets of objects he never felt ever so greatful for All for one for giving his quirk an upgrade.
Now he can finally use his quirk without worrying about the size, weight and numbers .He knows he wouldn't be a hero with his useless quirk. All of it was good for pickpocket and nothing else. A quirk meant for weak mob's like him. But now it's different he'll show those who look down at him, he'll show them the karma they deserve.
As the grenade slowly went through the red smoke from there perspective. Dogday couldn't hide his fear as he jump towards the red smoke grabbing the grenade and was about to throw it at Aki until his silhouette were shown by the radiant light from the grenade.
" BOOM!!! "
" .... "
Silence filled the room as the alleyway was filled with dust and red smoke. Aki was never worried about himself getting hurt since that grenade was specifically made to blow up a small area. His willing to get his target no matter what. He was about to check his target as there's no way anyone can survive that explosion even with a regenerative quirk but imagine his surprise to see Dogday standing still.
His left hand was obliterated as well as his abdomen and waist yet Dogday can still stand up even with the pain.
' Compared to years of being legless this pain is nothing '
Dogday thought as he charged at Aki. The two were close as Aki tried to pull out a stun bomb to blind Dogday until a tail suddenly smack Aki's gasmask causing him to lose balance. Dogday now close to Aki raise's his leg's and kick's him hard on the nuts.
" BAM!! "
" COUGH!!! "
Aki cough as he emmidiently fall's to the ground. His body twitching as he was paralyze by the pain. Dogday didn't give him any rest as he makes sure that wouldn't be able to move again.
After minutes of constant cock-in-ball torture Dogday then turns to Touri who was terrified by this point as he tried to run away.
A tail move's to Touri's direction. Yanking his helmet as Touri was exposed by the remaining red smoke. It didn't take long for Touri to fall victim of the red smoke as his fall cause silence to the alleyway.
The chaotic alleyway displaying of red and regular smoke and dust slowly calm's down. The remaining red smoke slowly dissapear's as Dogday breathes. He took his time catching his breathe before turning his head to Catnap who walks to the dusty smoke holding Izuku in his arms.
They didn't speak as they walk pass the unconscious injured bodies of there persuer's. The exit is just a few walk's away as they can finally escape the alleyway.
Sadly Catnap who stare's at Dogday's injury couldn't help but to blame himself as he already realized that he wouldn't be the one taking Izuku to safety.
" Drop. "
" Hmm Catnap? "
Dogday turn his head seeing Catnap fall to the ground .His body is trembling as Dogday spot one bloody bullet hole on Catnap's shoulder.
Dogday's eyes shrunk as he tried to wake Catnap up but there was no respond. He thought of the worse as he check his chest feeling slow sign's of breathing.
This was enough for him to carry Catnap and Izuku with his one existing arm and ran towards the alleyway exit.
Outside of the alleyway people gathered to the entrance of the alleyway as they heard loud noice's. People began to pull out there phone to either call the cops or to take a video of the strange accident until they notice someone coming out of the alleyway.
" What in the? "
" Woosh!! "
Dogday ran passed the crowd of people as the crowd saw Dogday's large gory appearance carrying Catnap and Izuku. They all screamed out of shock while they watch Dogday running away from the crowd.
Dogday didn't care about there scream heck he doesn't worry about himself as he can feel his body slowly regenerating. What's important now is him finding a hospital.
( At the police station )
" Mam please come down for a moment "
At mustufusa police department a young police officer is trying to calm down Inko. Who was worried and crying sick. Her partner another police officers besides them was taking notes of this whole ordeal and said.
" So you said that your son just dissapeared? "
" Yes I only look away for a second and the next thing I know he was gone "
" I see don't worry mrs midoria I'm su- "
He couldn't finish his sentence as the sound of his walkie talkie made him stop mid way. He excuse himself from Inko as he took the call.
" Yes what is it "
" Yeah we kinda need a bit of a backup here? "
" What's the situation? "
" Um it's hard to explain. I'll tell you the details once your here at the scene "
" I see. I'll call the others "
The officer said as he cut off the call and look at Inko with a bit of an apologetic gaze and said.
" Sorry mam we really want to find your son we really do but were in a bit of a difficult situation. We'll send out a few available officers too- "
Yet again he was interrupted as another call from his walkie talkie cause him to apologize again before walking to another place to take the call. Inko was getting more and more nervous as she doesn't have any good feelings of what is happening.
Her son is missing and two more urgent call's kept interrupting there conversation. She wanted to go and check her son herself as soon as possible as every moment they are away from each other the more and more of her exaggerating imagination of her son suffering or even worse dying.
She couldn't sit still until the police officer ended his call as he head to another department as Inko see's a nervous face at the police officer.
' Izuku-kun please be alright '