
The Tech Tournament

An average build man, with notable wrinkles on his forehead and defined nasolabial folds and tear troughs. He has small sky-blue eyes and short, unruly honey brown hair with two prominent tufts curving outwards from the top of his forehead, a short goatee on his chin, and wide-rimmed square glasses on his face was none other than the famous support item developer David Sheild, who is not only renowned for his works but also for the fact he is All Might's best friend and ex-Sidekick.

Now the same man is in a meeting with 20 or so Support item developers who are world-renowned in their work.

" We have decided to hold this competition but... Mr Mark, we should also decide on the prize. Visiting I-island doesn't sound much of a... you know, like a prize. Don't get me wrong, it would be an honour for anyone to visit I-island, but there should be something else. "

" Yes, what Monsieur Stefan said is right."

" I agree "

" I second it."

David, who was listening to all the support item developers, was getting bored. He was interested in hosting a worldwide competition by collaborating with famous support item developers. He was a person who wanted to bring peace to the whole world, though it was his dream, and his dream isn't something that can be made true. David always wanted to help his best friend, who also had the same dream as him.

" So, how do we allocate the points?"

" Well...

The meeting went on for 3 more hours, and everything was sorted out. David was looking forward to the competition, and the main reason would be for the new creative tech that others would develop. He like researching and making support items as it is his profession, after all.

' Will there be anything new ?' Thinking about it, he shook his head as even if there was something new, it would always have the same concepts that were already found.

David quickened his steps to his quarters and next to his lab, where he was working on a robot that was the size of a small trash can.

A week after the meeting, there was an announcement that made many support item developers, tech developers very excited. It was ' The Tech Tournament ', a tournament held worldwide and the works done by the participants would be graded by the top 20 best-known Support Item developers. The prize was that the winner would be able to visit the legendary I-island, and also their work would be developed or funded by the I-island.

The prize made many want to participate in this tournament, and this was also a chance for many to show their talents, and as this competition was worldwide, there would be millions joining it.


Oki, who is currently in his usual ' Void ', was currently shopping.

" Man, talk about cheap, 5 cartridges of spider-man web fluid just costs 1 TP."

" Oh, Kyber crystal just costs 100 TP !"

" Man, a pill that gives strength in exchange for hair loss just for a Decillion? Nah, I love my hair."

" Batman's energy reactor is costly."

" Iron man's arc reactor is costly, so no."

" WOO... what do we have here."

The shopping goes for almost an hour in the ' Void '.

[ System: All the items you have purchased has been stored in the ' Sleep Inventory ' ]

" Wait! Don't send the 2 purple kyber crystals, also 2 spider-man web fluids and also the prototype arc reactor blueprint and lightsaber manual and how to build a lightsaber from scratch ."

[ System: Affirmative, you will find your items near you after you wake up ]

" You know this isn't the first time I am shopping, right?"

[ System: Just making sure host ]

" Well, you know what to do... right?"

[ System: Yes]


Morning - 2:30

" Man, can't wait to get started on my new projects."

It was none other than Oki, who is trying to build something similar to an arc reactor or an energy source that would help his one of the ultimate moves he has in mind.

" So this a kyber crystal."

Oki, who was holding a purple colour kyber crystal, he was appreciating the beauty of the crystal. The kyber crystal is a type of crystal having a unique power within it. Kyber crystal is a crystal with concentrated 'force ' power, and what Oki planning to do is ' If he could convert this energy into electrical energy '.

But the current problem was how?

Even if kyber crystal has a different type of energy, how to convert it? Oki bought a construction manual of a lightsaber, and with it, he could construct a lightsaber from scratch or he could if only he can get the items on the list.

If Oki constructed a real lightsaber, the blade is already plasma, so he could try to use the electrical energy before it turns into plasma, but the amount should be regulated, and this is a problem. Oki had to maintain the energy output at a constant level and that level shouldn't fry his suit when using the energy source.

How could Oki regulate or use massive amounts of the force converted into electrical energy?

The answer is still unknown to Oki.

Oki started to mess with the emission compartments of the lightsaber and next with the stabilization materials of the lightsaber and after tinkering with it for some hours. Oki switched on his lightsaber but the result was that insted of forming a plasma blade there was a concentrated plasma in a spherical shape.

Oki had no idea what he had done, so he thought of stoping it so Oki switched off the lightsaber, the next thing he could see was a blinding purple light just moving forward and after few 100 or so meters there was a big shockwave.

Oki started at 2:30 AM, and by the time he realises a lot of time has passed by and it was 6. Well, 6 in the evening.

This stunned Oki and it did cause quite a commotion. ( stunned because of the explosion and how he had negated the time itself and the commotion... well the whole orphanage was in chaos )



" Are all of you here?"

""" Yes, sire."""

" Good, so have we found them?"

" We do have 8 out of 13, sire."

" hmm"

" Well, find the rest as soon as possible."

""" We will """


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments.

If I am wrong about lightsabers, then forgive me and correct me.

Hope you look forward to the next chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things, I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

Next Chapter- The Tech Tournament (2)