
Chapter 19: The Past - Fuyumi Todoroki

How I met Fuyumi, how I befriended her, and how I became her boyfriend is something similar to a fairy tale.

On the day I met Fuyumi I was eleven years old and she was seventeen years old. At eleven years old I was at least five foot five inches thanks to my constant absorption of solar radiation. Fuyumi and I met at the hospital where my sister was born. Our family went there to get Yuki a check up as she was sick for the month prior.

Anyway, as we were walking out of the hospital after the check up, I asked my parents "Where are we going now?"

"Mmmm, since Yuki is alright, let's go to the zoo."

"Yay!" When mom said that, I was hyped as the zoo is the best here.As I was thinking about which animals I would pet today, I heard screams. I turned towards the source of the sound and saw five guys running after a girl who had white hair with red streaks on the hair. Looking closer, I figured that it's Fuyumi as she looks similar to Touya. As I was contemplating whether to save her or not, Fuyumi and the five guys passed by me and my family.

But the last one, snatched Yuki with his quirk from my mom and shouted at Fuyumi "If you don't want this baby to die stop where you are!"

Fuyumi turned around briefly and saw that one of the guys was holding Yuki, so she stopped dead in her tracks and the other guys got hold of her with a glee on their face.

The moment it registered that my one year old sister had been taken hostage to capture Fuyumi, was when Yuki started to cry due to pain. I didn't wait for any hero or any of the police to secure my sister, and jumped straight towards the one who was holding my sister and punched him on his back.


"GHAAAAA" With a bloodcurdling scream he fell down losing his grip on Yuki.

In a flash, I got hold of Yuki and gave her to my mom who was frozen on the spot as soon as she saw her baby girl in the hands of an unknown man.

After handing Yuki to mom, I punched the guy square in the jaw and he lost consciousness.

Then I set my eyes on the other four, who had dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

Without any kind of warning, I punched the guy who was holding Fuyumi's hand on her back. With him out of the scene, Fuyumi was able to get free and she ran straight towards where my parents were.

The last two guys stared at me and one of them said "Look man, we don't have any trouble with you. We only want that girl."

Looking at the one who spoke I growled out "The moment you touched my sister, you made trouble with me."

Without saying anything more, I appeared in between the two thugs and kicked on their sides by doing a split.

"Gha." "Aha"

Screaming in pain, both of them were separated at least two meters. Both of them got lucky as they both lost consciousness, one of them crashed into a car and the other fell directly to the wall of the hospital.

After making sure that they were out of commission, I walked towards where my family was standing with Fuyumi hugging my mom and crying her eyes out.

Just as I was nearing them I heard someone say "Freeze! This is the police!"

I stopped in my tracks and the police continued "You're under arrest for assaulting those men." And walked towards me to handcuff me.

But before they could even lay a finger on me, my dad came and stood beside me and asked "On what charges?"

The police man looked at my dad and said "For assaulting those men and attempted murder."

Looking straight into the eyes of the police man my dad asked "Did you see what happened before or did you just arrive right now?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?"

Taking a deep breath, my dad shouted at the policeman "He is my son and he was trying to protect my daughter, his sister, who was taken hostage by those men. Whatever happened to them they deserved it."

Before the officer could say anything, Fuyumi spoke up, with tears still falling from her eyes.

"He's right, officer. This was self defense on the boys part. Those guys were chasing me and they took their daughter hostage. That boy simply tried to save his sister."

Turning towards the officer I said "You can arrest me if saving my family member is a crime."

Looking at me the officer said "That's what the heroes are for."

I looked at him like he was an idiot. Sighing I said "So you're saying that we shouldn't take action if someone is taken hostage or being threatened to be killed and wait for the heroes to arrive and save the day?"

"Yes." He said with so much confidence.

No scratch that, he is an idiot, I'm hundred percent sure.

Right as I was about to say something, when Fuyumi spoke "Officer, my father is a hero. These guys were after me in order to get one up on my father. This family was dragged into it unnecessarily, so if you arrest this young man for saving the life of the daughter of a hero, you will be meeting lots of lawyers."

That offer looked dumbfounded, and his partner who has been silent all along saud "Okay, we won't charge him with assault or anything, but he did use his quirk in public without a license."

"Who said I used my quirk?"

Looking at me he asked "Didn't you beat those five into unconsciousness?"

"Yeah I did, but that's my natural strength and speed. Here this is my quirk."

Saying that I showed him my quirk regeneration id and continued "The law doesn't allow me to be arrested for using quirk for self-defense. So don't give me that bullshit."

Right I said that, I was slapped by my mother who said "Language young man."

I just nodded at her.

Looking at each other, the officer's shrugged their shoulders and said "We're sorry for the inconvenience."

Saying that both officer's left to detain those five guys.

Fuyumi came in front of me and thanked me "Thank you for saving me, even though you did it to save your sister."

I nodded at her and said "You're welcome."

Smiling, she introduced herself, "I'm Fuyumi Todoroki, nice to meet you."

"Jōichirō Saiba. Nice to meet you." We shook hands.

Fuyumi was called by one of the officers to take a statement from her, the same was done with our family.

After that was done, Fuyumi offered to treat us with dinner, for saving her and because of the inconvenience.

We agreed to meet a day after that day and split up while exchanging phone numbers.

After the dinner with her, both of us became somewhat friend's and she was surprised to find out that I was only eleven years old.

Our friendship only lasted for almost a year, as before she became an adult, before she became eighteen, she asked permission from my mom to be my girlfriend. At first, mom denied it saying that I'm not old enough to have a girlfriend, but as Fuyumi begged her and showed how much she loved me, my mom agreed on one condition. And that is she wasn't ready to be a grandma before turning fifty. Hearing that I laughed out loud and Fuyumi was flushed red.

Like that, we became strangers to friends to lovers. Our relationship has lasted till to this day without any hitch, and I call her shota-con from time to time, just for kicks of it.