
Class President

''With that over with finally, it's time we decide something. Here and now.'' Aizawa spoke, the class holding baited breaths.

''Who's the Class President?''

Everyone exclaimed how that was such a normal thing to do before Momo's hand shot up.

''How are we going to decide on it? We haven't known each other that long yet so how can we be sure who would be best in the position?''

''You think I care? Sort it out yourself, and let me know when you find out who it is. You have until lunch.'' Aizawa grumbled as he retreated into his sleeping back, slumping onto the floor behind the teacher's podium.

''Class vote?'' Justin called out before everyone got too heated and loud, getting a lot of nods of approval.

''Who wants to go around and collect votes?'' Momo asked, a pink hand flying up immedittly as Mina exclaimed.

''I will!''

''Momo, can you make us some small cards and a top hat?'' Justin asked, causing her to look at him with a raised brow.

''Why a top hat?''

''For the Class President of course! It also makes it easy to collect papers.'' Justin beamed at her.

She just shook her head as she pulled up her sleeve, spawning out enough cards for the class, and then using her slender stomach to get the top hat.

Mina bounced up as she passed everyone a card, everyone writing their choice down and flipping their cards.

Once everyone did, Ida taking the longest Mina bubbly came around with the top hat, taking all the cards and then holding it above her head will a smile. ''I don't want to count them!''

''I will!'' Toru raised her hand, which was only seen by her sleeve lifting. Mina skipped down the aisle to her and handed off the tophat to her.

''Thank you Mina for your wonderful ability to collect cards, 40 points to Ravenclaw!'' Justin joked causing her to turn and stick her tongue out at him.

''I'll have you know, I took the test, and I'm a HUFFLEPUFF! You dumb Lion!''

''Wow, much hostility.'' Sero joked.

''You know what's funny?'' Eijiro asked, rubbing at his chin.

''None of us got Slytherin, which was a very surprising thing to find out?'' Denki laughed from his chair, Bakugo turned around a threw a book at him.

At least it was soft cover.

Sero and Eijiro laugh, a few of the girls giggling as well.

Toru made her way to the front, standing beside Aizawa who was on the floor.

'''Excuse me... Sensei can I?'' She asked softly

''Just push me.'' He grumbled out.

Toru seemed to be hesitant, but she bent her knees to lean down, gently pushing him out of the way. His sleeping bag made it easy to slide him around.

Once she did, she dumped the Tophat onto the podium, before flipping it around to place it onto herself.

Justin was the first one to whistle, other guys joining in, even if only Justin was the one who noticed her blush as she shuffled through the cards.

A few minutes past before she took the chalk from the board and began to write the names on the board.

First was Justins at 8 votes which got him to let out a low whistle.

The second was Momo at 3, and Ida at 2. With a few people with only one votes, who most likely voted themselves.

''Damn, that's a landside victory. Well, my first duty as Class President is to hire Momo as my Assistant, and to bring Ida on as my 'Cordinator' who will help me by enforcing rules and plan events for the class.''

''Hire? What's the pay?'' Momo asked, turning in her seat to look back to him.

''Lifetime supply of advice?'' Justin chuckled as Toru walked over and placed the hat on Justin's head.

Ida was gripping his desk, tears of happiness sliding down his face.

He had hesitated, thinking himself the best option to be Class President, since he would be able to enforce the rules and be a great asset to being able to keep the class organized.

But... More was needed than being good at following rules to be the class president, you need to be outgoing, and easily able to assert yourself in situations it required a leader, to be strong and reliable.

Someone who got along great with the class, so he had voted for Justin, and a lot seemed to agree with his mentality.

Momo would be a great assistance, but to be elected to be the 'Cordinator' which allowed him to still do the things he was not only good at, but enjoyed doing, to keep order?

It went to show just how much Justin paid attention.

''I want a revote, I think I would be a great choice for class president!'' Eijiro said, despite having been one of the people to vote for Justin in the first place.

''I'll fight you over it? Trial by combat like men?'' Justin called, making sure he was showing of his fancy new hat.

''Damnit, he's got me before my campaign even starts, you have the stage this time Justin!'' Eijiro exclaimed in a grand manor, like he was some villain.

''Aizawa Sensei!'' Mina called out to get his attention before speaking.

''Justin is CP, Momo is VP, and Ida is Class Officer!''

''I heard the first time... Christ, when will the bell ri-.''

The bell went off, signifying the start of lunch, which got a happy sigh out of him as he suddenly got up and out of his sleeping back, wrapping it around his arm as he spoke. ''Go to lunch, all of you. Instruct Midnight of your positions after lunch.'' He headed out, heading directly for the teacher's lounge to go nap in peace.


Some were wondering why this fanfic feels... Like a Crackfic, well I am just writing it how the person who is currently 'sponsoring' it is wanting it written

They admitted seeing some people react to this fanfic is one of their favorite pastimes.

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