
MHA: High Voltage

Things didn't go like the original. A tragic event in Denki's childhood has transformed him into a new and improved future hero. he won't be the lazy, dumb bum he was before. Now, using his newfound capabilities, he'll become a true powerhouse of class 1.A! this is a rewrite of a fic I started ages ago on another acc I lost access to. I've decided to try and improve upon what I made before with a more realistic rise to power. I've still tried my best to root his abilities in somewhat real to life science, several based off of real world animals and insects that use electricity in interesting ways. But not all of his techniques will be perfectly realistic. His stronger ones will definitely stretch that very thin line at best. I reasoned that, in a world where a guy with metal wings can fly and a guy can punch out his fist to change the weather, it was fine though lol. wish me luck, any support and supportive criticism welcomed.

Writerforfun21 · 漫画同人
22 Chs

21; Seriously!?

After they had all settled down from their various reactions to the rankings. Denki bantered and laughed with his classmates as they celebrated their scores.


Suddenly a loud cough destroyed the happy atmosphere. Everyone turned to Aizawa, who stood looking at them all with a large tick mark bulging from his forehead.

"If you are all done celebrating your achievements and patting yourselves on the back..."

His words cutting as helpless chuckles and nervous looks were exchanged amongst the awkward students, remembering that they hadn't finished class just yet.

Aizawa deflated once again as long sigh ripped out of his mouth. No matter how many years of teaching came and went he could never get used to the utterly unrationality of kids.

"Well done, you have been able to see how your quirks affect your results." Yet no one felt safe to feel proud. His tone obviously alluded to something more.

"Now you can see just how unfair the hero business is.

Those among you with most powerful quirks scored the highest."

He paused as he pointed to those at the top.

1. Denki Kaminari. 11. Ochaco Uraraka

2. Momo Yoayorozu. 12. Koji Koda

3. Shoto Todoroki. 13. Rikido Sato

4. Katsuki Bakugo. 14. Tsuyu Asui

5. Tenya Iida. 15. Yuga Aoyama

6. Fumikage Tokoyami. 16. Hanta Sero

7. Mezo Shoji. 17. Kyoka Jiro

8. Mashiroa Ojiro. 18. Toru Hakagure

9. Eijiro Kirishima. 19. Izuku Midoriya

10. Mina Ashido. 20. Minoru Mineta

As they looked again at the scoreboard they thought about the quirks that each person had.

"Everyone one of them has incredible offensive power.

But more than that, it grants them a more rounded ability.

Able to move fast, deliver powerful attacks and for some of them take them as well."

They looked at each name. Kaminari was obvious to them. He had shown such a versatile set of abilities that ranged from manueverability, strength, dexterity, endurance in both stamina and defense as well as ways to attack from any range too.

That combined with, what was becoming clear to them now, a serious work ethic for heroics made him stand way above the rest.

Momo was another clear example. Her quirk allowed for the most flexibility in its uses, paired beautifully with her intellect and determination left no question.

Shota and Bakugo both seemed more purely offensive but still showcased some clever uses of gheir quirks to gain high scores in several of the tests.

Tenya Iida was the one that didn't fit with the others. His quirk was very focussed upon a specific area. Speed.

But speed had many perks in this test and in hero work as a whole so it still deserved its place here.

Especially when included with the intesity of its user who had clearly worked hard too, sharpening his quirk and trying to shore up his big weaknesses.

The top five of this test. All had shown off impressive feats in not one but multiple of the tests. None had been below the top ten in a single area either.

Their results spoke for themselves.

"These people are the most likely to shine as pros.

That is the harsh truth of this world. Accept it now and life will be simpler."

The words of their new teacher stung. Like alcahol being poured onto a gaping wound.

It was needed but currently all those below that ranking could feel was sharp pain.

"But that isn't always the case."

Just as those below were deflating with defeat and those above were inflating with pride, Aizawa spoke up again.

His words unspired hope in those feeling dejected. A way out of their lot in life maybe. A chance to rise above their predetermined fate.

To become amongst the best too!

"Hard work."

Aizawa paused as his eyes bore into each and every one of his students. They became particularly intense for those who clearly lacked what he had said.

As his eyes met Denki's they softened. A few others also noticed this. They were among the few who showed the principle he deemed most important.

"Hard work will turn worms into dragons. Kittens into lions and weak, pathetic kids into Pro Heroes!"

His words roused the crowd as shouts of acknowledgement rang out. Those who already fell into this group cheered as they felt a kindred spirit.

Kirishima roared as his fist shot into the air. His summers spent training arduously for this chance at U.A.

Momo, Denki, Tenya and a few others nodded along with a smile that showed their support.

Those who didn't fit felt inspired. They saw how their classmates who did well all seemed to be among those who trained. Their quirks weren't the only reason they did so well after all.

Determination rose within them to meet their newfound hope. They would work hard too and join them in showing just what they're capable of!

"Now last place..."

The group looked up, their trance lost as heads swivelled to glance quickly at Mineta. The tiny teen trembling as he hung his head low, waiting for the words he had been dreading.

"I was lying about the expulsion." Aizawa said as he looked at the scoreboard as if he were working something out.

"Huh.. HUH!?"

Minetas lispy voice shrieked in a high pitch manner as he realised what Aizawa had said. His eyes bygged out while his mouth dropped to the floor.

"It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks." Aizawa continued uncaringly in his monotone way. Not bothering to even look at the small boy who's heart he'd almost caused to give out.

Many around looked at Mineta with a smile giving him reassuring thumbs up. "Looks like you're staying with us Mineta!" Kirishima told him as he patted him on the back.

The force nearly sending the still in shock Mineta flying. His face a picture of so many emotions as he tried to understand what was happening.

"Of course that was a lie.

It should have been obvious if you just thought it through."

Momo's proud tone rang out as she motioned to her fellow classmates. Her expression one of stating the blindinly clear.

Denki smiled at her boastfulness. He watched her slight swagger at her reveal. The urge to tell her how Gin had told him about a teacher who expelled a whole class last year.

Denki had long since worked out that Mr Aizawa was obviously that said teacher. Hearing Momo's slightly prententious lecturing tone he barely held back a laugh.

"I didn't notice.."

"Me neither.."

Wispers passed about as the rest of the class awkwardly admitted they hadn't any clue. Denki didn't bother correcting any of them.

It certainly wasn't because he didn't want to embarress Momo infront of everyone so much. That had nothing to do withthe reason he kept quiet as the othees wiped the visible sweat from their brow.

As conversation once again broke out amongst the crowd. Quiet discussion about the revelation of the lie from their new homeroom teacher.

Some now more confident and no longer weighed down by their worry, stated their willingness to pass any test. Others simply chuckled at them while thanking whatever God was out there it was all just a lie.

"With that, we're done here.

There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them."

After letting the students recover from the roller coaster that was his various reveals throughout this horrifying first lesson at U.A. Aizawa finished up.

He had spent so long on the test that he had no time to go through their curriculum with them. Although he counted it as both another reality of hero training for them.

As well as a thankful reprieve from the tedium for him if he were being honest. Not that he would admite it openly. He turned his gaze on to the person who had just scraped by into second to last place.


His voice picking up slightly to sound over the noise of his excited students.

"Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office."

Midoriya nodded at him as he gave a crooked smile back. The boy seemed so weak and defenseless it was hard to imagine him as a hero in training.

Turning back to everyone he got their attention before they started dispersing.

"Everyone! Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests.

Prepare yourself."

With that he left. No more words, nothing. He simply left them to collect their curriculum up by themselves.

Denki just smiled as he chortled at the eccentric actions of their moody new homeroom teacher.

"Come on Momo, lets go."