Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Welcome to previous readers who have read the Gamer Path series thus far. This would be No.4 of Gamer Path, starting with a new MC after the previous one. The story tells of this path that opens to the world of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. The danger is constant, always filled with those in power doing as they please. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge of this new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"
Chapter 92: Camping Trip Aftermath
~Ren Y. POV~
[Day 4, UA Highschool, Heights Alliance, Musutafu, Japan]
After yesterday, everyone began adjusting to the latest news about the hero's win. Vlad King sensei got the word out because 15 minutes after the villains escaped, other pros showed up to search for the villains.
Out of the 40 students, every single one got off without a scratch, and one of them was revealed to be a traitor in Class 1-A. Fortunately, the Aoyama Family was also taken into custody for their protection and their trials for endangering the students of UA.
Another good thing that came from this is that the villains didn't get Ragdoll's Quirk [Search] in the process. It was another reason they attacked the Summer Camp Trip since her Quirk is useful in All for One's eyes.
On the other side, three villains were arrested at the scene and one Nomu. But except for those others vanished without a trace…
The summer training camp we'd all been looking forward to ended in the worst way imaginable. But at the very least, this isn't the worst-case scenario where students were injured, one captured, and a hero lost their Quirk.
All in all, this is the best outcome for everyone involved. Not only that I also managed to take down the traitor allowing me to freely help my classmate's stats and hopefully refine their Quirks in the future.
Walking onto the first floor, everyone from classes 1-A had time to adjust after learning of Aoyama as I made everyone breakfast to hopefully have a stomach of good food to ease the tension in the air.
Everyone eventually returned to the first floor, already grubbing down on the food provided, but the silence still reigned within the area. With the reigning silence in the air, someone broke the silence with Bakugo stating a fact in a neutral tone, "Why the heck are you guys so down about? The crap we went through because of him. Don't forget a crime's a crime, with us being the biggest victims here. Can you really trust the guy who almost got us killed twice?"
Stating the fact down, everyone remained silent, with Shoto slowly agreeing in a stoic tone, taking his seat, "As much as I don't like it, Bakugo is stating a fact. And it doesn't help that the villains sent a Nomu at us and knew of our location. I think you all feel the same way?"
They nodded their heads slowly, understanding as I began to agree with the two in a calm tone, taking my seat on the couch, "I agree with the two. If I wasn't aware, nor had I informed the adults about this, the whole situation could've been very different. We got off lucky before any real danger could happen as such or worse, possibly kidnapped one of us in this event."
They all flinched hearing that since Nezu warned everyone here this time from Aoyama's phone that they planned to get a target. And they planned to use Aoyama to lure one of us to be isolated where they could be ambushed.
Hearing our words, Jiro spoke up in a disdained tone about Aoyama, crossing her arms and sneering, "I'm not sure how you guys feel, but I'm glad that guy is gone. Aoyama might've had his reasons, but that put all of us on the chopping block. If that guy is gone, we no longer must worry about any more ambushes in the future."
Kind of ironic out of everyone for her to say that. In the story, she was knocked out by the poisonous gas during the Camping Trip Arc along with Toru.
But Jiro's words do make sense, with Shinso ultimately agreeing and contemplating the idea once the discussion was open, voicing his thoughts in a neutral tone, "… I'm with Jiro on this one. With this, we don't have to worry about our lives on the line in school, at the very least. If anything, we must train even harder now than ever before."
Listening to Shinso's words, everyone ultimately agreed after giving some thought to things. That was when Sero pointed out in a calmer tone, seemingly relieved, "Heh. That's easy to say it's not like we can suddenly power up in a moment. Not like there's a shortcut for us to get stronger fast."
I smirked when he said that as I spoke out since it was finally time to reveal my gamer status without Aoyama in a confident tone, "I wouldn't say that Sero. In fact, just yesterday the Principal gave me the okay sign to start revealing another secret bombshell."
Seeing Kirishima slammed his head down, he asked in a tired tone of me holding secrets that everyone doesn't know, "Argh…!! Seriously, man, are you dropping another bombshell on us? Again!! How many secrets are you gonna break our world, man?!!"
I laughed lightly at his response. But I soon returned to the matter at hand, dismissing Kirishima's shock, "Hahaha… quite a few I have that can break one's perspective. But that's for another time. Hmm… I guess now's as good a time as any…"
Muttering, I thought back to the moment Nezu gave me the green light to proceed with getting my classmates stronger. All eyes were now on me as I exclaimed the truth in a blunt tone, "As difficult as this might be to believe, my true Quirk, [The Gamer] or [Gamer's Path], basically makes me a character from a video game. And it doesn't just affect me but the world around me. My Quirk classification is Actualization-Type, one of only two types of Quirks to ever be registered currently in the world the other belongs to Stars and Stripes, the No.1 Hero in America."
There was a following lengthy silence, this time the result of genuine shock, Kirishima, breaking the ice, asked in a confused tone, "Are you for real man? I've never even heard of an Actualization-type Quirk…"
I snickered lightly as I explained to my classmates the importance of my 'Quirk' for them to understand in a lighthearted tone, "Neither had I before the principal informed me with Stars and Stripes Quirk being strictly confidential at the same level of importance. But that's one of the reasons I receive so much special treatment from the school. Another application of my 'Quirk' is that I can use it to empower others, permitting even Quirkless individuals to become stronger, faster, luckier, or even more intelligent. I just simply 'increase' my target's stats."
It took a few seconds for others, but Denki spoke up in a surprised tone, leaping to his feet and shouting, "Wait, you're saying you can help us become stronger? That's why your class rankings are so highly placed! You used your Quirk to make yourself stronger and smarter! That's totally not fair, man…!!"
I dismissively waved off his distress as I leaned my back, explaining to them, now have the chance, in a relaxed tone, "Geez, relax, man. It's not like that's what we're supposed to do here in UA to get stronger. But to prove my point, I'll give an example of how it works. Any volunteers since I received permission from the principal, so how about it?"
Everyone looked at me skeptically before Momo asked, confused about my Quirk [All in One]. I explained to them it was a customization option of choosing what Quirk to go along with my gamer abilities, much to their surprise.
Having that cleared up, four were chosen to volunteer. Those 4 are Ochaco, Kendo, Toru, and Shoto.
With them stepping up I soon spoke to them in a chill tone setting up the party, "Good. Now I'll show you. Ahem! Form a Party with Ochaco, Kendo, Toru, and Shoto under the name Gamebreaker."
The girls yelped in surprise, seeing blue window screens appearing in front of them. Kendo first asked in a stunned tone, "Is this some kind of joke…?"
['Itsuka Kendo' you have been invited to the party 'Gamebreaker'.]
[Do you accept/deny?]
Seeing that exact reaction, I calmly explained to them as they checked their status windows in a relaxed tone, "It's not a holographic projection if that's what you're wondering. Just ask around. Other than the 5 of us, no one else can see the notification windows that just appeared."
Skeptical they were surprised when I confirmed my statement, with Shinso's expression becoming serious as he asked, "Did a notification window appear? Like in one of those full-dive VR games because we're not seeing them on our end."
Toru nodded her head calmly, replying as she played around with the status window showing up in an amazed tone, "Yup! This is so unreal, but a notification definitely appeared!"
Without waiting, they all clicked the [accept] icon, entering my party. Shoto's eyes opened wide as he spoke in a confused tone, "Are these my stats? Is Level 30 good?"
I answered in a pleased tone, seeing that he was starting to use his fire side effectively, "It's good. Your level determines how strong or how dangerous you are. The higher you are, the stronger you're assumed to be. By either technique, skill, or power."
Shoto mutters out loud in an impressed tone, "I see…"
Before they go ahead, empowering them, I spoke up, getting their attention on what to expect in a calm tone, "Now, before you all go ahead and start accumulating your stats, there is something you should know before doing so. When you add a stat to you guys, you'll feel your body will feel a pleasurable sensation wash over you."
They paused, hearing that part as I explained the reason why to them in a neutral tone with my arms crossed, "The reason why is that while my Quirk supplements your body, increasing your 'stats,' you will react to the changes pleasantly. When a 'stat' is introduced into your body, your cells will react and be overcharged to the boost, adapting to the sudden increase, causing a pleasurable sensation to the body happily accepting the changes."
Listening to my words of advice, they all began to adjust their stats differently to each other as they each checked their respective stat areas to increase. Some of them even had titles attached to them as they checked out the perks of changing their status.
But soon came the moment when they all adjusted their stats. Their eyes widened as Ochaco panted I grabbed her shoulder for her to lean on, asking in a semi-worried tone for them, "Whoa… you okay there, Ochaco? Everyone? Need a quick breather or any water for you guys?"
Ochaco was panting a bit hard, as were the rest of the party members, soon regaining control of themselves with a flushed face, said in a happy tone, "Y-Yeah… I felt… feels amazing… it's like I had more energy than I usually have when I reach 50 VIT. Pant… pant… it feels good. It was just surprising, is all… whew."
When everyone who was in my party was checked over and revealed to be fine, it was then that my classmates agreed to get the boost. Even Bakugo agreed since Shoto took steps to get stronger quickly, each adjusting to their respective field physical attributes with the class finally showing a smile again.
Despite what Yuga has done to Class 1-A of his actions I suppose bringing a smile on their faces is the next best thing I should do as their Class Rep upbringing morale to them as best I can. Because they won't have much choice in the coming trials ahead of us.
But at the very least, though, their levels skyrocketed when they had the chance to boost their stats. They certainly leveled up in my eyes when I used my [Observe] skill on them blinking just to be assured I was seeing things.
[Itsuka Kendo Lv.25 Martial Artist]
[Denki Kaminari Lv.28 UA Student]
[Eijiro Kirishima Lv.28 Hard Worker]
[Kinoko Komori Lv.21 Dreaming Idol]
[Kyoka Jiro Lv.22 Rockstar]
[Himiko Toga Lv.25 Deviant]
[Tenya Ida Lv.30 Ingenium Heir]
[Yui Kodai Lv.25 Ice Queen]
[Hanata Sero Lv.22 UA Student]
[Fumikage Tokoyami Lv.30 The Dark Knight]
[Shoto Todoroki Lv.35 Todoroki Heir]
[Hitoshi Shinso Lv.22 Aizawa's Pupil]
[Toru Hagakure Lv.20 Deviant]
[Momo Yaoyorozu Lv.30 Prodigy]
[Mina Ashido Lv.23 Dancer]
[Tsuyu Asui Lv.23 Big Sister]
[Katsuki Bakugo Lv.35 King Explosion Murder]
[Ochaco Uraraka Lv.21 Infinity Girl]
Well… they're still growing strong, and with me providing stats to boost them, I won't have to worry much. Still, I wonder what UA's doing right now with the information I provided them and the media…