

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
34 Chs

Chapter 1: New Game+

Chapter 1: New Game+

~? POV~

[The Void of Guild of Gamers]


What happened to me the last I recall…– what?


Where am I? Why can't I remember my name…?!! I know everything else but besides that, my name is coming to a blank and…

Fuck. I can't even remember my folks or anything else other than some media topics and general school education…

What the hell… And… why am I just a ball of light?!

And why does it look like I'm in this void-like area? I was just your regular good-for-nothing citizen according to my lack of memories following the system as intended but then suddenly… shit.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks over my head. Well, non-existent head anyway. Bam! Kapow!

Got hit by a complete accident by what some would call a hit and run with some robber grabbing the cash and police after them. I didn't save the day or that kind of shit like others dying.

Just an innocent bystander at the wrong place at the wrong time. Talk about shitty luck am I right boys?

What got me was the police car hitting me on the side making me swirl over and my fresh corpse studying those paying jobs as a chemist while I chill with my life on the usual cartoons or anime.

But fuck me, right? Not everyone gets what they want and such a shame too…

I was hoping to relax with my life in my hands and yet here I am unable to do anything as I be cast away into heaven in my college years nearly done.

Bloody hell that sucks… but I swear to God if I must go to school even in Heaven. I would be pissed if I had to take classes trying to climb up the social order to be an angel… or demon. Hope that wouldn't be the case…

Still though dying sucks at such a young age though I think…. Sadly, enough though those are terms I must come up with as much as I hate the idea.

Where will I go in this void-like area though is the terrifying thought if I'm being completely honest. There's just darkness stretching in this place making feel very eerily like the backrooms as my vision blurs…

I hope I'm wrong about the last part. Tch. Snorting near my death because of this fool I couldn't help but pity these kinds of parasites living in this world.

And yet I don't want to die…

If only I had a second chance… Just one more chance!

As if the universe listened to me or the void in this case, I soon saw a rectangle-shaped popup screen appear in front of me causing me to groan at the cliché.


[After reviewing your life and background checks you have been given an offer to have a second chance at life or proceed to the afterlife!]

[You have caught the attention of Jack Nights having the required criteria needed to be a member of the Guild of Gamers!]

[Game over. Life is over.]

[Do you wish to play a new game we call life?]

[Merely join the Guild after reading the [Contracts] tab here. After doing so you are allowed the choice to pass the afterlife or gain the chance to relive your story path. [Accept]/[Deny]?]

Pausing at this I was confused. I know my vision is blurred but how the heck can I see this?

I mean I did want a second life. And here it is on a silver platter in front of me. Cautious though I read the tab that was highlighted on [Contracts] carefully. Let me see here….

When I die, he gains my abilities… guaranteed insured he won't interfere… and will provide the choice of worlds you wish to be sent to the best of his ability… granting 3 skills of my choice before entering the world…

The fuck? I read the last part carefully trying to understand the concept why adding this phrasing to the contract…

I just merely don't be a cancer or multiverse parasite to other worlds.

The fuck? How is the last one a thing? Whatever.

Regardless after reading the contracts and information I accepted the screen soon changed providing me the options of worlds. And I do mean plenty of worlds provided termed as Story Modes.

[Select Your Story Mode:

[High School DxD]





[Black Clover]


Hmm… not gonna lie there are plenty of options for me to choose from. However, which ones should I pick to live my new life?

Each world has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on which world I could be good living in or screwed over if my media knowledge isn't good enough.

And that's only accounting canon events to boot. Things like crossovers or game/novel media could also be things to consider.

Fortunately, though if I had to pick a world… I would pick this one. This one is my favorite and have read all its novels despite the controversy of people's opinions.


[You have selected the world of Villans and Heroes [MHA]!]

[Would you like to have the settings for an extra challenge?

-Easy (Pussy)



Once you have made your choice you can no longer change the options once you go through your second life.]

I gazed upon the settings for my challenge in the MHA world. Hmm… I do like an extra challenge and each of the provided settings gives me details of what they provide for the player.

[Easy (Pussy): It means what it says pussy. Pick this then why did I bother having you enter? Entering this mode will grant you a simple reincarnation in the world without the benefits provided wishing you the best of luck in your second chance at life.]

[Standard: Standard will grant the user the ability to do quest-gaining rewards. But it will drop the Player into the world at the very start of the series giving them a few days to adapt and make means for themselves granting the choice of where to come.]

[Hardcore: This is meant for players who don't rely on Quest gaining extra perks compared to the constant Quest in the [Standard] setting. The extra perks you're given a background of a person in that world without worrying about your profile while having a single ability customized that fits the world but must not break the mold of the world.]

Interesting… compared to the others I kind of like the [Hardcore] option. And it said it involved extra perks compared to the others, right?

Ain't no pussy that's for sure. No balls I'm gonna do it!


[You have selected [Hardcore] setting! Changes confirmed!]

[Do you want to customize your Qurik, choose one at random, or go Quirkless?]

Pausing at this… I wonder? Activating on the customization option pretty much resembles the game 'Jump Force' choosing my options and race depending on the races chosen. But since I chose MHA it says human for races… but quirks though…

[All For One]. [New Order]. [Copy]. [One for All]. [Double]. [Reflector]. [Technopathy]. [Fire Force] …

Man…. The list goes on pretty much. Each power has a lot to offer each has its distinctive advantages or disadvantages for some… But it did say I could customize a Qurik of my choosing right?

Hmm… How about one that copies others? Not like the [Copy] shown from that Class 1-B kid no. I want my copies to be permanently onto my skills not deleted since I'll need all the advantages I can get.


[You gained the Quirk: [All in One]!]

When choosing the race was done, I then decided to organize my character looks. Considering I'm living in an anime world I think black hair for my guy with blue eyes isn't that bad. Soon I had to input a name pausing at this…

[Name Input: Ren Yuki]

Considering the place, I want to go I figured pick this name. A random Japanese name I think sounds cool. I saw another pop-up to gain my skills as promised in the [Contracts] tab.


[Skill List:


-Deep Pockets

-Perfect Vision…]

Whoa… the list certainly is long. And I can choose 3 of them, right?

Let's see…

Choosing from the remaining ones I picked out these for me for starting growth… hmm… in that case these should do the trick…

I chose the skill that would help compliment me the most in a world like MHA. And reading the effects I decided to pick them out mostly for my convincing sake.

[Language Comprehension]

[All Kinds of Talent]


I picked those 3 mostly to have an edge. If I had my face I would grin at these choices. The first one I read was a multiversal language usage. Could help decipher or learn foreign world languages.

Combine that with [All Kinds of Talent] I could seriously be a real threat to Heroes, Villains, and Vigilantes with the potential boost in the LUCK stats being +25 early on. I want to have the advantage of course.

As for the [Sub-Space] skill acts like an inventory. Won't be as strong as I want but it will grow along with its user. And can store pretty much anything to a degree.

When everything was done the screen showed up again revealing where I would go.

[All preparations are complete! Hope you enjoy your New Life+!]

[Enjoy your new game on [MHA] Story Mode!]


~Third POV~

[Musutafu, Kamino Junior High, Japan]

Ren Yuki was a child of Japanese descent who had grown up in an orphanage on the outer banks of Mustafu. He was a quiet kid for his age and often preferred things like reading books compared to sports like many of the other kids.

It was because Ren had no friends, but he wasn't treated badly or with disdain, so he didn't mind all too much. This suddenly changed when he turned 4 years old diagnosed as being Quirkless.

For a child, Ren was exceedingly well observant, so he was quick to notice the small changes in behavior around him. The bullying from the kids was instant, but that much was to be expected, they were kids and kids were stupid.

The adults only gazed at him with pity and some disdained. This continued for the remaining 10 years living with the harsh reality that is legally accepted for the Quirkless Ren considering most of the world has Quirks as a random superpower.

He often got sympathetic looks from random people, but no one helped him, not even a hero. He struggled at times to find money doing odd jobs, but he managed until he finally made it to Junior High.

He wore the official uniform of his institute, which consisted of a light-colored dress shirt and tie, as well as a dark blue blazer. His attending Kamino Junior High School following the classroom hallway he soon groaned in pain placing his hand and leaning on the wall for support, "Argh… damn why did that god…"

Ren soon got over the initial shock of being in another world, he found himself quite excited to be in a world full of superpowers, but not as enthusiastic as he was expecting. Instantly a headache came as he groaned in pain.

The process of obtaining the former student Ren Yuki overflowed into the blank soul becoming one of the same people. From the memories he gained, he was reminded of the harsh treatment of the quirkless scowling at the thought.

He calmed down breathing in and out as he walked down the hallway recalling his starting class in a calm tone gazing at the new path ahead of him, "Phew… seems like I'm just starting this school year huh? But I need a new living place soon…"

Gazing at the path ahead a new sense of confidence overflowing from him. Clasping his hands together in a confident tone, "… time to change this world. One that befits my standards…"

Striding in confidence Ren already has a plan in mind as he enters inside starting class for his future.


A/N: Welcome folks to the new Gamer Path series! It's time for the MC to go beyond and show this world to game on!