
54 Family Time

As I was following Aizawa sensei we reached a room getting inside he told me "Close the door. And sit down."

And I did as he said. Then he spoke "There's an invitation for you to go to the I island, it's given to the winners of the sport's festival. Here you go."

Saying that he handed the invitation over to me. Looking at it I told him "Sensei, I think that I'll pass on this one."

"Are you sure about it?"


"May I know the reason?"

"Ah, that... well, I have other engagements during that time, so I would like to decline."

"Alright, they did say that if the first place declined the invitation, to give it to the runner up. So I'll give this to Bakugo."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Yeah. Now for the other matter, you're training camp has been decided, and me and Vlad will be there with some other pro heroes. But I want you to patrol the area as we did during the internship when you're there. This is a task from me, and you've to do whether you like it or not git it?"

"Yes sir."

"That's it. You can leave now."

"Thank you sir." Saying that I left the room to the changing room.

After that I left to home.

As soon I reached there Hana ran into me and said "Can I see Eri again?"

"What? You don't want your brother anymore?"

"I didn't say that!!!"

"It's alright, I'm just joking. We'll see her tomorrow got it?"

"Mmm.mm. Ah... Fuyumi-nee called you."

"Did she now?"

"Yes. She said that she'll be coming over here today to stay over."

"Alright. Before she reach here let's make some cake okay?"





In a bar we can see Tomura Shigaraki staring at the picture of Midoriya, then there was a knock on the door and a man entered saying "You know, you're the talk of the town now. And I've bought some people that wants to join you."

"And who would that be, Giran?"

"Go in." As Giran said that three people entered the room.

As soon as they entered the girl in highschool uniform said "You were with Stain right? Take me in your team." and started to laugh.

A man who looks a lizard spoke "I'm here to do what Stain has started. And since he was with you guys I'll be also joining your group."

The third person didn't say anything he just stood there. He look's to be at the age of twenty, and have a scar on his face.

Looking at the three people who was bought here by Giran, Shigaraki told Kurogiri "Kurogiri, I will be going out for a while." Saying that he went out of the bar.

Inside the bar Kurogiri looking at the monitor asked "Is it alright master? First his plan with the students failed now with Stain he also failed. Will he be alright?"

<It's alright. I'll be giving him all the freedom tondo as he likes. But if asks for my help then save him.>

"As you say Master."

<And Kurogiri, when he come back, tell him that have two more underlings from me. They're fresh and they're both after blood. Just to point them in his direction.>

"Alright sir."




"So, Fuyumi, how was your day?" Hina asked Fuyumi.

"It was good. There were no problems at work."

"Yeah, like someone is going to make problem to at your own father's agency." Haruto said.

"Well, that's true."

"Fuyumi-nee, can we go out tomorrow?"

"Of course we can."

"Yay.. you're the best."

"What?? Hana-chan is dumbing brother again?"

"Yes." She said that with a straight face towards Haruto.

"Hahhahahahsh..... " Hearing this Hina and Sho started to laugh, and the rest joined them in it.

After that Sho asked Haruto "So, I heard you declined the invitation to I Expo."

"Hah... that reached here huh? Should have figured that out."

"Wait. Are you saying that you declined the invitation to I Expo?" Fuyumi asked.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"You do know that it's one of the largest Expo right?"

"I do."

"Scientists, heroes, and people from all around the world gather on I-Island to showcase the advancement of Quirk technology. This event is sponsored by big companies that send invites for highly regarded Pro Heroes. Civilians and students can also receive invitations through Pros. You could find a potential sponsor there when you become a pro. You know that right?"

"Ah.. well, it's not I don't understand it. It's just that there's nothing for me there."

"Are you sure? What will you do when you become a pro?"

"At that time, I'll sponsor myself."


"Well, I'll start a gaming company or something similar. I know that it's not the famous one in the current society, but believe me I'll make it more profitable than any other business."

"Are you that sure?" Sho asked me.

"Hundred percent. And that's not the only thing I'll be focusing, but that will be surprise."

"It's your life and your choice. We will say our opinion, taking it into consideration is your choice."

"Thanks mom."

After that we ate food and went to bed. Fuyumi slept with Hana, and me, I donned on the Mark 1 suit and started to do vigilante work.

For the things I'm going to do in the future, I'll need this persona, and thanks to the guns and other gadgets I've made with the help of the resource realm it'll be easier.

This is the beginning of the 'Night Time Vigilante' in Musutafu.




-----------Chapter 54 End----------