Reborn as Neito Monoma was quite the shock, but living his second life as a jealous copycat wasn't Neito's idea of a good time. Watch how the new Neito takes it upon himself and pushes the power of copy to it's maximum potential.
Neito was feeling pretty good about himself right now, he used his mother's ' body shaper ' quirk to make his eyes super large.
What this did was increase the surface area of his eyes, and his quirk made sure his brain can handle whatever new body shape he gave himself.
But all was not good.
* Click *
" Giggle "
Neito's mom was giggling and taking pictures of Neito, as he sat bobble headed, starting at study material with eyes larger than his torso.
* Giggle *
* Click *
But Neito had enough of this, turning towards her, his large grey eyes attempted to look angry.
" No! "
Said Neito, his mom looked serious for a second, then slowly raised the camera and
* ... Click *
* Giggle *
Neito sighed but didn't attempt to change back either, maintaining this state was important to him.
By making his eyes bigger he proportionally increased his visual cortex's ability to process information.
In simple words, it made him capable of flipping through pages in a single second and read everything anyway.
" Whatever, I'll just do my own thing. "
To that his mom smile and clapped happily, giving him encouragement to continue being cute, well, and study too that was important as well.
Neito ignored that and his big eyes opened wide, he continued to flip through the final pages of the book.
' I am almost done, I have gone through everything I need to go through. Even practiced Nezu's UA high papers, I am good to go. '
Closing his book Neito closed his eyelids and his eyes shrunk back to normal, his head following suit, he was no longer a bobble head.
" Awww I wanted to take a few more pictures, no fun. "
Neito fully ignored his childish mother and rubbed his head, it seems doing this put a lot of pressure on him.
But that was normal, even if human body adapts to a quirk, it has limits, Kaminari can still be electrocuted by his own Quirk if he passes a threshold.
Neito's mother seeing him like this quickly came to him and held his head.
" Oh dear, it's quirk overuse, look at this, your hairfall has started. "
Brushing a bunch of blonde hair falling off Neito's head, his mom shook her head.
Neito was taken aback, this was the first time he went through a symptom of quirk overuse, he didn't know his copy quirk was also bound to the original quirk's rules.
" Oh shit.. so does it grow back? "
Asked Neito, who was not looking forward to being a bald four year old.
Laughing lightly his mother brushed off all the loose hairs and pulled his cheeks.
" Of course they do, and you don't need to wait for them to grow back either, just relax and recover, then use your quirk to grow out your hair again. "
Looking at Neito's suprised face his mom has a smug look.
" Hehe, don't be so surprised, body shaper is my quirk, I have used it for 20 years, no matter how smart you are baby, I am still more experienced than you at the little things. "
" I.. I see mom. "
Neito fell silent after hearing that, he was beginning to think his copy ability coupled with his mind would more or less push him beyond the original owners.
But that isn't something he will take for granted any longer, the original owner has the instinctual response attached to the quirk, Neito does not copy that part.
' I see, someone like Bakugo comes with rage issues to make him sweat better, but I won't have that in my copy, I have to figure out everything by myself. '
An attached instinct lets the orginal owner understand just how to use their quirk best, so Neito might not think of something that is obvious to the orginal user.
This was the core reason why Neito's mind had recieved an upgrade, to counter the lack of necessary instincts that should come with a quirk.
" Thank's mom, I didn't want to be bald so early, at least I have to get infinite strength in exchange for it first. "
Neito murmered the last part, thinking of the one true hero, Mr Caped Baldy himself.
His mom looked at him with a little confusion but shrugged and assumed he is talking about something random, Neito was still a child after all.
" Alright Neito, now no more studying, you have overused your quirk, you need rest, I'll wake you up when dad arrives. "
Nodding his head Neito closed the books and jumped down, he was actually feeling okay now but he decided to rest anyway.
He was almost done doing everything he could, and he wasn't someone who over completes things, this was good enough for today.
Now as soon as he gets up from his nap, he should be face to face with the tester, they are supposed to be pretty brutal, their jobs are making sure someone with intelligence quirk's aren't cheating.
' Only real, biological geniuses can skip grades, using Quirk to do that is thought of as unfair practice, somehow, I call bullshit but whatever. '
Neito didn't have enough brainpower to care about such unreasonable nonsense anymore, he was going to sleep now.