
MHA: A Spirit User

untextured088 · 漫画同人
8 Chs

The Rose Dojo

Waking up to the sound of my dad's snores wasn't that great, but I merely sighed and got up. Looking at the time it was only 7 in the morning, perfect time for waking up. Looking at the small white fox curled into a ball on my bed, a smile suddenly grew on my face. Seeing it so calmed and relaxed, it may be due to my power but, a nice feeling started spreading in my heart.

Oh well, looks like we have to wake up now. My possession level with the white fox is at 5. So far I've had no luck at breaking the level 5 mark, but I'm getting there. This must be what people call a threshold, where the experience needed to level up significantly increases.

Connecting my mind with my little pet, I eased it into waking it up. As the sheets ruffled a bit from the fox moving, I was proud at how it's not phasing through items now. Maybe at one point, I can materialise the fox into the 'real' world and make it fight for me.

Patting the spirit, I got out of bed and got washed up. Looking in the mirror once I was finished, I looked at my beast's eye. It was a much paler pastel yellow than my right eye's iris. But it didn't even feel that different, it was just like my other eye. Or was it just sharing the effect on both eyes? I wonder...

Putting on my clothes, I looked over to the bed where the now awake spirit fox looked attentively at me. I chuckled and made it possess me. It was my daily routine to keep my fox possession to level it up faster, but so far after a few weeks there's been no result. So I just keep it on to help me control this baby body on mine and hopefully one day level it up.

As a few second passed, I now had white fox ears and a tail along with the possession buff. Stepping out into the hallway, I looked over to my parent's room to see if mum's here. Nowadays they've been calling her a lot and I'm a bit worried. Are we at war again?

Stretching my shoulders and legs a bit, I entered into the living room. Waking over to the kitchen, I grabbed a box of cereal from the cupboard and grabbed some milk from the fridge. Holding my bowl of cereal, I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. Looking a the news about heroes, I finally found a channel talking about All Might and how's he's the potential number one hero. The symbol of Peace.

Switching channels again I saw one talking about the crime rate. It's been at an all time high right now and I'm trying to find out why. It might be because of the Yakuza war we might be in? I mean, there is the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza group in this world. They could be involved in this as well? Just maybe... Looking down, I saw my now soggy cereal. At this point, I'm going to start liking it.

"Honey? Charles?"

"Mum, I'm here on the couch. Dads still sleeping!"

Switching the T.V to a kids channel, I looked at my mum. She was clad in full back clothes and wore a distinct red jacket with a rose on the back, a symbol of our group. Walking over to where I was, she hugged me and kissed my ears, making me squirm a bit.

"Good morning Charles, sorry I was late~ But happy birthday!"

Pulling a box, seemingly out of nowhere, she handed me the present.

"Thanks mum!"

Opening it, it was just normal clothes and some lollies. Mum was already used to my nature, and how toys weren't really meant for me. So instead of giving me stuff like that she just buys me clothes and shoes, which is better at least.

As I fully opened the box, there was a white card at the bottom. Picking it up, I inspected it in front of my mum. It was about a dojo which was simply called, The Rose Dojo? At the bottom is had contacts for people that seemed very familiar.

"Sorry to bring this up on your birthday, but today's the day you start training. Now that you're 4 years old, which is the usual age for awakening a quirk, you have to start training now..." As her face turned helpless, I smiled and tried cheering her up.

"Don't worry mum, you can still pet my ears when I come back-!"

"REALLY?" Before she drew too close for my comfort, I nodded in agreement. As I was hauled from the couch and into her arms, I was helpless against a hand rubbing against my ears.

Looking at the old building in front of me, it was the dojo mum talked about previously. Dad was the one that brought me here while my mum was resting at home. Looking at the ancient like dojo, it felt like I was under constant pressure from the building itself.

Taking a deep breath in, which my dad teased me for, I went in. The rooms inside was quite spacious and as I was taken back at how clean it all was. Considering the outside appearance, I though it was going to be shabby and very dusty. But it's the opposite, it was so clean!

As man approached dad, I inspected him. As they talked I had figured out that he was the master of this dojo. Although he was quite muscular and refined, he didn't look like the type of person to rule over a dojo. Keeping my doubts inside my head, I that dad had finished everything and finally turned over to me.

"Charles, I know this is sudden, but I want you to try your best. I know it'll be hard for the first few weeks, but please stay strong"

"You got it, dad! I've got everything under control!"

"That's my son! Now go, follow sensei Sakamoto and he'll get you started. Alright?"

"Alright" Following the man, he lead me into a separate room from the other members. From what I could see, a punch from one of them could kill me instantly. As I followed him, once I was in the middle of the room he told me to stand still.

"Now boy, hit my hand as hard as you can"

"As hard as I can?" Expecting an answer, all I got was a slight nod. Taking a deep breath, I pulled back a fist and exerted all of my power into that punch. I then twisted my body to increase the momentum of the punch to make it more powerful.


As my fist landed into his palm, all I felt was a wall! What was that!? Groaning softy, I looked at sensei Sakamoto once more who looked slightly interested. His eyebrow was raised and a small smirk crossed his lips.

"...Interesting, I wonder... boy, your father said that your quirk is a transformation type. This form right now, I'm guessing is your transformation?" I nodded while rubbing my poor red knuckles. "Turn it off, I will teach you without your transformation"

Sighing, I controlled the spirit within me to leave and rest a bit. Looking at the relaxed whit fox starting to sleep, I wondered why life was so unfair?

The man nodded at my now weakened/normal body. He then told me to pay attention while he displayed some forms. Watching him, it felt like I was watching a real life movie. Although nothing was there, the way he showed those forms, it felt like their was a real conviction to it all. As if an opponent was right in front of him.

My mind was in awe, but I was quickly taken out of my bewilderment as he told me to replicate the exact forms. Stumbling around, I closed my eyes and planted both feet solidly on the ground and started reminiscing about those memories.

Feeling my arms move without my will, I let them be. Looking back on the first form, I inspected his whole posture and position. Trying to replicate it, I embarrassingly felt myself nearly falling over. Catching myself in the moment, I quickly readjusted my back and tried again.

"Good, now try the second form"


Thinking back, I had barely remembered the other forms so I could only awkwardly stand around. Hoping the guy would understand or have some sympathy for me.

"Ok, that's enough. You've got talent little one. Do you know what you just did?" Shaking my head, the man chuckled. "You completed the 1st form in our ancestors sacred arts, the Forms of the Black Thorn. An ancient martial arts which consisted of 13 forms. The first obviously being the easiest, but hard nonetheless... I'll accept you as my pupil, you may call me sensei"

I might've had my mouth gaping open, but I quickly gathered myself and eased my excitement. "Yes, sensei!"


The only reason I was excited, was due to my system. I had got a skill and a level up!

[Art: Forms of the Black Thorn - lvl 1

Description: A sacred art form which is exclusively practised by the Rose family. Passed down from generation to generation, it's forms have evolved to near perfection and is a deadly, yet peaceful art.

Forms - 1st Form: Calming Sun, 2nd Form: ???, 3rd Form: ???...]

As we continued to practise the martial art only levelled up once, and that was only after a major beat down. But contrary to that, it was the only time where I had to fully utilise the form in combat and I didn't know how to fight.

Wiping the sweat off my head, I looked at my stat page. Placing 2 points on endurance and 1 on strength, dexterity and vitality. My stats are looking pretty good if I say so myself. I also made the fox possess me to help me recover a bit

[Name: Charles Rose]

[Health: 50/50 - Stamina: 60/60]

[Level: 1 - Title: Otherworldly]

[Quirk: Spirit Body - Quirk Level: 1]

[Strength: 3 (+1)]

[Vitality: 4 (+1)]

[Endurance: 6]

[Dexterity: 6 (+3)]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Perception: 6 (+2)]

[Points - 0]

(White Fox Possession - lvl 5 - Enhanced hearing)

(Forms of the Black Thorn - lvl 2 - 1st Form: Calming Sun)

As sensei left me to myself, I used my precious time to rest my bruises and red knuckles. Sighing to myself, I sat on the sweaty floor. It didn't feel nice, but at least it leaved me alone. My body was sore all over, but somehow after a few minutes I gathered my strength to gaze out into the window.

Through the trees not far from here was nest of baby sparrows. Seeing their mother feed them through an unpleasant looking meal, I chuckled. As they all chirped and ate their meals, I noticed one outcasted baby sparrow. It was just there standing lonely, looking at the family of birds.

I wondered why it wasn't joining in, or being fed? But then I noticed it's body. It was transparent, grey and bright... it was dead. A lonely bird, looking at the family it could've had if fate hadn't interfered. Suddenly my mood was ruined.

Despite my pain, I felt it was negligible against the pain that bird must've felt. I never thought animals could carry such emotion, but now I did. Standing by the window, I tired calling out to the bird.

After a few short moments, it finally looked back at me. I didn't know if all sparrows were like this, or animals in fact, but it's eyes... they were hollow, empty, scary.

"Are you all right?" As a faint light reappeared in its eyes, it chirped something back. Although I never understood animals in my past life, I clearly knew what it was trying to say. I'm sure this was due to my quirk letting me understand them. I'm sure if a sprit of a bridge came up to me and talked, I would've probably understood them. But if a bridge tried to talk with me, I'd probably never knew it was talking to me.

'Who are you?' Translating the bird, I smiled and tried speaking back.

"My names Charles! Do you want to be friends?"
